breast implant surgery miami

breast implant surgery miami

hello, my name’s adrian richards, i’ma plastic surgeon and today i’m going to be talking about an operation i did recentlyin which i exchanged some implants and performed a breast uplift procedure. this is the pictureof the lady before and as you can see, the implants are in a very high, sub muscularposition. they’d been inserted by another surgeon through the armpit and the nippleis in a very low position, giving rather an unnatural appearance to the breast.this is my planning stage at the beginning of the operation, i’ve marked the area wherei’m planning to remove the skin and i’m going to lift the nipple up to that higherposition. this is my incision to access the implant and remove the implant. my first stageis to remove the superficial layers of the

skin from my incision and the reason for thisis i like to get a good layer to stitch to close the area. this is where i’m planningon cutting through the deeper tissue, here i am cutting through the dermis. my next stageis really to access the implant and remove it. as you can see, here is the implant, it’sintact on this side, the right side. i’m irrigating the area, very important to keepeverything as clean as possible and remove all the retained silicone. the next stageis to release the capsule which surrounded the implant so that the implant would be niceand soft and not compressed. i then insert a sizer which is an inflatable implant whichis inserted temporarily and with this, i fill it up with saline slowly, just checking howthe breast looks really, checking everything’s

free and this gives me flexibility about thesize of the final implant i’m going to insert to give the best possible result. in thiscase, i’ve selected a 325cc implant which is in accordance with what the patient’selected for previously. so then i remove the temporary inflatable implant and wash theskin with betadine. this is very important, very important with any implant to be absolutelysterile as possible. so that’s betadine which is antiseptic on the skin, myself andmy assistant put new gloves on which are absolutely sterile, the implant will not be opened untilthe last minute and i will be the only one who touches the implant with my new gloves.we also work in a laminar air flow theatre. this is me putting in gentamicin, which isan antibiotic, actually around in the pocket

which would lie around the implant to finallyreduce the risk of infection. here i am putting the cohesive gel implant in. i like to dothis quite gently to really sort of make sure that the implant is intact as possible, it’svery important with cohesive gels so they’re not traumatised.the next stage is to sew the skin up which i do in three layers to make it as secureas possible and to protect the implant. here’s the second layer inserted and there’ll bea final layer over this. this is me just performing a technique i like to use called tailor tackingin which the skin is tacked together with temporary stitches and this just allows meflexibility just to assess what the breasts will look like in the final appearance andjust to alter any of my markings slightly

to make sure that the scars are exactly wherei want them at this stage. the next stage is to remove the skin from between my markingsand release the nipple by an incision below it. so by cutting below it with a cuttingdiathermy, i release the tethering skin on the nipple, allowing it to be moved upwards.there i’ve sewn the nipple in an up position and now i’m just checking that the skinwill come together nicely. so the next stage is to sew the nipple inand put some deep stitches in the breast tissue to hold everything together because it’svery important that the actual skin stitches aren’t holding the tension, the tensionwill be held with stitches in the deep tissue. here i’m putting the final stages onto thesewing so i’m in setting the nipple, that

it’s deep stitches that are holding thebreast tissue together. all stitches used in this case are absorbable, the ends willneed to be trimmed but they will melt away naturally. this is a short transverse scartechnique i’ve used in this case, a scar around the nipple, down vertically and the final stage is to put a layer of tissue glue over the incision and this protects theincision from any bacteria getting in and allows the patient to wash and shower reallyfrom day one following the operation because the skin edges are effectively sealed by thislayer of glue. the next stage is to place micropore on the breast which i’ve donein this case and this sort of becomes like a second skin. on the right you can see theimplant was intact but on the left, when i

came to remove that, it wasn’t intact. youcan see that the implant is ruptured, the cohesive gel is free and in this case, it’sreally, very, very important to perform thorough irrigation and remove all the silicone beforereplacing it with a new implant. so thank you very much for watching this video,i hope it’s been informative, if you’d like any more information or would like toschedule an appointment with one of our surgeons, please either contact us via our website orby our phone number.


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