breast implant sizes uk

breast implant sizes uk

hi, i’m aggie oakley, i manage the northamptonaurora clinics, i tend to do a lot of the breast sizings for mr richards and the otherconsultants working in the practice. when i actually do a breast sizing, i tend to askthe patients to bring lots of different tops along with them, tops that they don’t wearnow but they’ve bought but won’t wear because of their shape. tops that they weargenerally, so tops if they go to the gym, tops if they’re going out, what they wearto work, just so that when we do the sizing, we can get a very good and the patient canget a very good image of how they’re going to look in their clothes after the does help considerably with the sizing because they will know what the result isgoing to look like. with the sizing, i do

actually ask patients to really read up onthe information that mr richards has given to them at the first consultation so we candiscuss any questions that they’ve actually held onto or maybe not spoken to mr richardsor they’ve thought about them after they’ve left the consultation and we can tend to discussthose at that sizing appointment. also at the sizing appointment, we do discuss allthe risks of the procedure again because patients quite often on the first consultation don’ttake all the risks discussed at that appointment. so we tend to go through the risks again ofthe procedure. we also go through the whole journey of the procedure from actually sortof being admitted to the hospital, right through to their six weeks discharge. that involvesthe patient when they come into the hospital,

what to expect at the hospital, how they’llfeel post surgery wise, pain wise, how the breasts look swollen. we then go onto theirpost op care when we get them back to clinic. we also discuss bras, what they can wear andwhat they can’t wear, the length of time they’ll be wearing some sort of surgicalbra. so the sizing appointment is very important really because we tend to sort out any otherqueries for the patient at that appointment. it’s actually a fun appointment as well,i tend to normally have groups of friends or partners, mums and daughters come in forthose appointments and it tends to be a little more relaxed than probably the first consultation.


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