nyc breast augmentation cost

nyc breast augmentation cost

tracy: for almost 42 years, janet liljeshranz[sp] fought hard to stay fit. janet: i work out every day and i lift weights. tracy: but one body part just wouldn't budge,so the former gymnast turned wife and mother of 2 started stashing money in her sock drawerfor breast augmentation surgery . janet: i just want to feel good about myself, tracy: as janet did her homework, researchingthe various implants and techniques, she learned about the new style 410 implant developedby oakcliff plastic surgeon, john tebbetts. dr. tebbetts: the 410 is the only implantin history that stimulated the development of techniques that allow us to let peoplerecover in 24 hours and be out to dinner the

night of surgery. tracy: the 410, otherwise known as the gummybear implant is a shaped, form stable, cohesive gel implant. dr. tebbetts: if you cut this implant andyou cut this implant the more liquid gel is going to tend to move around more than themore solid gel. tracy: dr. tebbetts says the 410 is the moststudied implant ever. first in europe for 15 years and now in it's 9th year of studyin the u.s. it's only available under the watchful eye of 150 participating u.s. surgeonsand a 10 year commitment from patients to provide long term data to the fda.

dr. tebbetts: i designed this device to makethings better for the patient, period. one, make the device that last longer so they havefewer re-operations during their lifetime. 2, make a device that when the shell fellsthe gel filler is less likely to migrate anywhere and 3rd make a device that has a lower complicationand re-operation rate. tracy: we followed janet into surgery andthrough recovery to see the 410's result and if the 24 hour recovery time is realistic.the surgery lasts roughly 20 minutes with little to no bleeding. doctor tebbetts insertsthe style 410 through small incisions under janet's breast folds, sealing them with internalstitches. then, janet heads home. 6 hours after surgery we visit janet at her planohome. she's showered, made up, and cleaning

her pool. janet: i have no pain at all. this is exactlythe way i wanted to feel, this is exactly why i did this. tracy: and these are janet's results, beforeand after. janet: i feel beautiful. tracy: dr. tebbetts says the rapid recoveryis possible with other implants provided specific surgical techniques are used. again, the 410implant has not yet received fda approval but it should come soon. and it is expectedto cost more than other implants. for more information go to and click onlinks and numbers. tracy cornet, cbs 11 news.


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