breast implant scandal uk

breast implant scandal uk

hi everybody. i'm dr. david reath. i wishyou a happy new year on this, our first edition of the truth-o-meter tuesday for the new year.the question this week came right out of news headlines.many of you may have heard or read that there was a french breast implant manufacturer whosesilicone implants had been recalled. and in fact, in france the government is payingto have all these removed. the company is called pip and they are nolonger in business. now the question we asked is this: "womenwho have had breast augmentation with silicone implants in the united states don't reallyneed to be concerned about that. and the answer is actually true--or mostlytrue.

because these silicone implants were nevermarketed or sold in the united states. the fda was not impressed with their safetysettings, they didn't feel the eficacy of the safety of these implants had been shownby the studies, and they would not allow they're sales within the united, pip did have a saline implant that was, at one time, used in this country. but thesilicone implants were not. the problem was they were filling the siliconeimplants with industrial-grade silicone, not medical-grade silicone. and they did thisstrictly for cost reasons--industrial-grade silicone is much less expensive than medical-gradesilicone. but the good news is that the fda did workon our behalf with this, and these implants

were never marketed in this country.let's find out who this week's winner is--i must say we only had a few people that hadthis one right. but one of them's our lucky it you? let's find out. cathy hernandez.cathy, you're this week's winner. congratulations. we have a $100 gift card for you, please comeinto the office, pick that up. and for everybody else who's played, thanksagain and we'll have another question next week.


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