nyc breast augmentation

nyc breast augmentation

hi, i'm dr. frank lista and we are filminghere in operating room number 1, here the plastic surgery clinic. lots of my patientswhen they come to see me, they say, "i hear that implants can be smooth or they can betextured. what's the difference?" well, an implant surface is either smooth or roughlike velcro, textured. let me show you a couple. so this implant has a textured surface andif you see, it's rough, like velcro. and this implant is smooth. now, implants are texturedfor a reason. if we use a teardrop shape implant, then the implant needs to be textured to keepthe implant in the right position. if we use a round implant, it can be textured or itcan be smooth. so implants are textured to help keep the implant in position, which isimportant if it's teardrop shaped, but not

so important if it's round. the other thing,though, is that texturization was invented to help reduce a risk called capsular contracture.capsular contracture is a complication where the body forms scar tissue around the implantand makes the breast feel hard. it's not actually the breast that goes hard, it's not the implantthat goes hard, it's scar tissue around the implant that goes hard. that's called capsularcontracture. well, what we've discovered is that texturization reduces the risk of capsularcontracture, but only when the implant's place above the muscle. if the implant's placedabove the muscle, we think texturization lowers the risk of capsular contracture. but whenwe go behind the muscle, studies have shown that you can use round, you can use textured,or smoother textures, it doesn't make any

difference. the rate of capsular contractureis the same. so if the rate of capsular contracture is the same, we're going to use the one thathas the lower complication rate, and that's smooth. so generally, behind the muscle, weuse a smooth implant and above the muscle we use a textured implant to keep the rateof capsular contracture low. and that decision as to whether you should be above the muscleor behind the muscle depends on what's right for you. some people think that all implantsshould be placed above the muscle, other people think that that's not right. the answer isis that these implants have been invented just for that use and we'll use the implantthat's right for you in that situation. thanks for watching.


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