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so i'm mark checking with konzi pop dotcom since conductor richard kaufman and uh... let your very businesspersonal and i really have to go on appear kapil men's work is never gotthat right but and if i get my fax right you are pops conductor laureate yet so if thenet for fourteen years with chicago's you're with the chicagosymphony and you're also principal pops conductor orange county pacifica

pacific symphony pacific suppressor uh... lot of responsibility so how do you fitit all and leave start what's your schedule here at these things calledairplanes me take you where you need to pro uh... unless of course uh... your losangeles and there's a tornado when you have to get to dallas so that they can see the flight

um... i love conducting and um... and i started out job plane studios film scores and uh... always loved listening to the scores that are playingon also watching film my whole life like you probably

and uh... was in the film music and early on i'd the beethoven brahmsand bought some world news of yurman steiner in vermont permanent rested franz waxman so my my career should have went along andi ended up working at ways to treat foxes

ended up working m_g_m_ for about nineteen years supervising music and uh... i was also conducted themselves justnatural that some people said would like to do to a concert what wouldyou like to do well like figured this you know music fromsilverado and ben-hur and you know and all its worth

so it just sort of began that way unfortunately audiences love motionpictures and would love to hear the music motionpictures um... without hearing the car chases inour hearing the gunshots and you know and all the other sound effects and all adjuster really love doing doing this and

bringing film music to the symphony orchestra were corn gold oracle think we're both thatmusic is music whether it's for the movie theater of the culture very interesting ethical so as a violinist through whendid you start seven years old uh... i was uh... outside playing them walked into my house and my mother saidthat this is mrs hewitt feature violin

teacher my from is that what theviolence she was sitting there and i startedplaying violin and i love that and i look at forstrangely time i'd love the music but even more i love the camaraderie young musicians and the idea that when you play a recital they took you beat me and and might and we had to be goodrestaurants nearby and so i actually

i would be playing a recital women'sclub whatever it might be thinking about hope consistent things rate sheets per jab so could barely pathetic that's ok you know one thing that's on the other investorswas about eleven or twelve i thought it would be great to not just played the melody on the instrument but also to

be involved in everything going sort of badgered teachers in the lettingthe conductor had no idea how to conduct their wave your arms and stamina boxing power over of the human beings what more could have gotten bhagwat uh... dot so uh... so that's what like that and just kept on and doing that collagen

you know that's a pretty good breaks plaza a violent stringed instrument transitions to multitude of strange met try anything else on explain things uh... what i was thirteen years old and found out that were approached himhere this was going to all of the junior high schools in los angeles

and asking them to send their a best percussionist woodwind players and brass players toaddition to be in the movies and music and i played the violin there were noviolence in the music and so i went to uh... mister number of my junior highschool and i said i need to there's an auditionon saturday i need to play a brass instrument and he said well there's no way you can

learn to play an instrument i said iknow that the studio orchestra plays music which is needed know-how he said well i have a trumbo so he handed me a trombone and showed me how to do this and uh... the following week i was atwarner brothers with all these other great musicians from the junior highschools i couldn't win over her i could use some kind of you knowconcern but i had red hair

and i could market didn't study margin and i got in the movie i wasn't here a little boys abandoned and then went on to not study trumbull had to learn how toplay a little bit and as i a you know is discoveringconducting a life sort of learned pianos and percussion you know

i know how the instruments were wields bridge that anti composing when you're when something you'll understand instrument that's onething but if you're trying to write some music but you don't play the instrument for the purpose to get a great question and i'm not really composer i've writtenmusic and written songs but i think

it's one thing to know how to write anovel another new and to write a beat but know how to like an artist and takethe colors of the orchestra the power colors continues in the solos to to get it three together all of them together is really a skill that is it's very difficult to learn that

uh... especially in film it's because once you've learned what what you rightnow and what you write the rhythm do the orchestration the instrumentationall the rest of it and you know how to do that and suddenly you're staring at a movie with no music and some empty management favors and now we're away and it's all about timings and all thatso so i i can answer your question though ithink that

the colors of the orchestra how to use them isn't part into itself even aside from writing melodies sp film composers have demonstratedbernard herrmann in the movie psycho solely strings there's news any otherpart of the orchestra which john williams you know uh... i'm

i was very fortunate plan a number ofjohn's films and one of them was close encounters the third time and we we were we had recorded some of the music whenthey were brothers when we were dismissed the worst wasdismissed but they had more to do and as i was packing up on trial and inoticed five or six tuba players right

and i looked once though about my stateand of course it was you know open bottle dot help onthis one field which i sat there thinking well this isreally in human you know how does somebody come up withthat idea and it was just brilliant knowing those colors and knowing is sort of the next step of your gonnawrite music you know long answer maxis came inside second aprocess i think that's a lot of notebook

was moved to your time and can and andfox net sound so by virtue of you living in l_a_ at thetime you were you know precludes studios born raised in westlos angeles when i was brought home from hospital who's just born powerhouse over the back fence of ourhouse was the fox battle

and truth and as a child i remember i didn't seeany films being done but i remember at night that would be bright light where they work sheet i remember that and then we moved when i was about two or threeyears old couple miles away and um... michael childhood was surrounded by

show business uh... pony league baseball uh... my coach was burt lancaster billy lancaster his son was a friend of mine and we were all uh... and then billy lancaster went on to write the screenplay for thebad news bears sort of about our team so it was just like this

spider web of connection and uh... it was fascinating to be a part of that in west l_a_ and iremember as a kid driving past m_g_m_ studios and sing these walls and you know we paris with tickets to moviesand on what's going on behind and eventually

my office before we'll talk to us about that what'swhat's behind the gates a lot of crazy people note you know uh... i do and started at fox first about two and a half years there there was a movie being done uh... called unfaithful e_u_ words withdeadly more an armada sound i might have to look like a violinist soi was hired to

makeup look like that and uh... but more and so after i did that the head of musiclionel newman one of them members of the newman them one woman you have a lot of television that was about to start ten or elevenshells and he needed help and so i became his assistant and thenafter that two-and-a-half years

manning carry law yes d and in g_m_ a set of music and g_m_ i had known he read when i was a violinist playing on session and harry and i would talk about musical theater and all that sort ofthing because hairy started out

as fred ssrs rehearsal pianist so perry called me and there wasn't much going on at fox aftera couple of years anike coming lionel and assign me to doa film called the men with one red shoe teachtom hanks to look like a violinist and jim belushi look like it's going to beplayer and carrie fisher looked like a flute playerdavid stars with what the doctor appointed dr but there really wasn't going to beanything after that

and i was panicking my daughter about to be born navajo big trouble here you called andsaid listen the music ordinator friend g_m_ is commitment nine and couldn't climb stairs to the dog r_u_ interested i said well

i've got a movie to do i'm i was asked by below to go to london to conduct afilm score for him and this was in july and i said so i really won't be freeuntil like the end of october he said well can you call when you get back fromengland so three months go by i got back no work

and i call it a read on a fridaynovember fifth nineteen eighty-four i said well what you know and back in just in case he says well what can youstart you held the job open for me threemonths and i start the following monday as music were date for the studio and then he retired disposition

was there for about nineteen years and initially question the other side ofthe world in general of the was exciting it was a city i mean there was a barber shop couple restaurants and shoe shine placed stored all the sort of thing and sound stages and of course if you'rea fan of motion pictures to be on the m_g_m_ lot's wife

no fall and i would finish work leak in the evening and sometimes i would just walked bymyself to the lofty law we've reduced our voices gene kelly you need to go elizabeth taylor stands really a magical

and that was ted turner and everything well so some everyone trying to be an actor someonetrying to be a film personality and before so many people who can make even tougher for musicians to make it inhollywood or to make their name any part of the business is difficultbecause there are a lot of people who would like to be doing more and more the craft

making movies has disappeared if somebody even if you're an actor andyou're in a big yet then they will sign into direct why would you be signed to do that i don't know it's just very strange islike if you're on the street and some because of abicycle you run over and you pull over to the side and uh... youknow you run inside it's a band-aid you put it on and somebody comes and says ohwait now we'd like to give you some

brain surgery next week you know because you just help dispersed end and that's it radical example but the craft of being a musician whether it's astudio musician or a composer for music editor music supervisor there's a lot to know

and it begins with the low the art form took a lot of it so that you see movies constant you listened every film scoreyou get your hands up for no other reason than you love doingit and you want it so pretty when i was playing kansas city musician

breaks a ten minute breaks in sessionswho would be one of two members every hour i would stay in the studio i would go inthe booth and stand in the back and listen to the director told me that theboys watch the playback so i just and and i think that today it's one thing to be able to close theis it living who's filming report technique

of writing music all with them sub-prime although i would have liked working withmozart if you've been given them it since wonderful question pontiac yeah but gets difficult there's a lot ofcompetition a lot of wonderful musicians to play in the studios

and and less work than they used to be and film composing a lot of people would like to be doing and it's it's it's tough to do well you've written since uh...understand chart you've written some music for a pink panther clinton series all thoughtswhat happened and uh... in here tonight t_v_ show

what's that like i mean with the amount of music that you played yourpast when you get up to you skates with me on paper word at what where does your personalpreference life can you have a personal preference when you're as far as the music that i'd like to remind job i would never would wanna be a composer difficult to do

and how people i mean elmer bernstein once told me with regard to kill a mockingbird and he said he gave in the work print you know film cut but no support and he set for six weeks trying to figure out seven them

all these great films and so here's one of the great composersand where y right defiantly told me he said he discovered that the point of view ofthe film was through the content of children and he said wrote the melodies beautiful little youknow but it's really hard to do and when iwrote it was because

of necessity if there was if the composer was runningout of time and there were couple small cues i would write them in the heat of the night the series we didn't show up on theseries we had no money for song so they're in the scripts there werealways songs in this jukebox at this called me since dick signaling for

and this trip would say you know to readthis fight over a woman has the music plays out of the jukebox we got it music we don't we don't havemoney to buy i started writing country songs ithought no from west los angeles before solely qualified so uh... i wrote a song once country so-called mylove gave you areason to live your about gave me a reason to doubt mean is that a country star answers

i wrote a song once called i love mytruck doesn't get more countrymen and lyricsare some guys love there when this kind ofan up to beat bill some guys love their women give mallthey've got money can be hearts in jewelry glowing in the dark dinners by the candlelight brings in lots of luck with me i'm happyas a client i love my truck i love my truck

it takes me where i want to be right upto the mountain tops and right down to the sea uh... cnf someday some woman goes infalls in love with me i will look at it in the eye and tellher lovingly that it takes me where i want to go andget sleep back from their takes me to the hardware store to the county fair other guys and they live their lives aslonely as can be with me if i live let me i never all alone highly in referee

i love my truck to take care of theright direction on thompson right down to the scene it throws my heart and overdrive andtakes me to the stars and it will never dumped me for some crummy foreign car as that country song what my next question is how much of that casts in the bar scene it played in the jukebox

a couple years later mysteries went onfor mine couple years later a script comes in myoffice caldwell when the music stuff and carroll o'connor wrote the scriptwas valid country-western singer who accidentally kills hughes arranger and the guy who also helped him writesongs because the guy

felt that he need to be paid and singer and poet and in the script singer the character sings all through the show in the club one country song after the end and we have in week money song so i was talking with carroll o'connor

and eyes and said what are we going to do for the songs and he said well we've had a lot of songs for the jukebox what about those i said i wrote though i can play and forty-onehere so i playtime for carol values means you know i love my truck to take youwere a lot of all these things and he said when the gates and get somereally great countries

home correct i mean i'm going to have like an chesneywhoever tum ghar somebody you know financings so that was later the casting woman calls me in my office and uh... very joe slater uh... sarcastic person whose son waschristians or jews christians without anyway mary jo called says

we've got the time to play the countrysinger greg who is it at robert goulet and i said don't be marriage aggressively robert goulet it's a very took months to recent scottcut robert goulet and he wants to hear thesaw i fly las vegas was house the next dayirrevocably is not confusing bronstein

and what and ifi today's play the songs daybreak song let's look this is goingto be great fade out fade in were in atlanta whichare controlled senate letter we pre-recorded the songs that here's robert releasing love my truck it goes in the show all of it in the club scene

goulet calls me few weeks later and says i've been askedto do it be a guest on the arsenio hall show works for you they talk shit i want to say i love my truck and you doarrangement for five p span organic through the arrangement he called a few months later

you know i'm going back to beg us to domy act in a new i want to add i love my truck in the actor needed arrangementfor a fifteen p span or cake yet and stick well it's ok system a lot collect my thoughts what's thisguy i mean i can right now just let you go on and on butlet let's get the while you're here so kassebaum was iconic its time it's it's it's it's a love story it's

it's one of the greatest my personal off many people feel it's the greatestof not one of the recruitment how do you approach that extract his dadcame treasure the sierra madre sits on twenty five films a year how do youapproach something my job used to levy orchestra recreate what mister

only the music is law and so rather than hearing it or even stereo you're hearing it every single color of the orchestra everything next enter into it uh... fewer you're hearing what he intended and i and that's where approach it it's very important

that the audience seen the film in addition the story lot of people andi think that's one blue and those who have may have seen theseare some small t_v_ screen well here they are sitting at home and not only that here's a look at what's simply playingthe school and it's a unique experience and so another part of my job is to makesure that there is

fortress balance with the soundtrack so people can hearthe works with a great sound and restricted be handling that and so it's basically recreating whatwas originally done as i told somebody it's sort of likecasablanca on steroids and it's so bigger and beautiful prints and and that's it and ah...

me a lot of people absolute why do you look usage of paperwork why do you play book well reclaim i mean humphrey bogart as one of thecoolest anti-hero there's also the dynamic of how he fell in love with else uh... butshe was sort of just she was under different pretenses

she thought chief of ecological instead g five decades and it's means for youknow going after something that you want do you think you have it's taken awayand vouchers ethical people are ethical obviously sir cornucopia frames and that there's not one real reason but let's say for this

i was in high school first-time my jacket soundtrack thousand awesome while so i i got nothing but juliewilson sing and you know not on word and hello amala ma say yes that onceseemed pretty into the film right that just i can't stand it

uh... i just love musical most as much as the movie itself this kind taken aback my it brought things that were yeah at that's one amount but what makes it convenient what makes casa blanca

one of the greatest occurs because one of them you've touched on a couple thingspersonal revolver ingrid bergman uh... the story of a love story there are several stories going on and the wavy we themselves together is extraordinaire

uh... beyond bogart ingrid bergman you've got cast of the greatest character actorswho ever played points-of-view greenspan gloria jeans bridge st received a call makings couples with yet and uh... cover of the and every single scene it's like watching

these masters what they did meet always with the film it isn't likegoing to bring to boil drug problem or or intro and birdman and uh... the nurse mothersita here they are again dislike and then you have the cinematography inblack and white the shadows in the way the shootingangles and all that sort uh... you have the story of course of world war two

words that way world war two your friends skate butthat's what they're going to pass walk ticketless strike there's either the inthis scene where in the club the germans are singing the national internationaland and and then the the patrons french patriots sayinguh... mom i say yes and they shot it and several of theninety-four do several of those people have experienced in real life what wenton and i had but the good accounts of houses when yousee the tears of those people when

they're singing in the field those are real tears conrad vite incredibly effective by the nazis and here is playing you know the bad guy and yet his life was totallyon the other side just really really extraordinary and then you takethe music yeah if you take any of those elements

it don't think that exist as casablancabeing you know great-great for my wife right we we've watched it from time to timeand every single time we see accompli noticed that do you would use it so it's uh... constant discovery completely agree there's there'sactually one thing that uh...

if you were going to take it out it waswhat max steiner one he didn't like it's time for the spa yetand yet this year or calico but window composer wants to have to use somebody else'samusing you know and you know the colonel bogeymarch you know uh... when sir malcolm arnoldwas writing the the score for colonel william large theysaid we're going to use uh... differently march

and so he actually wrote the boatingmarch in when you listen to colonel bogey march in the movie the frenchwarns are playing this totally abnormality that is the boat we did the uh... require much anton ta da da da da da da is going onhere listening to know there's the composer but i think that when max steiner did one of the greatest examples

of arranging orchestration in using in history of film because when you hear what how he molded vaccine heard the term upto scene into his score it's just seems in israel extraordinaire krabi began inside next i was prettyglad he didn't have to come up with such

a great for that there are there are so manythings that were already system that he was able to school him and i think that switchboardspeak states kinda capture the the mindset of thepeople of the era and it was he kinda did not commit all up-and-downdeftly it's cat happy st old story consists of the film benefitsof the month twenty

between twenty and twenty five song uh... it had to get you in the eastcoast on on every time you hear something there's another song playing in thebackground putting its stamp on time here yeah the music music's extraordinaire if you take the story can you look at the film without anymusic and somebody says ok we need a song

revolver and bird what touch them that brings them together mean what adifficult thing depends time was black so so so speaking of that uh... when it comes to points in the film planned to labels explain how does that compare

someone to play the piano and saying orjust to keep the reality all of the source music and and orderly please do reply some of the leading the charge playingshe's planning when the band is playing knock on wood uh... read we have some strings that are we've kind of put underneath a littlebit just a for a little bit

uh... but i think you'll be surprisedwith the work she was doing during the cold war uh... but all of the source music is inthere just isn't worth if anything other than the underscore we had to havea little bit system but still as you said kassebaum on steroids absolutely note for note

and it was lovely didn't play the piano and that they had a pianist on the setoff to the side julie welch was coming would look at his age gap and that yourview mention that remember spurred mine here uh... one of these attributes julie wilson was the only member of thecast whoever actually win to passable

major fans of the party with a lot i would i would say mistermurdoch often told me do we will stand and to gossip about that well arm this is not your first time play you keep taking this across the countryand that's why i do think that this with the chicago symphony uh... in january and with the civicsymphony uh... few weeks ago some california

as part of the naps with chicago that's the fridaynight citeseer is we do is former simplycalled friday night movies blue separately you three three nights season i will usually be too john williams will be one some of the time

composer uh... you know we we would love that series it's been soldout for seven years and do all sorts of things about retooling stuff we recorded the entireparts of the carribean or support with the film all two hours and twenty minutes of it it was it was daunting and we've had agreat time an absolutely

but audiences love them and i think whenyou have listening to music it's also a visualyou see the workshop and all that it's an exciting exciting thing to watch and in a movie to hear that music mon casa blocker was boswell mexicans dash opencube dried and this orchestra

twenty-two please symphony orchestrarather than via sip another thing to be a symphony orchestra the complex filmschool and with the passion and really really getting into the drama this orchestras so did u the score with really inspection so i'm excited for me to make it to do it and for theaudience to know to experience the film

you know that you get my tickets fortomorrow night explicit sex jack of all you'll see something different everything thanks isn't great


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