breast implant removal toronto

breast implant removal toronto

cleavage is a very, verycommon question that patients ask me about. i think that, you know,in clothing, in a bathing suit,there's a lot of femininity that goes along with thatsilhouette of nice cleavage. it's a very big concernfor a lot of my patients and i basically assume noweverybody wants nice cleavage. it's very rare thatsomebody comes in and goes, look, i want my breastswidely spaced apart please,

just like tori spelling. okay. that just doesn't happen. the thing is-- is thatcleavage is very dependent on your own anatomy. for example, if you putthe implant under the muscle, the muscle comes across andit inserts into the chest bone. so, if you have musclesthat insert close together, you're gonna gettighter cleavage. if you have musclesthat insert wider apart,

the cleavageis gonna be wider. wheneveri get under the muscle, i'm always tryingto bring the implants as close togetheras possible. i actually liftthe muscle a little bit. but you can't strip the muscleright off the bone. i mean, you need this muscleto move your arm. you can't do that. the other considerationis you have to respect

the nipple-areolar complex. and what i mean by that is, let's sayyou're a person that does have you know,widely spaced breasts. okay. when i put the implant ini definitely can sort of cheat it overa little bit and try to get you a little bitmore cleavage. but if i over do it, if i reallypull it over to the side, your nipple is going to end upon the side of your breast.

okay. so you're gonnaend up with nipples that are pointing like this,cock-eyed. okay. when you go over the musclewith the implants, you don't have todeal with the muscle. so you have a little bitmore flexibility in terms of where youposition the implant. but again you have to respectthe nipple-areolar complex. and the other thing is youdon't wanna overdo it. you don't wantthe implants too close together

because thenyou risk a complication known as symmastia where thebreasts actually join together. and it looks terrible.


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