breast augmentation cost in utah

breast augmentation cost in utah

in this operation we're going tobe carrying out a bilateral breast augmentation, partially under the muscle, using allergantrm, which are the moderate profile implants. i'll be taking you through each stage of theoperation. we're going to make a small incision in the inframammary fold, make sure that measuresjust under five centimetres. then i'm going to go under the breast tissue here and thenfind the muscle, which will be lying in this position here, and then go underneath themuscle so we've got good coverage of the implant in the upper part here where our patient isrelatively slim, so we get good coverage of the muscle there. so what i've done therenow is i've gone under the muscle. this is the muscle layer here, so we're underneaththe muscle to give that extra layer coverage

here and i've [inaudible 0:54] the way now we're just going to put the sizing implant in, which i'll show you in just aminute. now i'm going to put in the sizer, which is an inflatable implant which we'regoing to put in there. okay, that's under the muscle. i'll just double check that'slying nicely underneath the muscle, which it is. there we go, and now i'm just goingto blow up the implant. that's 50 cc's, keep them coming, 60, 100 cc's, 150 cc's, 200 cc's,250 cc's, 300 cc's, 350 cc's. so we're getting near the optimum volume, i think, for ourpatient today. just check out that it is lying right, which it is. that's now 360 cc's. ithink that suits our patient very well. this is the end of the operation with the implantsboth placed, and we've got really good natural

breast shape and a very natural appearancewith those 360 cc implants. i just thought i would show you here. it's an inspira's from allergan. t stands for textured, r for responsive, and m for moderate profile,360 cc's. there are the dimensions and the width and the height that we always look that's the implant this lady has. h%ir hd*| a: in this operation we're going to becarrying out a bilateral breast augmentation, partially under the muscle, using allergantrm, which is the moderate profiling [ robin robin microsoft office word a:in this operation we're going to be carrying out a bilateral breast augmentation, partiallyunder the muscle, using allergan trm, which is the moderate profiling [ title microsoftoffice word document msworddoc word.document.8


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