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welcome to top10archive! in the modern dayand age that we're in, it seems that someone can be addicted to just about anything. weall know the usual ones, alcohol, cigarettes, and biting your nails; but how about someof the more... strange addictions? from bee stings to bleach baths, we're counting downour picks for the top 10 strangest addictions. 10. internet addictiondo you find yourself constantly thinking about a previous on-line activity, or anticipatethe next time you'll be logging online? find it hard to log off, or use the internet ina way to escape the problems of the real world? yeah? well, guess what? what many feared wouldhappen has come to be, and it's not very uncommon... "internet addiction", described as a formof impulse control disorder, is commonly called

piu, standing for problematic internet use,and has become such a recognized issue that rehabilitation centers have opened up specificallyfor piu treatment. are you a recovering addict and think you can help others that are addictedto technology? head over to and check out the "we're hiring" section toget started! 9. growing toenails and fingernailsayanna, a woman from houston, texas, has a un-healthy addiction to growing her toe andfinger nails. she had grown out her fingernails since she was 24-years old, never cuttingthem as they currently measure at around 23-inches or 58-centimeters as of this 2011 article.ayanna's nails are of such importance to her, that she walks on the heels of her feet, doesn'twear socks, and won't wear tennis shoes unless

she can cut the fronts of them off. we wishthis was an isolated fad, but the art of growing your nails seems to be a thing. the personwho holds the record for longest fingernails, according to guinness world records, belongsto melvin boothe, at a combined length of 9.85 meters or 32 feet and 3.8 inches.8. bee stings what's the buzz about margaret, a woman fromkentucky? well, she's a 55-year old woman who is addicted to stinging herself, withbees. as odd as that sounds, it's true, margaret started her addiction when she began usingbee stings as a "home remedy" for her arthritis. she keeps her own beehive in her back yard,to support her addiction, as she is currently up to 15 stings a day. to administer the sting,she grabs the bee with a pair of hemostat,

creates an indent in her skin with her fingernail,and taps the bee on the abdomen. he husband goes on record claiming worry over her addiction,stating that 15 stings a day is a little much. 7. barbie addictiondubbed the "real-life barbie", valeria lukyanova, from the ukraine, has an obsessive addictionto beauty, or the standards set from the "barbie doll". valeria claims that her look is mostlynatural, using make-up and blue contact lenses; she says she has only "gone under the knife"once for breast implants. she maintains her body through daily workouts and a vegetariandiet. many people have voiced doubt about her legitimacy, claiming valeria has had anumber of other surgeries; including rib removal to achieve her 18-inch waistline. we wishthis was an isolated incident, too, but once

this seems to be a fad. with a quick googlesearch of "real life anime girl", you'll see dozens of examples of what can happen whensomeone becomes obsessed with their appearance. 6. eating cat hairmeet lisa, a middle aged woman from detroit, michigan, and a self proclaimed eater of cathair. appearing on the tlc show "strange addiction", she tells about how she eats the cat fur shegathers from around the apartment, off the floor, furniture, and, well, according tolisa herself, "the best ones come right off the cat". she believed that by eating hercat hair, it would make her pet grow closer to her, an addiction which started over 15-yearsago. it would even develop into her bathing her cats with her tongue.5. snake bites

over the years, people have used many ridiculousand stupid methods to obtain a high; from fermenting their feces, to choking themselvesunconscious, but none seem quite as bizarre and potentially dangerous as allowing venomoussnakes to bite you. in one instance, a teenager from keralapuram, india, was arrested andclaimed that he used snake bites to get high. mahinshah would pay between 1,000 to 2,500indian rupees per administered dose. he would describe the sensation as a "blackout associatedwith a sense of well-being, lethargy, and sleepiness".4. eating husbands ashes ashes to ashes, dust to mouth.. or somethinglike that, right? well for tennessee native casie, whose last name remains undisclosed,it's certainly the case. she had lost her

husband, and chose to have him cremated; whileshe was transferring his ashes from the temporary box they were in to his decorative urn, shegot some on her hands. not wanting to, in her own words, "just wipe him away", she lickedthe remains off her fingers. now losing a loved one is never easy, but there are muchbetter ways to cope with the natural, yet harsh constants of life. casie had enrolledherself into a rehabilitation center, specializing in breaking addictions, in hopes of breakingher disgusting snacking. 3. addicted to bleachbirmingham, alabama resident, gloria, has an addiction to bleach, going as far as toscrub down her entire house, then her entire self with it. she does not suffer from germophobia,though, but rather she developed the addiction

one day during her pregnancy with her thirdchild. every morning she adds enough bleach to her bath water that is burns her face,and the resulting fumes are enough to burn her eyes. none the less, she isn't worriedabout any adverse health effect that may arise from this, and expresses no interest to seekhelp for her addiction. 2. drinking children's urinerobert wells believes the secret to everlasting youth lies in urine of children, and he says,the fresher the better. growing tired of his collected stale urine that he gathered himself.robert had designed a simple urine collecting system as he called it, consisting of a blacktarp, a funnel, some tubing and a few out of order signs. he would pose as a plumber,and tell any children that came in that the

urinals were out of service, and that he wasfixing some plumbing underneath the tarp with the attached funnel... which he instructedthe child to use in lieu of the urinal... and i'll leave the rest up to your guys imagination.1. chewing on dirty diapers queens, new york, native, keyshia, has anaddiction.. or multiple addictions as it may be, to hoarding, sniffing and sucking on soileddiapers. according to the woman, "it has to have pee in it" and "the heavier ones thathave more pee smell better". keyshia somehow finds friends and even strangers that arewilling to donate the used diapers. while her fiance is finally fed up with her, nowthat they have a baby coming.. yup, that's the deal-breaker.. because you have a babycoming, not because your life partner drinks

random child's urine out of diapers... whatever, i quit... this list is over. we just had to end this on a disgusting note, didn't we?


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