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welcome to top10archive! in the modern dayand age that we're in, it seems that someone can be addicted to just about anything. weall know the usual ones, alcohol, cigarettes, and biting your nails; but how about someof the more... strange addictions? from bee stings to bleach baths, we're counting downour picks for the top 10 strangest addictions. 10. internet addictiondo you find yourself constantly thinking about a previous on-line activity, or anticipatethe next time you'll be logging online? find it hard to log off, or use the internet ina way to escape the problems of the real world? yeah? well, guess what? what many feared wouldhappen has come to be, and it's not very uncommon... "internet addiction", described as a formof impulse control disorder, is commonly called piu, standing for problematic internet use,and has become such a recognized issue that rehabilitation centers have opened up specificallyfor piu treatment. are you a recovering addict a

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>> it is amazing to see. >> the revolutionary new way to fight cancer. >> i haven't experienced any of those side effects. >> and it only takes a couple hours. >> and then the treatment is done. >> wendy: and then...one man rises from the ashes. plus...a bad foot. >> i went down in no time flat. >> wendy: ...and a busted hip. >> i was seeing stars. >> wendy: now see her stand tall on today's "700 club." >> it's just awesome. it's awesome. * >> pat: well, welcome ladies and gentlemen. boy, do we miss antonin scalia. he died unexpectantly and left a 4 to 4 vote in the supreme court, and lo and behold, they have confirmed court rulings that they were going to over turn with 5 to 4. it is going to be a mess. it shows why we shouldn't be in any hurry to rubber stamp the president on his pick for the next supreme court justice. one of the most unusual presidential races in history is

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hello, you've reached placidway, the leading health tourism company where you can compare the most affordabletreatments worldwide! subscribe to our youtube channel and get instant accessto all of our latest health videos, patient testimonials treatment ceters andprocedures and exotic destinations around the world. everything is at yourfingertips. breast augmentation surgery can enhance theappearance and boost self-confidence. there are many plastic surgery clinic in turkeythat offer affordable breast augmentation packages. you can savebetween 50 - 70 % compared to prices in your home countries. thesecosmetic plastic surgery centers are well equipped with modern facilities,accredited, licensed and have top experienced cosmetic surgeons. theplastic surgery clinics have a reputation in providing high qualitycosmetic surgery with positive outcomes at reasonable prices.women consider breast augmentation bothered by the feeling that their breasts are toosmall, weight loss has change

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the dream of a beautiful figure is comingtrue for thousands of woman through saline breast implants ,but there was a price topay for larger breasts ' visible scars ' which made the breast augmentation easily detectable.manhattan plastic surgeon dr. robert vitolo says: now there is a way to have the enhancementof saline breast implants without any visible scar on or near the breast. it's a revolutionaryprocedure tuba transumbilical that is changing breast surgery in a big way. find out aboutit next on healthwise. this operation is normally performed in aregular operating room. dr. robert vitolo a brooklyn plastic surgeon performs the breastaugmentation surgery. here you can see the operating room staff and what i am going todo now is to begin marking a line from the belly button towards the breast. this willbe the line that we follow when we place the introducer underneath the skin. this is thefirst introducer that we use to make a preliminary pocket just underneath the

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i chose dr. tehrani because, i'm not going to lie, i went to couple of other plastic surgeons just for a consultation, and i did not feel comfortable with the way that they would speak to me, or the way that they would treat me. a lot of people use plastic surgery as like a chop shop, in and out really quick. but, dr. tehrani, the minute i said down and started speaking with him, he made me feel more like we were friends, like i have known him for a while. he is very warm, very caring, comforting. he told me i should email him at anytime. i would, and he would respond back to me. i would, and he would respond back to me. i had tons and tons of questions i would constantly ask him. and he would constantly respond back to me, and then i felt he was just so warm to me. that's the reason why, to be honest with you, i've been referring him to everybody. i've had friends come here to get some plastic surgery done, because i personally feel that he's got a personal t

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most importantly, when we do the fat transfer,it's really not just augmenting the buttocks. it's about sculpting the body. so, when you remove fat around the buttocksarea, then as if you are sculpting- if you take a statue or something, and the way theysculpt that statue, they keep chipping, chipping, chipping, from that rock or piece of whateverit is your sculpting, you carve it until you have a shape. so, it's the same thing with the body too.sometimes what you do is you have the buttocks and the back, they're all one area, there'sno distinction. so by removing some of that fat from around the buttocks, it makes thebuttocks project more, and has a shape to it. and that's what we do first, is sculptaround the buttocks to make the buttocks have a little shape, then whatever fat that wetake out, we use it for more reshaping and more augmentation. so basically we shape the buttocks with about40-50% maybe. or even 60% of that fat will go to reshaping. and then

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with the newer techniques of breastaugmentation, placing the implant behind the muscle, there is some discomfort thatusually lasts at least for three days, but up to 1 to 2 weeks of time. everyonereacts to discomfort differently. some people can go right back and dotheir regular routine in three or four days, while other women require one totwo weeks time. it also depends on the type of work. women who perform desk work, usually return in three days. people who have more strenuous type of work take upto one week to return. in most cases it may take up to two weeks to get backinto a regular exercise routine and perform household chores normally.