
nyc plastic surgeons breast augmentation

if a breast implant was shaped more likea breast, it would look more natural, right? that is the idea behind anatomicalimplants, also called shaped or tear drop implants. most of the fullness is at the bottom like a real breast, with less fullnessat the top. although this concept is interesting,this implant is not for everybody. firstly some women would benefit from or want more fullness in the upper part of the breast, so an implant that minimizes fullnessthere might not be a good idea. the second and main issue is that allanatomical implants are textured this means that implant has a roughsurface that is designed to keep it from moving. so shaped implants are firmer and have less natural movement or bounce than a smooth wall implant. and the rough surface of a textured implant is easier to feel through the breast tissue. so although the implant is shaped like abreast in terms of movement, it feels less natural than a round implant. and here's a little secret... when a woman

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hi, i'm dr. frank lista and we are filminghere in operating room number 1, here the plastic surgery clinic. lots of my patientswhen they come to see me, they say, "i hear that implants can be smooth or they can betextured. what's the difference?" well, an implant surface is either smooth or roughlike velcro, textured. let me show you a couple. so this implant has a textured surface andif you see, it's rough, like velcro. and this implant is smooth. now, implants are texturedfor a reason. if we use a teardrop shape implant, then the implant needs to be textured to keepthe implant in the right position. if we use a round implant, it can be textured or itcan be smooth. so implants are textured to help keep the implant in position, which isimportant if it's teardrop shaped, but not so important if it's round. the other thing,though, is that texturization was invented to help reduce a risk called capsular contracture.capsular contracture is a complication

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you are listening to dr. carlin vickery of5th avenue millennium aesthetic surgery well i would say the newest thing to happenwithin the last year is that the fda has finally gotten around to approving the cohesive gel,or in lay terms, gummy bear implants that are such a boon to our reconstructive patients.it's taken many many years, we've been involved in a study with these implants for over adecade and finally the fda has approved these implants. what is so important about these implantsis that, besides the fact that they are not a liquid gel, they have different shapes anddifferent sizes so that we can customize them for our reconstructive patients and get theman optimal results. and now we have, not only one company, but two companies that make themand so we really have a wealth of choices which we really didn't have before. or thepatients had to elect to be within a study which, actually our patients have been verygood about doing, but it gives them a measure of co

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tracy: for almost 42 years, janet liljeshranz[sp] fought hard to stay fit. janet: i work out every day and i lift weights. tracy: but one body part just wouldn't budge,so the former gymnast turned wife and mother of 2 started stashing money in her sock drawerfor breast augmentation surgery . janet: i just want to feel good about myself, tracy: as janet did her homework, researchingthe various implants and techniques, she learned about the new style 410 implant developedby oakcliff plastic surgeon, john tebbetts. dr. tebbetts: the 410 is the only implantin history that stimulated the development of techniques that allow us to let peoplerecover in 24 hours and be out to dinner the night of surgery. tracy: the 410, otherwise known as the gummybear implant is a shaped, form stable, cohesive gel implant. dr. tebbetts: if you cut this implant andyou cut this implant the more liquid gel is going to tend to move around more than themore solid gel. tracy: dr. tebbetts says the 410 is t

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if you've read the best breast or watchedany of our videos, you know how much importance we place on doing your research if you'regoing to have breast augmentation. let's say you've done your research. you'vepulled the trigger, and now you're scheduled for surgery. what about the night before andthe morning of? what do you do now? well here's a top five list of do's and don'ts to helpyou through what you shouldn't do the night before and what you certainly should do theday of surgery. the night before surgery contains all of thedon'ts. number one, don't eat spicy food the night before surgery. certainly try to eatan early dinner and nothing heavy after 9:00. number two, don't eat or drink anything aftermidnight. that means don't put that bottle of water beside the bed and absent mindedlythroughout the night or pop up in the morning and go for your favorite cup of coffee. havenothing to eat or drink after midnight. number thre

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really happy to be here in heerlennetherlands with doctors matthias rath and dr. alexandra niedzwiecki.thank you for joining us today and really excited to get your perspectiveyou've been sharing some things before the interview here with your treatmentprotocol before we get into that though i'll start with you doctor rath. wouldyou just shared your your education and how you got into medicine. these are twodifferent questions i get into medicine because i come from a very humanisticfamily. it was a location and interest to help others as i moved along i realizeof course that medicine is something different but i try to keep its very essence of serving others as we go reflect on thisinterview. i graduated from the university of hamburg germany medicaldoctor, have positions at the university there the student clinic in hamburg. i later moved to the german heart center in berlin, before accepting the position of head of cardiovascularresearch at the linus pauling institute w

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hi, i'm dr. frank lista and welcome to operatingroom number 1 here at the plastic surgery clinic. so lots of patients ask me about implantshape. so, basically, there are 2 different shapes of implants. implants can either beround or they can teardrop shaped. how do we choose? well, first of all, the numberone rule is, and if you've seen any of our videos so far you know the number one ruleis, create a breast that looks beautiful, that has a beautiful shape and looks natural.so, every patient gets an implant that's been determined to be the right implant for them.how do we decide that? well, first of all, implants can either be round or teardrop solet me show you an example. here's a round implant and here's a teardrop-shaped implant.you notice this implant is perfectly round. this implant has a shape that looks like ateardrop. now, this implant, the teardrop implant, is really useful for patients whohave droopiness, or if they have what we call constricted lowe