no touch breast augmentation miami fl

no touch breast augmentation miami fl

really happy to be here in heerlennetherlands with doctors matthias rath and dr. alexandra niedzwiecki.thank you for joining us today and really excited to get your perspectiveyou've been sharing some things before the interview here with your treatmentprotocol before we get into that though i'll start with you doctor rath. wouldyou just shared your your education and how you got into medicine. these are twodifferent questions i get into medicine because i come from a very humanisticfamily. it was a location and interest to help others as i moved along i realizeof course that medicine is something different but i try to keep its very essence

of serving others as we go reflect on thisinterview. i graduated from the university of hamburg germany medicaldoctor, have positions at the university there the student clinic in hamburg. i later moved to the german heart center in berlin, before accepting the position of head of cardiovascularresearch at the linus pauling institute which of course led into various fieldsof research including cancer. that’s the sequence of that. i have a phd in biochemistry from university warsaw poland andlater on i did my postdoctoral work in the field of molecular biology of celldivision at the rockefeller university new york and then later i started mywork in the area of mechanisms of aging at the university of toronto in canada

aging project actually brought me towork to continue my work at the linus pauling institute in palo alto. that’s where we met, a few years later we decided to launchour own research organization after the death of professor pauling and that's whatconnects us what has been connecting us over the past decades then we started working on common projects, on the area of heart disease all themicro-nutrients in heart disease. and expanded to cancer, and also infectious diseases and mostly chronic health problems that people suffer. you mentioned, dr. pauling, linus pauling, most people realize that he wasassociated with vitamin c is this when you mention micronutrients is is vitaminc a micronutrient or what exactly do you mean by micronutrients? yes vitamin cis a micronutrient. generally micro-nutrients comprise vitamins, minerals, trace elements, certain amino acids, phytochemicals, or phytologicals as we call them, extracts from plants, small

molecules that have a distinct metabolicrole in the cells of the body. we're fighting a war on cancer that began in1972 i think according to president nixon so does it make sense to you to befighting a war because in a war there's people dying i mean is that the rightapproach to have a war on cancer doctor niedzwiecki? yeah so many casualties ofthis war and end of this war is not even site and one of the reasons why this warcontinues is the money that are being made in this war and this refers to the treatmentso-called treatments that are being used in cancer: chemotherapy and radiation.chemotherapy uses the most powerful toxin ,toxins known to humans and this toxins of course are being sold to

us as substances that can kill cancercells but these substances also kill annihilate, healthy cells in the body, damage its organs, which make recovery from cancer almost impossible and alsothis very substances that are being used to fight cancer are cancer-causingchemicals so instead of eliminating cancer or curbing cancer we are inducinggenerating new cancers not a bad business model if you're in it for themoney. big pharmaceutical companies producing the drugs to treat cancer thatis actually causing cancer. doctor rath i have seen you have writtenextensively about big pharmaceutical companies what what do you think aboutthat? unfortunate ty, you're right. we all

think that the pharmaceutical industryhas been around for ages to take care of the health problems of humanity. try toalleviate suffering prevent death. if you know that the birth hour of thepharmaceutical industry is actually a deliberate decision by a handful ofpeople on this side and on the other side of the atlantic ocean to define diseaseas a marketplace and built what has now become the largest investment industryupon that simple thought. so cancer is just one element of this unspeakablebusiness of defining diseases as a marketplace, everything else that you seetoday around the pharmaceutical industry the tremendous profits, the inability toeliminate diseases, the propaganda war

from that side that they are actuallymaking progress in any disease all of that comes from the fact that it's abusiness model, an investment industry that thrives on thecontinuation of existing diseases and the launching of new diseases anddoctor niedzwiecki just mentioned: one trick that they use they produce patented syntheticdrugs from which they know that sooner or later they cause new diseases by themere side effects so as you say it's a fantastic businessmodel and maybe one aspect is important to for the audience and that is theprinciple of patentability in other words, once you define a business as aninvestment business you have to define

the return on investment. in thepharmaceutical industry these are patent fees, royalties, then the next step is howdo you get a patent? you only get a patent if you do something new and mostof the patents in the pharma-industry therefore relate to syntheticallydefined new drugs, artificially created in other words the body doesn't knowthem these molecules and treats them as toxins and in many cases ourorgans are not able to detoxify them and there you have it as a result of thisbusiness model of being an investment industry, you have this avalanche of sideeffects factored into this business model. and another aspect is that the majority of drugs that are being

used to treat our diseases are the drugs that treat only symptoms. just to make sure that your numbers looks better, and there is less cholesterol or sugar in your blood. but the disease continues. so this is a symptom oriented medicinecontrary to what we've been working on which is cause oriented approach wherewe look what is the underlying cause of diseases or health problems andeliminate the causes. in the other aspect is also monopoly on treatment onlypharmaceutical conventional medicine is the medicine that is officially approved and acclaimed, and people who try to find other solutions have difficulties when it comes to insurancecoverage and other problems so maintaining monopoly on treatment isalso one of the way to protect and grow

this business. because it's investmentbusiness.yes. of course! it is sad that people's lives are being lost because of money becauseof the underlying the underlying greed of the industry you mentionedchemotherapy and dr. rath you just tell me before the interview you recently inauschwitz and is it true i've heard that the origins of the first chemotherapydrugs were from the world wars the the gases that were used in the worldwars. is this true? very true, the first chemotherapy commercialized by bayer wasactually the same substance that they produced for the german army in worldwar one it was mustard gas with the replacement of one molecule in this gas

molecule from being used as a tool of massextermination. a chemical weapon is a weapon to kill thousands at one time. laterthe substance turned up as a chemotherapy drug. it underlines againthe principle of business. you can produce and make millions by sellingweapons to the army and then when the war is over you look fornew applications of this drug, in this case the unfortunate decision was taken toapply it for the "alleged" treatment of cancer. in fact, as dr. niedzwiecki pointed out, this was a business model, it is not a treatment, the intention is to give theimpression that something goes away and it may go away for a few months but thereal mass megadeath in the field of

cancer patients is happening after sixmonths or nine months when this this initial effect of doing away with the tumor breaks down, and the cancer comes back massively even more thanbefore because now the immune system is dead. no one talks about that. so yes, we were in auschwitz because we have a friendship with some of the survivors that are still alive from that time and it is since you asked me this question i mayjust spend a moment on something that is very little known about auschwitz: we'vebeen told in the history book it was a camp that was built to annihilate jewishpeople and slavic people and people that the nazis didn't like in the conquered countries. but what made auschwitz the

megadeth extermination camp was actuallythe decision by bayer, hoechst and basf to built the largest industrial plant of wartimein europe is called ig auschwitz. it's a 100% subsidiary of bayer hoechst and basf the plant was eight kilometers long aboutfive miles long and two miles wide so it's a giant industrial area and thebirkenau concentration camp the huge camp that was featured inschindler's list in that movie was a deliberate decision to supply slavelabor for the construction of this industrial plant so without the interestthat we just touched upon that put profits over life's, auschwitz wouldnever have had this meaning. the decision

of one thing, which was decision by the nazis to exterminate the jewish people was taking roughly one year after thedecision of ig farben to build this plant. so the nazis used the deathsapparatus that was already existing because of the slave labor camp being inexistence. the chimneys were burning, ig farben was taking care of the sickpeople after three months on average people were immiserated, and so they were just put to the gas chamber and shut up in the chimney. so i used a few more sentencesthan normal to exemplify. if we are talking today thatthere is an industry among humanity that sacrifice millions of life's or putsthem at risk for profit, we are sometimes

you included, being attacked as being outof this world, conspiracy people. now we turn around we look at auschwitz. welook at the industrial plant, we look at the concentration extermination plantbeing built, initially built, to serve as slave labor camp for that purpose. and wecan say: ,,they've done it before" to add to it. there were employees of bayer, doctors, who were conducting medical experiments on prisoners, and testing variety of drugs that are being sold until this day. so they were tested on innocent people, in inhumane conditions, in the name of profit. at least, we're not crazy and cruel as doctors who conducted those experiments. these were employees of the pharmaceutical company bayer, andwe have a new website, profit over life

that presents original documents from the nurembergtrial of ig farben, and where all this information is available and we areencouraging everybody who watches this movie to go and learn about historictruth. i'm a german i didn't learn anything about that. i was 35 years old when i learned about them, the largest pharmaceutical companies at that time we're actuallybuilding or responsible for the extermination camp at auschwitz. and then i wanted to know more and there was nothing. so we finally found in thearchives of the us national library, the records ofcase number six of the nuremberg war crime

tribunals. we are told there was only onetribunal against the main war criminals but in fact there were 12. number six wasagainst bayer basf and hoechst at the same at that time they were forming acartel by the name of ig farben. and that whole case lasted over an entire year,against 24 manages of these pharmaceutical and chemical companies. and it showed that they were largely financing the rise of the nazis to powerthat they supplied 100% of the raw material so that the nazis could leavetheir war including 100% of the synthetic gasoline and rubber, 100% of the explosives. the reportcame to the conclusion, the us-

prosecutors said without ig farben, ww2 would not have been possible. in other words, we have to redefinehistory, even if we talk about cancer today we need to know those things. thatthese interests for expanding patented product markets worldwide, they were risking eventually, they wereresponsible for the death of 60 million people in world war 2. and thatshows you the dimension of the topic that we are talking about today. there'snothing, absolutely nothing that these interests will not do if the profits ishigh enough, then and now. and those activities didn't end with the war, and with nuremberg process,

because the head of bayer, who was sentenced to six or seven years of prison, was released after two years, and for the next 10 years, he served as a chairman ofthe board for the same company bayer. so there are many other examples. the head ofthe company degesch, that was providing the gaszyklon b, used gas innocent people, the same returned to his position. but makingthe connection to our topic today, doctor niedzwiecki mentioned, fritz ter meer, thehead of bayer, who was sentenced for six years in nuremberg, and returned to theposition of supervisory board of bayer, essentially immediately after thewar. so a war criminal, a convicted war criminal becomes head of the largestpharmaceutical company at that time

during the first half of the 21thcentury no less than nine nobel prizes were rewarded or awarded for vitaminresearch, for the benefit of vitamins for human health. in 1963, the germangovernment under pressure of bayer, under the pressure of then the supervisoryboard head fritz ter meer, launched what is called the codex alimentariuscommission with the goal to make sure that vitamins and thebenefits of vitamins for human health are being eliminated worldwide. so youcan see it is not just you and us were talking about cancer there's acentury-long tradition of crime against human health and when you follow thattrack, a lot of things we will be talking

about today will become easier tounderstand for the people that watch this interview. wow! so they've done it beforeit shouldn't surprise us that they're still doing it now. very true. chemotherapy business is also a wonderful example of multiplicator, because the side effects that chemotherapy produces is the reserve word for prescribing other drugs, bone marrow transplants. this is theresult of chemotherapy, bleeding from the intestines, that requires drug. anti-nausea drugs, and many others changes in the brain there is even a term for it, it's calledchemo brain, because the chemotherapy

affects, so many organs in thebody and it's a reason for prescribing more drugs. so chemotherapy multiplies the business and this is why it lasts until this day wow! it is. but thank you forsharing the history there, because it's really the history that's beenrewritten right? the history that we are taught now is not what actually happened. right, if we are not learning from historyand i'm quoting a philosopher, we are sentenced to relieve it again. and i was not born as a historian. i was ascientist, a doctor, and after publishing these

unusual new concepts on cancer and heartdisease with linus pauling, i felt the world will embrace it. they will say thisis great the fact is we were being fought for everysingle advance in natural health more than a hundred lawsuits that the statusquo, the pharmaceutical lobby has been bringing against myself, dr. niedzwiecki, our research over the past 15 years. more than a hundred times we've had draggedinto the courtrooms for one goal. these interest did not want us to talk today,or for that matter to inform you what we have found out about the most commondiseases can be greatly reduced, maybe eventually largely eliminated with theknowledge we have today.

the fact that we're doing this interviewnow shows they didn't succeed and the main reason why we succeeded, actuallysummarizing in one word was science. we could prove it so if we will touch uponthe scientific details later on of our research. they have been rejecting inmore than a hundred litigations for the validity, for the truth, and for theuse, for the people on this planet. so its science-based natural medicine. science-based. science-based and to court validated, if you want it. oh hundred times. we call it cellular medicine. because, we look at the beginningdevelopment of health and disease at the level of smallest unit of our body, which are cells.

our study shows that underlying cause ofmajority of chronic diseases. diseases that developed over years or even decades isthe long-term deficiency of micronutrients, vitamins, trace elementsand other active components which cause dysfunction cellular dysfunction, that with time turns into a diseased organ, and disease. and therefore, since we know the underlying cause of this health problems we alsocan develop effective solutions to alleviate those. so with cancer specifically,you look over the last hundred years the the lack of micronutrients being one ofthe causes makes a lot of sense. because

look at the depleted soils, the food's nolonger food, it's being genetically modified so forth it makes sense that we would have a lackof micronutrients in our bodies now and maybe that's one of the reasons thatwe've had this increase in cancer doctor niedzwiecki, you were talking aboutthe fact that even though the statistics might say otherwise, there's a hugeexplosion in cancer over the last several decades. today, i think everybodyknows somebody who gets diagnosed with cancer, or died of cancer, maybe in our families or friends. so there is a tremendous explosion of cases of cancer that exactly relates to the pollution, chemical pollutions,

of our environment, soil, food that we eat, all the processed foods. when you read the label,you don't understand half of the ingredients that are in. but all of them have impact on the metabolism of cells. it is known that certain micro-nutrients, such as, for instance, vitamin c, protects our dna against damage that can trigger development of cancer. and many othermicronutrients act a genetic level, and there have been studies showing thatmicronutrients also help alleviate many diseases that are of genetic origin that stem from so-called pleiotropic effect, not the lack of gene, but small activity of certain enzymes, which are coded by the genes. micro-nutrients applied in larger

quantities are effective in alleviatingthose symptoms. and even even in cancer correct? exactly.. so let's, you are talking about cells, what is a cancer cell? what exactly is cancer? what exactly is cancer? cancer is aprocess that occurs in our body all the time. so we are sitting and talking therecancer cells are constantly created in our body. they do not always lead tothe development of cancer, because our immune system finds them as abnormalcells and eliminates them. and a cancer cell is a cell that escaped biological control. that is, to which all normal cells in our body are subjected. so cancer cells divides indefinitely andalso cancer cells are immortal. they

never die, because the genetic problemprogram that regulates life and death cycle in those cells has been damaged. and cancer cells also have another ability. they are not happy in sitting inone spot in our body, they invade our organs and also they metastasize,which means that they escaped to other organs. and metastasis is the mostdangerous process of cancer, because nine of ten patients die of metastasis, not ofprimary cancer. and metastasis is the stage of cancer process of cancer for which there are notreatment and to what is also interesting, there is not much scientificinterest in studying metastasis, because

about 5 maybe now 10% of funds forcancer research from the national cancer institute is directed to studymetastasis. imagine that the process that kills 90 percent of cancer patients is not studied in the same proportion, a very small percentage is directed to studymetastasis. it's kind of the inverse right? the largest percentages isused to fund the cancer that is not yet spread. find drugs thateliminate cancer. and i think it probably goes back, you were mentioning earlierthe difference between treating symptoms versus the cost, right? you treat thethe tumor, you can get a reduction in tumor size and everything seems to behappy. but then as dr. rath said

it always comes back. because you haven't reallyaffected the cause. so when you look at micro nutrients for cancer dr. rath do micronutrients have any kind of effect on a cancer that might bespreading or metastasizing? well, yes it does in several ways. perhaps it is soimportant to go one step back and explain how cancer's spread. what you were telling me before. absolutely. yes. it relates to what dr. niedzwiecki said. i believe that the largestcontribution we made to the field was exactly that that we said we're notlooking at individual types of cancer but we are looking at the key mechanismthat unites them all. cells, many cells migrate within our body at any time

white blood cells, the police cells, theyneed to leave the bloodstream and enter for example, the lung to fight pneumonia, or any other organ. we have the egg cell in the monthly cycle of thewoman that leaves the ovary, and migrates into the fallotion tube. all these processes areextremely tightly controlled because they involve destruction of connectivetissue meaning destructing of tissue that surrounds the cell at that moment,mostly collagen or elastin. and this destruction happens with the help of anenzyme or group of enzymes, which for simplicity we can call collagenases, collagen digesting enzymes. on a normal circumstances, this mechanism is tightlycontrolled. cancer cells use exactly that

mechanism, exactly the same group ofenzymes to make their way through the body to migrate through the body. firstin their environment, called, we call this invasion, so the tumor grows andspreads, let's say, within the organ of the liver. and then, ultimately tomigrate into other organs, and we call that metastasis. in each case, it's thesame type of enzyme that paves the way of the cancer cell, or cancel cells, tomigrate its probably like an expeditionary expeditionary tour in the jungle with a machete, they pay their way through thejungle. and what we found out is that we can block these collagen digesting enzymes, and we understand today the key

micronutrients that are able to do that.not chemotherapy, natural substances that are able to block cancer cells fromdoing harm to the body. and therefore the approach, we are going to talk about it alittle bit more, is not related to an individual type of cancer, like breastcancer or prostate cancer. it is a common mechanism that we understand today quitewell. and that we have developed and tested a composition of micronutrientsfor in over 50 human cell lines. in other words, any commercial human cancer cellline that is available currently, we tested those micronutrients and they areeffective in each and every case. so we're not just talking about anexperience of an individual or

test group of people. we have beenworking on this for the last fifteen years, and dr. niedzwiecki has been headingthis research and has developed it, the group has developed it, in many areas.and i'm sure that you can elaborate on and like dr. roth pointed out, that our goal was to control the main common mechanism that cancer cells use to spread in the body to metastasize but also the same mechanismwhich is degradation of connective tissue, is being used in theprocess of angiogenesis, which is formation of new blood vessels that feedand support tumor growth. so in our approach, we were looking substances,natural components, which, from one side can inhibit the degradation ofconnective tissue, inhibit those enzymes

that are involved in destroying collagen andother components. but also the substances which can increase the production ofconnective tissue, increase the strength and the structure of connective tissue in the body. and the group of natural compounds includes of course vitamin c as the essential nutrients without which collagen cannotbe produced in our body. and humans lost their ability to reduce internal vitaminc and also several amino acids in plant extracts and some trace elements. so this is the group of natural compounds that work together in the synergy. andall our work also in other aspects of health includes application of severalmicronutrients working in synergy. so our studies have shown that this compositionof micronutrients is effective in

inhibiting key mechanisms that cancercells, or cancer uses in our body. so these micronutrients can inhibitproliferation or growth of cancer cells, inhibit formation of tumors. they canalso inhibit the invasion of cancer cells in the tissue. they are effectivein inhibiting metastasis. we tested in several cases the metastasis can beinhibited by seventy to eighty percent. and also they are effective in inhibiting formation of new blood vessels that feed the tumor. interestingly, thisnatural mixture of natural compounds is also able to work at the genetic levelin cancer cells, and convert them from cells which are immortal, into cells that startdying. so these micronutrients can induce

natural death of cancer cells, calledapoptosis, and we also published a lot of studies supporting this type offinding. so if we can, what is the beauty of using nutrient energy, isthat several mechanisms that are involved in certain pathology can beaffected at once, making in case of cancer, more difficult for cancer cellsto escape this control. we have mostly here in europe more than 10,000 patientswho are using this synergy program. and some of them have survived the predicteddeath now for 15 years. we have x-ray documentation for many of them, etc. and wesummarize this fantastic work that dr. niedzwiecki and her team wereleading in in a book called: victory over

cancer. so anyone who wants to get moredetails on what we’re just explaining, it is available for free online. everyone canread it anywhere in the world. there are to our knowledge, to our understandingthere is no more precise mechanism that has been identified as being criticalfor the control of cancer than the one we just described. there is no programthat we are aware of in the field of natural health that is more effective incontrolling cancer in vivo in humans. we're not giving a guarantee, obviously.that would be not what we should do, but we are, we know that there are noscience-based programs in natural health that are more effective as we speak.

why are we not more outspoken about it?well in many cases, patients come to us after they have already donechemotherapy and it didn't work. or they had radiation, didn't work. so they come to us with the hope, now youcan give us a solution. but in most of these cases, the immune system has beendestroyed, so in those cases micronutrients are only able to have alimited effect. so what we understand is that in order for having a maximumchance of fighting and overcoming cancer, we need an intact immune system. and that too makes the current approach ofchemotherapy so unethical. it destroys,

the chemotherapy, the first organ that iseffected, actually the target organ, is the bone marrow. the destruction of thegeneration of defense cells, and leukocytes etcetera are built in the bone from the very onset, from the very planning of chemotherapy, from the veryscientific approach, it is a deception. it is an unethical deceptive business that createsillusion for millions of people. and everyone, every scientist involved in it,i'm not blaming the doctors, they sometimes don't have the education to goat that length of it. but every scientists noticed that it is a hugefraud, and those who say they don't, they should quit the job of being a scientist.and education is the key and this is why

we put the big, we emphasize the importance ofeducation in the area of natural approaches to health. this is why we make all our materials, publications, education materials, free, available to everyone. and if somebody wants to know more details about our scientific work, they should go to ourresearch website: where we have we give access to allscientific work, that we published in the area of cancer, and, of course other areas as well. an interesting story that shows the transitional time that we are living of our first patients; it's now almost twenty years ago, who went on theprogram here in europe, he had lung cancer. and he was given half a year to live andput his affairs in order. and he decided to go on this program, and i think six,seven months later he came back, and

x-ray was taken, there was no more the doctor apologized, he said, you know, sorry. you have to come back a week later.we need to repair our machine. it is apperently kaput, as they say in german. and so thegentleman said, sure i understand i’ll come back in a week. and they redid thex-ray, it was the same picture. and then the doctor started to try to find otherexcuses, because it was a female doctor she had not seen anything like that. butour patient , he said, well, i don't think i need to come back. i knew whati've been doing. and i'm not telling that to add an episode to thisconversation. i am telling it to underline the transformational time, that it isinconceivable for health professionals,

for doctors, educated people, that cancercan disappear in a natural way. just go away. again we’re not promising that toanyone for sure. but these things that we develop is, scientifically speaking, themost direct way to have a chance to see that happening. we confirmed it in so many different models, not only in vitro studies, but also in vivo studies, and we look at different aspects of it, using the same methods, the same toolsthat pharmaceutical industry is using in testing, developing their drugs. so we are not using any magic testing systems, no. and our studies are approved in peer reviewjournals. but yes, it’s a change of perception, that natural substances can be effective in controlling many diseases, many pathologies, and it’s a mindset change that is, has to occur not only in patient's but also in medical profession as well. andi think that we see, especially in the

us- that there are more and more doctorswho are open to learning more, and also applying natural approaches. so it's agood step but still, there is a lot of work to be done when it comes toeducation, and also when it comes to a science supporting the power of naturalsubstances. because there is scientific proof. the fact is, example that i just mentioned withthis lung cancer that disappeared and that couldn't be understood by doctors.our research shows - we now understand what happened. because micronutrientsgive in layman's terms now give the cancer cell two options. either you thinkabout how you operate properly and become a healthy cell again, or you die,you commit suicide. and this is this

process that doctor niedzwiecki said, apoptosis. and that happens at a geneticlevel, and we understand quite a bit about the regulation, how micronutrientsgot directed to the core of a cancer cell, to the dna andchallenges the very, the inner sanctum of this cell into this process. of course it isnot an intellectual deliberation, it is a forced biological interception. either youfunction properly or you commit suicide. and that's really powerful. that'ssomething that no chemical chemotherapy drugs or no synthetic drug can do. and ofcourse again, this is a sign for the real power of natural health. regulatoryprocesses; they didn't appear in a reagent

lens, or a petri dish in alaboratory of the pharmaceutical industry twenty years ago, or five yearsago. these were processes that nature developed over millennia, andthis is why they function so distinctly. and we're just about to learn how theywork and what substance we need. and that is another aspect that we like toemphasize. there are those among our friends in the natural health field that educate,mega-doses of vitamins that you just take one vitamin, forexample, vitamin c, and you give it in dosages of 100 or 200 grams a day,etcetera. what our research shows is that we, in order to have a maximumeffect as doctor niedzwiecki already

indicated, we need to understand howthese micronutrients work together. like the artist of an orchestra. and when themusic plays, that's when we have the maximum effect. and that's what we callsynergy and that's an essential part of cellular medicine. and in this aspect, the vitamin c mega-doses—we also compared in our complex. and the synergy works better, not mentioning with using multiple nutrients, we can address several mechanisms of cancer at once, so the final effect is much, much better and wider, more pronounced. so could you kind of reiterate these micronutrients thatcause cancer, they stop cancer cell growth, they stop the spreading, they stopthe blood vessels, the growth of new blood vessels, the angiogenesis and that alsocause the apoptosis, the programmed cell

death? what are these nutrientsthat have the synergistic effect like the orchestra? what are thecomponents of this? this is vitamin c, for simple reasons, since we are targeting the stability andintegrity of connective tissue. without vitamin c, connective tissue cannot be produced. the other compounds of this synergy, a very powerful component, is the amino acid lysine.lysine is an inhibitor of those collagen digestive enzymes, but also lysine is a component ofcollagen. one-third of amino acids in collagen arelysine and proline. so it is important that they are included. and lysinesimilarly to vitamin c is not produced in our body. it only comes from the diet.we are also having other components like

n-acetylcystine. we are having traceelements including copper, selenium. and we are having the active component from green tea, called apigallocatechin gallate, or egcgfor short. and quercetin. so this is the mixture of several canfind information on our website. and this is what we tested them, we testedindividual compounds and also we combine them in the synergy. so they arecomponents acting on different mechanisms in our body, including, what we see theyalso have an anti-inflammatory effect. and what we know from one side, inflammationis associated with cancer and also long lasting inflammation is thetriggering factor for developing cancer

and these micronutrients are alsoeffective in addressing this important aspect. so this is this pleiotropiceffect of micronutrient synergy that we are working with. when we had the first proof of the concept that actuallymicronutrients are the solution to the cancer epidemic, we were thinking abouthow to present this to the public at large, and we decided to go into usatoday, in 2002 in march. and the largest circulation newspaper at that time. andthey didn't want to publish; so we said well but we just presented thisinformation at the

breast cancer conference in miamiflorida, so why shouldn't you publish things that are there in the scientificcommunity? so finally they did. it was a whole page. breakthrough in the naturalcontrol of cancer, and listing some of the micronutrients, vitamin c, lysine,proline, and showing some of the research all in layman’s terms. that did it. ittriggered the war against this breakthrough that i just mentionedbefore, with more than a hundred lawsuits mostly focusing on cancer. the americanmedical association gave a media alert about dr. rath and his researchinstitute, that no media should be publishing anything about our results. ithought, how could you deal with such a

such an unethical approach? and we took outanother page in the newspaper, us newspaper, and i wrote an open letter to the presidentof the american medical association saying: well, you are heading anorganization that is supposed to do good to people of america. here is someadvanced research that can actually help benefit millions of people and you are opposingit. why is this? .. and i printed his email address at the bottom, and encourage thereaders to send their comments to the president of the ama. we've never heardanything about them, so we assume that he got a lot of mails. i am tellingthis not to brag about this battle and

some lines episodes. it tells againthat it is extremely important to state the truth; to fight for the truth andthis is why we appreciate you coming to us and interviewing us at length on this process. because it is a courageous thing that you are doing, ty,and not just with us, but with opening up this curtain of deception andlies about cancer and other diseases and giving the people of america and theworld a chance to see through that maze of deception, and make their ownchoice. i think it's you must be complimented. i'm complimenting you for that. thankyou because now, i think it’s even more difficult in fighting for scientific proof,

truth, because in old days, before pharmaceutical industry was created, it was more convincing others to accept the concept. so this was mostly fighting somebody’s egos, and careers. but now, we arechallenging the most powerful industry on earth. so this is not accepting science, and we see from our other contexts, that many doctors, scientists, agree with what we are doing and what we are publishing. but there is an economic aspect, and economic pressure, which is very difficult to overcome. and it is only by education, by spreading information and knowledge to people, this is how we can change it. that’s with our group, the truth about cancer,that's our goal, to educate. which i appreciate everything that you’ve shared today,because it's very educational it is to eradicate cancer, which, i thinkthat using approaches like this, that's

possible. but it's also to expose. that'sthe tree e’s. and so we want to expose this beast, and you know it reallyseems to me that the real war is actually being fought against peoplethat are offering natural treatments for cancer. i don't see there's a war againstcancer, i think it is a war against natural treatments. it is very true. and there's areason for that. we talked about concentration camps. they are surroundedby a fence. if someone tries to escape the fenses of the modern concentrationcamp, the ones that confine the cancer patient within the parameter ofconventional thinking, of chemotherapy thinking, they are being hunted. how manycourt cases have been filed

around the world for withdrawing custodyof parents who went into natural health as opposed to staying within theconfines, within the fences, of conventional chemotherapy treatments?it is nothing else. the dimension of a child dying in a concentration camp or dyingfrom leukemia, that is being intoxicated by chemotherapy, as opposed to choosingnatural paths are the same. the parents are losing a child. the family is losingtheir future. and that's the deeper dimension of what you talkingabout, that the same interest groups that have proven again and again in the past namely the pharmaceutical investmentbusiness, how ruthless they are still

around trying to fool us, trying to tellus, “well believe us” why should we? if we don't have the courage to liberateourselves then we will not make progress and this is why this is important,this series that you're doing, ty. it is being kept alive and i just canencourage everyone who's seeing this show that you spread it and help ty toget his message around the world, and not only tame this beast, but eliminate it.not by violence, but my education by becoming aware about these three e’s that youmentioned. we need to recognize that fear is being used in controlling patients, in controlling society. fear is a very powerful weapon, and fear of cancer is being used in manipulatingpeople.

and so by educating, by bringing this knowledge to people, explaining both the basis of the problem, but also showing about possibility of new solutions to it, this fear is being alleviated. elaborating on that, alex, among all diseases, the one disease that the status quo,meaning the pharmaceutical investment, needs most to continue itsbusiness ,to stabilize, to cement its system, is cancer. they can afford to allow; let'ssay; advances in osteoporosis; that decrease the number of bone fractureswithout major damage to its future existence. they can allow progress inthis and that disease to kind of mask their principal business. but they cannot allow,they cannot allow cancer to disappear or

being identified as a disease that canbe regulated or prevented. so long ago, they have initiated what dr niedzwieckimentioned, the fact of fear. in fact, it's more than that. it's a psychologicalwarfare on humanity that the pharmaceutical industry's leading withthe tool cancer. keeping cancer as a death verdict is the platform, is aprecondition for this entire investment industry to continue. wow. it is reallyamazing information that you have shared. i'd like to stop, but i like to ask onemore question, because that would be a perfect ending for the interview. but there’s one morequestion i want to ask you, because you just mentioned children. children arebeing taken from their parents. i've

had the opportunity to interview severalparents that have had their children literally taken from them because theyrefused chemotherapy. why do you see- why have we seen over these last coupleof decades, this huge increase of children with cancer? well, i would start, but one of the answers is that during the phase of growth of the human body, cancer cells dividenaturally. they multiply, otherwise we don't grow. bones do, our skeleton expands.and that's why we have already by natural means, the risk thatcertain cancers are developing in the juvenile age, for example, osteosarcoma, atypical form of juvenile cancer, develops

during the phase of bone growth in the epiphysis,the growth zone of the bone. and then we have this effect, that chemotherapy is offered as a solution and actually makes our cancer really explode. we have the fact that bynow, 42 percent of all prescription drugs currently offered and sold in theunited states, and for that matter in the western world, are potentially carcinogenic,according to us statistics. and so we have by the very means ofreacting to the problem of cancer, by the way they do it, by the methods that arebeing used, we have a very strong reason why there is this explosion. plus, we havelots of environmental factors

and nutritional factors, etc. pollutions. yeah. so the same factors that dr. rath said, that children are vulnerable because their cells are already in this growing phase, means the enzymes that destroyconnective tissue are active. and therefore, if there is exposure to carcinogenic compounds, the cells can reprogram and start digesting this connective tissue indefinitely and then changes occur. so it's a combination of different factors. well, dr. rath, dr. niedzwiecki, thank you for helping us today to engage in our mission to educate, to expose, and toeradicate cancer. i know that this has been a very informative interview forthe viewers and so i just really thank

you for the fact that you'reproviding science-based natural medicine that most medical doctor say: iwant to see the scientific evidence. they've got it with thesetreatments that you are currently using with these micronutrients. so i thank you forwhat you're doing, and just keep up the good work. it's great to be on your team. appreciate it. thank you so much


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