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breast augmentation nyc financing

most importantly, when we do the fat transfer,it's really not just augmenting the buttocks. it's about sculpting the body. so, when you remove fat around the buttocksarea, then as if you are sculpting- if you take a statue or something, and the way theysculpt that statue, they keep chipping, chipping, chipping, from that rock or piece of whateverit is your sculpting, you carve it until you have a shape. so, it's the same thing with the body too.sometimes what you do is you have the buttocks and the back, they're all one area, there'sno distinction. so by removing some of that fat from around the buttocks, it makes thebuttocks project more, and has a shape to

it. and that's what we do first, is sculptaround the buttocks to make the buttocks have a little shape, then whatever fat that wetake out, we use it for more reshaping and more augmentation. so basically we shape the buttocks with about40-50% maybe. or even 60% of that fat will go to reshaping. and then 30-40% of the fatwill go into augmentation or more projection of the buttocks.


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