top breast augmentation surgeons nashville

top breast augmentation surgeons nashville

hey guys! today i wanted to talk about boobie step 4,which is choose your surgeon. for me this has been a little bit of a process becausea lot of the surgeons i’m looking at are out of state. so, i do a lot of communicatingthrough emails and on the phone. there was one surgeon i really wanted to goto, but i didn’t want to jump the gun yet. i encourage women to go to multiple consultationsto get a good idea of what other surgeons can offer you, how confident your surgeonfeels, and that kind of thing. in addition to the one surgeon i really wantedi also reached out to two other surgeons. through the process i was just still blownaway by the surgeon of my choice, my first

choice. that is dr. pyle in raleigh, northcarolina. he practices with davis & pyle plastic surgery. i’m so excited to get my procedure! i’malso really nervous but it’s really important that you can connect with your surgeon ina way that you don’t feel uncomfortable and you’re able to relax when you’re aroundthem. that’s really important. if you’re really stressed out and nervous during yourconsult and pre-op you’re not going to be as open and honest about the results you want,you’re going to hold back some. that’s why it’s really important that you likeyour surgeon. maybe they have a personality that you don’t like, well that’s a badexperience. you want to have a good experience

from beginning to end, that’s really importantto me. i also want to mention gretta. she is thepatient care coordinator, she has been awesome! anytime i have a question that i don’t wantto bother dr. pyle with i’ll shoot it to her and she’ll get back to be within a day,she’s great. she’s one of those people that is so excited and loves her job so muchthat you want to have a job like that. it’s really inspiring. another thing i love aboutwhat gretta does is she gives people a good experience, and to me experience is huge. if you go into your plastic surgeon's officeand the front desk girl isn’t excited to see you, they’re just like, “what’syour name?” and they write it down, already

you don’t feel cared for, you feel likea number and that’s not a place you want to be. if the people working there aren’texcited and aren’t happy you might want to look at a different surgeons office. that was kind of my experience with my firstaugmentation. it’s kind of a weird story, i’ve actually never even talked about and my husband were actually the first people there. i was the first surgery of themorning and we were waiting for them to open the door and one of the nurses came up andi don’t know if she was having a bad day but she was just in a mood. so, from the momenti walked in the door it was kind of like i took on that negative mood. it took away fromthe experience that could’ve been awesome

and but a damper on it, which kind of sucks.i would definitely look at the staff. at dr. pyle’s office the staff have beennothing short of amazing. they take their time, they answer my questions, they’revery detail oriented. when i sent dr. pyle my pictures to get an idea of what my optionswere he sent me three different options and they were like two paragraphs each, for eachoption. he told me which one he would suggest if it were him, but that it was completelyup to me. i was never pressured into choosing one. he never pushed me like, “you needto get this one,” it was, “here are three good options, but if it were me, i would gowith this one.” it really opened a channel for a dialogue.we could talk about it and i love that. i

like that dr. pyle wants to communicate, hewants to talk about it, he wants to have a conversation. to me there is no better torelay what i want better than to feel comfortable with my surgeon and just sit down and talkabout it. so yeah, i’m super pumped! my augmentationdate is march 2nd, it’s in less than a month. my mind is blown, i can’t believe that inless than a month i’m going to be having surgery. today, i’m walking around the houseand in my head i’m like, “you need to remember this, this and this.” they’rein raleigh, north carolina and i live in nashville. i’m going to need to fly over there, havemy consultation/pre-op march 1st and then my surgery march 2nd, and i’m going to staythere a week to recover before flying back

home. i’m trying to remember, “ok, don’t forgetyour recovery kit, don’t forget the 45 degree angle sponge so i can be propped up, don’tforget arghhh!”. so, i’m going to encourage you...i wrote an article this past week on5 ways i’m helping my pre-op jitters, and one of those is journaling. journaling isreally, really therapeutic for me. i would encourage you, if you have all this stufffloating around in your head, just write it down and get it on paper. the less stuff youhave floating around in your head the clearer you’re going to be able to think, the lessstressed out you’re going to be because you’re going to have a plan of action onpaper that you don’t have to try and remember.

i would encourage you to start journalingif you don’t already. or use notes on your phone, just start putting stuff in there.that’s what i was doing today when i was just walking around the house with my littlegirl. i was holding her and taking notes with my left hand, so do what you gotta do! so yeah, i chose my surgeon, dr. pyle of davis& pyle plastic surgery in raleigh, north carolina! i’m really excited! i’m going to be documentingmy experience while i’m there too, so yall will get to see that. i’m really interested to know who you guyshave chose for your surgeon so just leave me a comment below and we’ll have a conversation!thanks for stopping by!


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