breast implant surgery new york
as many of you know breast augmentationis one of the most popular procedures performed in this country and really byplastic surgeons the operation is a highly satisfyingoperation for patients their self images are much improved and many patients are much better able to function in society and in their work on daily basis and for thesurface performed. breast augmentation has become a quick complicated procedureand also i spend an hour with my patients during consultation trying to determinewhat their goals are in terms of their appearance from the surgery. many issues need to be discussed such aswhere the incisions place for the procedure and we set and eventually gothrough all the pros and cons of each of those incision sites and i'll have thepatience to make the choice based on those pros and cons another issue that's discussed at lengthusually is whether the plans place to put the muscle ........... we alsodiscuss whether ancillary procedures are required during the orie...