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>> it is amazing to see. >> the revolutionary new way to fight cancer. >> i haven't experienced any of those side effects. >> and it only takes a couple hours. >> and then the treatment is done.

>> wendy: and man rises from the ashes. plus...a bad foot. >> i went down in no time flat. >> wendy: ...and a busted hip. >> i was seeing stars. >> wendy: now see her

stand tall on today's "700 club." >> it's just awesome. it's awesome. * >> pat: well, welcome ladies and gentlemen. boy, do we miss antonin scalia.

he died unexpectantly and left a 4 to 4 vote in the supreme court, and lo and behold, they have confirmed court rulings that they were going to over turn with 5 to 4. it is going to be a mess. it shows why we shouldn't

be in any hurry to rubber stamp the president on his pick for the next supreme court justice. one of the most unusual presidential races in history is getting even stranger. donald trump is defending

his campaign manager against a charge that he grabbed a female reporter. the female reporter rushed the candidate. where were the secret service people who were supposed to defend him? she could have had a

knife, she could have had a bomb, but secret service did nothing, and now the aide is being sued. and a judge has raised more questions about hillary clinton's e-mails. wendy? >> wendy: clinton could

face a stiff challenge from bernie sanders in new york, while trump is backing off from his promise to support the republican nominee for president. efrem graham has the story.

>> efrem: republican front-runner donald trump is defending his campaign manager, corey lewandowski. this video from a trump rally shows trump with michelle fields by her side.

corey lewandowski grabs her arm, pulling her back. trump calls the charge unfair and says he will continue as his campaign manager. >> yes, he will. i looked at my tape. i have great security and

great security cameras. frankly, if you look at that -- people have looked at it -- in fact, i just left another area of wisconsin. we had a whole big media with a big group of people, tremendous

audience, and they're all shaking their heads, give me a break. >> efrem: other candidates, including ted cruz, weighed in on the controversy. >> it shouldn't be complicated, that members

of the campaign staff should not be physically assaulting the press. >> efrem: and trump is making waves for backing out on his pledge to support whoever the republican nominee is for >> no.

i don't. >> you don't? we'll see who it is. >> efrem: cruz says he will support the republican nominee, even if it is donald trump, but he doesn't expect that to be an issue.

>> let me tell you my solution to that: donald is not going to be the g.o.p. nomination. >> efrem: meanwhile, hillary clinton has her own problems. she faces a big challenge york.

polls show clinton leading in the empire state, where she served as a senator. but sanders has roots there. he was born in new york, and his campaign hasout has outlined a new strategy for doing well there.

and another jowc judge has raised questions about clinton's use of her private e-mail. the judge called her use of a private e-mail for government business extraordinary. and he said there was

evidence of government wrong-doing and bad faith in the issue. and this wild campaign season may not be over. especially for the republicans, until the convention with a contested convention for

the republicans still a possibility. efrem graham, cbn news. >> pat: this is the greatest democracy on earth, and we are acting like a banana republic. doesn't it make you sad, to think of this great

nation that is supposed to be the leader of the world? that's what happens when you lose your principles. we have gone away from the bible as our principle. we don't knowledge the fact that god is the

authority. and the supreme court has led us down a primrose path that is leading to trouble. here you have this melee going on. you have, on the one hand, a socialist, who looks

like he may be winning for a major party, taking us to socialism, with the 90% top income tax on the other hand, you've got this incredible thing and somebody who said i'm going to support the party says maybe i'm going to

start a third party. and the next thing you know, it's in chaos. i'm not happy. so if there is ever a time we need to pray for this nation, this is it. >>> in other news, authorities in memphis are

investigating why a man showed up as a mega church armed with two guns and a bag of ammunition. he came on easter sunday. john jessup has that >> john: fortunately, pat, the security team at bellevue baptist church

detained the man and called the police. this is the same church cbn news visited in 2014 to highlight its state-of-the-art security system. charlene aaron has more. >> charlene: members of

are counting their blessings after an armed man entered their sanctuary during easter morning service. about 4500 people were in the sanctuary for the 11 a.m. service when 31-year-old marcus donald

arrived. a church hostess noticed a pistol sticking out of his pocket, and alerted a church minister, who called church security. bellevue baptist, with more than 30,000 members, has long been ready for

such an event. in 2014, cbn news highlighted bellevue in a story about church security. >> the church i went to as a kid had only about 200 people and we knew everybody who came through

those doors. but when you have a church this size, it is almost like a civic center. it is hard to imagine the challenges that would go with trying to keep this many people safe. >> charlene: andy lewis

heads up the security staff. >> today churches that teach and preach true biblical principles, they draw a lot of attention because there are a lot of components of society today who don't want to

hear that and who are absolutely against that. as a church security team, we have to be prepared for those kinds of situations, to intervene and to protect the flock. >> charlene: willis says the church also relies on

state ostate-of-the-art cameras. >> a camera system that constantly records activities on campus is extremely important. they're not very expensive. the thing you get is the protection in a liability

situation that you won't have if you don't have it. >> charlene: police said donald told him, quote,"people in society are a threat to him and he must be vigilant." >> clearly he was disturbed a little bit.

i'm not a doctor. i have no idea what the diagnosis for him is. but he certainly had the potential to do a lot of really bad stuff. >> charlene: members are thankful that no one was hurt.

>> everything was all right in there. nothing went on inside the sanctuary. >> i heard a disruption in the church. i didn't hear anything about anyone being armed. >> as the pastor said, we

had a disturbance. >> charlene: meanwhile, donald, who's mother attends the church, was arrested without incident, and the police are continuing their investigation. on twitter, church leaders

posted: "nobody was injured. praise the lord for his protection." lewis says christians need to trust god but be prepared. >> the biggest thing that makes me cringes when i

speak to other churches about security is when they say, we don't have we're just praying nothing happens. >> charlene: and days before that, the held a prayer rally over the church.

>> a large group showed up and prayed over every seat in the sanctuary, prayed over the hallways and the classrooms. we prayed for souls to be reached. we prayed for the message of christ to get out.

additionally, these individuals, they come every week, faithfully, led by our pastor, steve gaines, and we prayed for safety. we prayed that no harm would come to this place. >> charlene: prayers

that were heard and answered. charlene aaron, cbn news. >> john: thanks, charlene. the supreme court is looking at a compromised ruling in the showdown between "the little

sisters of the poor" and the obama administration over birth control. the compromise could allow those seeking contraceptives to receive birth control directly from the insurer. that would keep the

non-profit from investigation any involvement in providing birth control. >>> the absence of justice antonin scalia is having a major effect on the high court. they are split 4 to 4, the

split gives the government unions a win because the lower court's ruling stays in place. pat, it is believed scalia almost certainly would have sided with the employees against those unions.

>> pat: they were ready to overturn that case. here is the deal: the law was saying that you have to pay dues to a public service union, whether you agree with what they're doing or not, whether you're part of the union

or not. you've got to pay dues regardless. i mean, it is taxation without representation. it flies in the face of all of the principles of this nation. the fact that this was a 4

to 4 decision, it is just absurd. it shows what a razor edge -- the supreme court isn't a judicial body anymore. no way. it is a political arm. it is voting democrat,

voting republican, voting conservative, voting liberal. it is not any longer is it a dispassionate body that is determining the law. you wish it were, but it is not. and, therefore, when you

put somebody on it, it's like a political group. it's like a board of supervisors. you need a majority to win. so in that thing, you've got to have another member on there.

and it is vitally important. as ted cruz has been saying, it is going to determine the supreme court of the united states, not to mention the senate and all of these other bodies.

we're on, again, a knife's edge. john? >> john: pat, an asteroid or comet just landed into jupiter, and two amateur astronomers caught it on video. you can see jupiter.

he accidentally recorded a visible impact on the planet. jupiter is often hit by space rocks because of his strong gravitational pull. it will pull in space october five times faster than it would hit the

earth. astronomers have long been concerned that an asteroid could slam into the earth and cause tremendous disturbance. and, pat, it has concerned you, too? >> pat: of course.

here is the deal: when god was setting up this solar system, one of the protections we have is jupiter. jupiter is like a big brother, sucking these things with a gravitational pull that

would be coming against and we are protected. one of the items that hit jupiter was several times bigger than earth. it would have demolished this planet. instead of hitting us, it would have hit jupiter.

we've got the sun and the moon and all of these things, but it is all in balance. if there is ever a thing that shows the existence of a creator, this is one of them. >> wendy: fascinating.

i didn't know that about >> pat: it's like a big brother. he's up there pulling these things from space. but there was a great big meteor, i guess, that went into jupiter and hit it big.

it was several times larger than the earth. if it would have hit this planet, it would have been the end of us. >> wendy: that would be the end. >> pat: one more thing you can thank the lord

for. >> wendy: up next, new technology equals new hope for cancer patients. >> you can go and have surgery in the morning, come home and go to work the next day. it is just that simple.

>> wendy: hear more about these revolutionary treatments, right after this. >> pat: cancer, you know know -- i've had cancer. people make a big deal of it. with me, hey, it is just

one more thing that my wife had breast cancer. and i had prostate cancer. and i'm what you'd call a cancer survivor. they had that cancer, and i said, i want it out of my body, get rid of it. they cut the prostate out,

and lo and behold, i'm still here years later. my wife had a lump, and they did the mastectomy thing, and she is here years later. but now, instead of this radical surgery, they have this incredibly focused

implantation of little seeds that are able to kill the cancer in people's bodies. and 10 years ago, doctors had no idea that a new technology on the horizon would help them fight cancer.

and lori johnson shows us how one leading treatment center is helping patients beat cancer in a way that is light years ahead of anything we've had in the past. >> lori: unfortunately cancer is still prevalent

in our society. four out of 10 americans will learn they have cancer some time during their life. the good news: that diagnosis isn't what it used to be. >> today's cancer

treatments offer greater hope than ever before. both with increased cure rates and fewer side effects. >> this is a radical thing that a man goes through. >> lori: like millions of men diagnosed with

prostate cancer, dennis jones not only worried about getting rid of the cancer, but also the possible side effects of surgery. >> incontinence, if it's a problem for you, you could be leaking urine all day,

every day, for the rest of your life. that could be a much bigger problem than having problems with sexual function. >> i know where i'm going to spend eternity, but for life on earth here, i want

to be as productive as i possibly can. >> lori: that's why jones chose brachy therapy seed implants. at the bons sequoia bon secours institute. it begins were doctors plant tiny radioactive

seeds inside the prostate. >> we place needles into the prostate, and the patient is asleep, of course, and we're able to slide the tiny pellets in the needle into the prostate, so they radiate from the inside out.

we're killing the cancer from the inside. and we can make it so that it is so conformal to the target so that the normal tissue, the bladder, the rectum, gets very little dose and has no complications for the

patient. >> lori: it only takes a couple of hours. >> i really see the advantage of brachy therapy in the one and done principle. you get all of the radiation in at once, put

up with some side effects for a brief period of time, and then the treatment is done. and all we do is we observe to make sure that the treatment worked. and it is amazing to see the results.

>> lori: like low p.h. a.s, a blood test where higher numbers indicate >> my numbers 1.16, 13 to 16 and more, and today it was 0.02. those are good numbers, by the way. those are very good

numbers -- i'm very excited about that. i thank god for leading me to the right physicians. >> lori: and those doctors regularly thank god, too, because bon secours is the only faith-based hospital in

the state. >> one of the things we take care of is those who can't really afford to pay. we really see this as a mission, where we're reaching out and taking care of those people.

it really is a ministry. people pray for patients and really care about the patients. >> lori: part of that care is pursuing technology that protects the body from aggressive treatment.

while seed implants radiate from inside, what is known as true beam works from the outside in. with the latest radiation techniques, the key is precision. new tools better isolate the tumor, thereby

protecting the healthy tissue surrounding it. that means higher doses of radiation can be used. computer software helps true beam hit the tumor from every angle. when annie learned she had breast cancer, she assumed

the worst. >> my notion was i was going to go without two breasts real fast. i was just going to have to accept the fact that at my age i wasn't going to need them anymore. >> lori: happily, she

was wrong. >> nowadays, the majority of patients don't need a mast techmity. mastectomy. they can have a partial mastectomy, and it is just as good as a mastectomy. >> lori: when the doctor

removes a tumor, he puts this biosorb in its place. >> there are a lot of doctors that don't know about it. >> lori: it helps pinpoint where the tumor used to be, so doctors know exactly where to

radiate. and it makes breasts look normal. >> you're taking a portion of the breast out. you're leaving an empty space. and that can distort the breast.

this device is a three dimensional device, and it provides some scaffolding to the breast to decrease the amount of deformity you might be causing. >> they have everything there for you, especially this biosorb.

you can go in and have come home in the afternoon and go to work the next day. >> lori: so while a cancer diagnosis can be traumatic, new treatments can often lead to better cure rates than before

with fewer complications. lori johnson, cbn news. >> pat: that bon secours is here, located in norfolk. it is not called bon fabulous job. and we were fortunate to partner with them for some

of the equipment. there is hope for you ladies. >> wendy: thank the lord. >>> coming up, meet a grandmother who took a great big tumble. >> i thought the sidewalk

was wet, but it wasn't. it was black ice. the minute i stepped on it, i went flying. i went down in no time i was seeing stars and heard bells ringing. >> wendy: ouch! see the miracle that got

her back on her feet, after this. >> wendy: melanie loves raising her granddaughter, but a couple of years ago, their roles were reversed. melanie's granddaughter had to take care of her after she took a terrible

fall. >> reporter: melanie and her granddaughter, levi, love to visit family in pennsylvania. in december 2013, they were getting ready to head home to south carolina. >> i thought, well, let me

just finish putting things in the car. i walked out and i thought the sidewalk was wet. but it wasn't. and i was seeing stars and hearing bells ring. i fell this way, on my finally i managed to get

to some bushes to help me get up. and it was just miserable. >> reporter: the next day they started out on a 12-hour drive home. >> i didn't realize how bad a shape i was in at the time until a couple of

hours into the trip. and my hip was just throbbing and hurting. i was just praying my way home. it was, like, lord, help me just to get home. >> reporter: melanie continued to have pain,

but assumed it eventually would go away. >> it was getting worse and worse and worse with time. i could hardly do anything. everything was an effort. everything was so painful.

the following summer, i went back to pennsylvania, where i have a chiropractor, and he said your help is completely out. i was going to him a couple times a week. and i said to him, is it

going to stay in? and he said, you went such a long period of time, no, it might not be that easy to go back in. i'm raising my granddaughter, but she was more caring for me than i was her.

i don't know what i would have done without her. it continued for, i would say, a year. you know, i watch "700 "the 700 club" every day. i was sitting there listening to him, and he said, there is a woman

named melanie. >> pat: there is a woman >> and i went...okay. and he said... >> pat: and you have a weakness in your side and leg. i don't know whether it causes you to limp, but

there is a weakness. right now you'll feel like a bolt of electricity going through your body. and you're strenthened and made whole in the name of jesus. >> oh, well, there you go. that's what i've been

waiting for. that's me. i just knew that i knew. it was just that knowing that he called me by name. >> reporter: within a couple days, melanie's hip pain started to ease. >> from that point on,

things started getting better and better. and it's just awesome. for the people who realize what happened to me, whoa! >> reporter: soon she was back to being a doting grandmother. >> so now i'm able to give

back to her and live a good life with her. god is good. we serve a gracious, wonderful, good god. >> wendy: amazing. pat called her by name. maybe you won't hear your name today, but god knows

your name and he knows your need. and we're going to pray for you in just a minute. but we've got some praise reports here, pat. this is an answer to prayer. for several years fear

overwhelmed george from illinois. he reached a point where he was staying by himself at home, locked in his bedroom. on march 4, just a few days ago, he was watching "the 700 club" when he

heard you give a word of knowledge, pat. you said that fear was leaving someone, and then you even mentioned george by name. and george claimed that word for himself. the dark cloud that has

surrounded him began to disperse. the burden of fear was lifted and he began to think clearly again. >> pat: i didn't know melanie and i didn't know george, but god knew them >> wendy: exactly.

he wanted to speak directly to them. >> pat: here is one from georgia, and she has been suffering from severe neck pain since last october. she had problems moving her neck. she was watching us.

and, wendy, you said, quote,"somebody with debilitating arthritis, ur in much pain, and god is hearing you. god is touching you. receive your healing by faith." and you didn't know

juanita, either? >> wendy: i did not. >> pat: you know, folks, how did god create the we talked about jupiter earlier. god spoke and all of these planets came into being. god knew how to do all of

that. god knew it. god knows who you are. healing is nothing for him. but we're seeing this. what is going to happen is right now wendy and i are going to join hands

together, and we're going to believe god for you. would you please pray with us? give your burdens to the father, i join hands with my sister in christ. in the name of jesus, may the anointing of the holy

spirit be upon them right now. there is somebody with breast cancer right now, it is the left breast. put your hand right there. in the name of jesus, all of those tumors are dissolving, and that

cancer is going in the name of jesus. touch! >> wendy: there is someone -- a lady -- you were in a car accident and your spine is completely out of alignment. you're very uncomfortable.

and god is bringing you back into alignment right he is touching your spine, from your neck, all the way down. in jesus' name, be healed. >> pat: there is somebody, you've got tumors in your esophagus.

i don't know whether you burned it or it is a fungus. but they're like tumors. right now god -- you'll feel like a hot breath of air is burning through your esophagus, and god is healing you right now.

someone with really terrible sciatic nerve pain. it is new to you, and you didn't know what it was at first, but god is healing you right now. it is in your right leg, and reach out and claim it

in jesus' name. >> pat: for everyone else who is crying out to the lord, receive an answer to your prayer. let the love of god in infold you. >> wendy: still ahead, he played with fire as a

9-year-old and barely survived with burns on 100% of his body. john o'leary shows us his incredible triumph over tragedy. that's coming up next. >> welcome back to washington for this cbn

news break. the attorney-general of north carolina says he won't defend the state's new transgender law. roy cooper is running for governor. mccory signed the law. that allowed people to

choose men's or female bathrooms depending on the sexual identity they identified with. >> chris pratt is making headlines for what he did on easter sunday. take a look. the actor erected a huge

20-foot cross and documented the process on instagram. the final shot shows pratt and his two helpers standing in front of the cross with a message: "happy easter." pratt has talked about his

christian faith in the past, and said he and his wife prayed for weeks when his son was born prematurely in 2013, and he told "people magazine" that restored and redefined his faith in god.

you can always get the latest news from cbn news by going to our website at pat and wendy will be back with more of "the 700 club" right after this. >> wendy: well, every adult can remember being

told as a kid, don't play with fire. john o'leary is no exception, accept john didn't listen. >> reporter: john o'leary was just nine years old when he suffered severe burns to 100% of

his body. he had seen some older kids playing with gas and fire, so he tried it in his parents' garage. recovery was painful and demanding, but he vowed to press on. with little muscle tissue

left in his legs and all of his fingers amputated, he learned again how to walk and right. write. now as a motivational speaker, he inspires other to live. >> wendy: please welcome

to "the 700 club" for the very first time, john o'leary. >> wendy, what an honor. it's thrilling to be with >> wendy: you lived every kid's nightmare and parents' nightmare, you set yourself on fire.

what happened? >> i had seen little boys in my neighborhood playing with fire and gasoline about a week earlier. i assumed if they could do it, so could i. it is a pretty typical male behavior at this

young age. so i went into my garage early on a saturday morning, and my mom and dad were gone, i walked over to a five gallon can of gasoline, lit a piece of cardboard on fire, and hugged the container and

started to pour. before the liquid even shows up, the fumes come they grabbed the flame, pull it back in, and it creates this massive explosion. picks me up and launches me 20 feet against the far

side of the garage and changes my life forever. >> wendy: you're lucky just the impact didn't kill you. you're completely on fire from head to toe. >> yes. >> wendy: you run into

your house. >> wendy: your two sisters scream, but your brother, jim -- he knew what to do? >> yes, but he was not prepared to do this. he is 17, sleeping in a basement.

i remember standing on my mom and dad's front rug in the hall screaming, i need a hero. i'll take anybody. my brother jim, 17, races towards me. and i remember thinking, god, anybody else.

i need someone who can do something massive. not a 17-year-old boy. yet god can use us all. jim is proof of that. he picks up a rug and beats down the flames. >> wendy: and it was winter so he took you

outside and rolled you in the snow. >> exactly. carried me out like a baby, rolls me in the grass, and jumps on top of me, and he becomes my hero. >> wendy: your brother

calls 9-1-1, and your parents aren't home. you're alone in this ambulance, you get to the hospital, and your mom shows up. >> right. i remember laying in the hospital bed, wendy, by

myself. i have no clothes and i have no skin. so i shut my eyes. as a 9-year-old, my thought was, oh, my gosh, my parents are going to kill me. they're going to kill me.

and then i hear my mom's voice. she walks in and takes my right hand, she passed my bald head and says words i'll never forget: i love i remember looking back and saying, mom, knock it off with the love.

am i going to die? >> wendy: you asked her, >> i assumed she would say, no, honey, we'll get you out here this afternoon and we'll swing you to a drive through and get you a milkshake. but instead of she took my

right hand in hers, she patted my bald head and looked me in the eyes, and she says, do you want to die? your choice, not mine. and i remember saying, mom, i do not want to die. and her response back was,

god good, baby. then look at me. you take this hand of god, and you walk with him and you fight with him like you never before. and we committed our lives to taking the hand of god, and walking the journey

with him, and fighting like we never fought before, and it is a fight that continues. >> wendy: john, that was the beginning of the fight. you made the decision, i'm going to live.

but it was a painful i'm sure there were times you wondered, is it worth it? you were in the hospital five months? >> wendy: and eight months at home trying to recover.

>> wendy: and you lost all of your fingers? and i remember i thought when the doctor amputated my fingers, i thought it was the end of my life. and i remember the doctor saying, i have not taken your life, i have given

you your life. you may not become a court reporter, but you can become a judge. you may not be a baseball player, but you can become a manager. >> wendy: there are a lot of good doctors and

nurses who help us through times like that. tell us about some of the turning points in your recovery. because you learned to write again, which is amazing. >> wendy: tell us about

some of the turning points. >> the first big turning point after coming home from the hospital is that night of celebration. we had been through this miraculous story, from death to life.

when you're burned on 100% of your body, you're going to die. so to come home from that, it is a miracle. my mom is over here, and my father is over here, and my five siblings are around us.

they have rebuilt the house. my mom made the favorite meal, but i can't eat it. and my favorite sister, amy, scoops up potatoes and brings it towards my mouth, and my mean mother looks at my sister and

says, "amy, you drop that fork. he'll figure it out." but from day one, she taught me how to live. >> wendy: john, you have really lived. you are married to a beautiful wife.

you have four kids. you're a motivational speaker. you're an author. you're teaching us how to live. and fact, your book is called, appropriately enough, "on fire, the

seven chronicles to enact a radically inspired go god." and someone said, read this book is like having a friend look you straight in the eye and say, the time to live is now. what do you mean by that? >> we wake up and do our

thing and we go to bed. we're not intentional with our prayer life, in our financial situations and our marriages. this is a cry to wake up, to not take things for granted, and to live their best today, and if they

get a tomorrow, awesome, but don't wait for it to come, live it right now. the first one is accountability. we love entitlement. give it to us. give us hope. but hope is not a

strategy. accountability allows us to do our next best thing right now. don't wait for tomorrow. live it right now. >> wendy: accountability between yourself and you and god or having an

accountability partner? >> the answer is yes. to get off the cross and realize that is already taken care of for us. we need accountability to and we need an accountability partner because we can't do it

ourselves. and then i talk about being a victim to a victor. for me, the question is why was i burned? why do i have all of these back problems to asking why did you die for my

sins? why did you choose me? why can i see the sun rising in th and setting? today i have a lot to be grateful for, and i choose to acknowledge it. >> wendy: and you have four kids, and are they

watching? >> i'm sure mom has them out of school saying, what is dad doing on tv. my wife is named elizabeth beth, and she is gorgeous from the inside and out. i have an amazing family and i know it.

>> wendy: the first time you met elizabeth, you said she took you by the hand. >> you read the book. one of my concerns growing up was would any little girl bee abl be able to see past the scars.

that night i met elizabeth elizabeth, we danced. she kept taking my hand. and she took my hand as a partner and a spouse, and she continues to take my hand today. and we've been party and dancing ever since.

>> wendy: i'm getting a wrap because i can't stop interviewing you because it is so amazing. it is a fascinating story. i know you want to hear more about it. just pick up a copy of john's basketball.

book. it is called "on fire." >>> still ahead, we have your e-mail questions. we'll "bring it on" on with questions and more when we come back. >> pat: welcome back. you're watching "the 700

we're delighted to have you with us. listen, there is a guy named little raul, and he has a bright future in front of him. but not long ago, raul was going blind. and his parents couldn't

do one thing to stop it. >> reporter: raul's parents were concerned when they noticed he had problems with his right eye. >> we saw a white color patch in his eye when he was a baby.

as he got older, the white patch grew bigger. >> he would always cover his eye because it would hurt him so much. sunlight also irritated it and made it difficult for him to walk outside. so we were scared that he

wouldn't be able to see out of that eye. >> reporter: but then a cbn medical camp visited their village. >> they told us that our son had a cataract, and they said they would give him a free surgery.

>> reporter: at the hospital, the doctor explained that raul was close to losing vision in his right eye permanently. >> he has a cataract. that means the surgery should be performed as soon as possible.

father was worried about the outcome of the surgery, but he knew it was the best chance to save his son's sight. >> the cataract was removed and a very good-quality lens was put in.

day the bandage was removed. raul could see clearly. >> i'm extremely happy that my boy's operation went well and his eye is perfectly fine. >> now he plays a lot outside without any

discomfort. and he really likes to read and write. he is so happy. it is such a remarkable change. >> i know when he grows up, he will be able to study well, get a good

job, and have a bright future. >> pat: just think of that, to give somebody sight. you know, there are so many diseases that cause cataract problems, and we can provide an inner

ocular lens po for about $90. so for a couple hundred dollars we can give sight to somebody. and we have been able to do that. i was over in kyrzakhstan some years ago and i talked to a nurse, and

they had terrible problems with cataracts because the russians were shooting off various nuclear devices, and the little kids were getting cataracts. i said, look, we can get an in ocular lens for about $90, and she said,

we can get them for $50, but they couldn't afford can you imagine giving sighthem sight for $50. if you want to participate, and i want you to, it is $20 a month, and you can be a "700 club" member.

we've got this d.v.d. called "heaven," and i think you'll like it because we've got testimonies of people who have been there, have come back, and they tell what it is like. we have a noted head of

cardiology down in palm beach, who has patients, and he records what happened to his patients. it is a tremendous thing, and we'll send it to you if you join "the 700 >> wendy: somebody has seen it, her name is jan.

and she said, "it is so reassuring. heaven is helping me overcome feelings i'm not good enough, and i could watch it for hours." this is just one of the viewer feedbacks. we have some great

questions today. teresa says, "since my husband and i have chosen to follow christ, many trials have appeared. our marriage has been tested, our faith has been tested, all of this plus financial issues.

before finding christ, our marriage was rocky, but we were doing great up until the last two months. with all of the stress, i'm now fighting previous alcohol addictions that i thought were gone. please help me understand

what is happening?" >> pat: all right. first of all, the devil doesn't want to hurt you as long as you belong to the time comes when he'll destroy you, but up until now he wants you to be happy with him.

so you've moved into another realm, and you've moved out to the allegiance of jesus, and the devil wants to get you back and give you trouble for doing it. in aviation, there is a barrier -- we used to call

it the sound barrier, where you get to the point of speed, and there is an invisible barrier that you have to breakthrough. and so the plane has to go through that sound barrier. and when it does, it is

buffeted. it shakes and then all of a sudden it goes through and everything is smooth and good. that's the way it is when you move into the things of the lord. it will be a little rocky

until you get through it. you obviously had some addiction problems along the way, so you need to hold steady and know god will be with you. he will not have you tempted above what your able, but will make with

the temptation a way of escape. stay with it. the closer you get to the lord, the more and more these insecurities and troubles -- use your mouth and bind satan's power. speak the word and say, i

bind you and i forbid you and the forces of evil to hurt me. what's next? >> wendy: virginia says, "i've heard about this chip that is going to be put in people in 2017. is this for real?

because it is kind of scary. i don't want that chip in me. i'm a christian. and if you take that, are you taking the mark of the beast? please tell me about it." >> pat: there is so much

junk that goes around that people claim is prophecy, and it's just nonsense. i don't know of any chip in 2017. they do have implants that are available to identify people. and they are putting

them -- they can tattoo on your hand and so forth. so the technology exists, but some kind of a mandate, no way that i've heard of. >> wendy: i haven't heard of that either. marie says, "i was told

that as long as you do not denounce the holy spirit you will go to heaven in spite of your lifestyle. there are no scriptures to validate this, are there?" >> pat: not any i have read. there is only one thing

that will get you to heaven, and that's the grace of the lord jesus christ. by grace we're saved, through faith -- not of ourselves; it is a gift of there is only one thing, believe in the lord jesus

isn't that what paul said, christ and you shall be saved. christ and that's it. you can denounce the -- where do people come up with this stuff? >> wendy: david says, "are you were wer we still under the 10

commandments? the bible also says if you break one of the commandments, you're guilty of all." >> pat: we're under the grace, and it is a different thing. all of the die dietary rules

and things of the old testament do not apply to people who come to the i did a book on the 10 commandments showing why it applies to us today. it is very wise. all of those things about being obedient to your

parents and not coveting somebody's possessions and all of that, and don't murder people -- i mean, that is foundational in our law. you know, we have laws against murder. we have laws against

kidnapping. bearing false witness. it is built into the world for the way we live. so you say, well, i'm not under that law. well, in a sense you are because it is the moral law of the universe.

and we're all under that. >>> well, thanks for those questions. that's all of the time we've got. we leave you with today's power-minute from psalm 66: "we went through the water, and you brought us

to a place of abundance." that's a good word for today. tomorrow, golden state warrior james macadu is going to talk about his faith and, of course, his outstanding work on the but that's all of the time

we've got right now. thanks for being with us. for wendy and all of us, this is pat robertson. good-bye and god bless


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