top breast augmentation surgeons in utah

top breast augmentation surgeons in utah

good morning everyone! i just wanted to catch you guys up this weekwith where i’m at. today i have been working on boobie step 2, which is name your fearsand surprisingly i wrote down more than i had anticipated. i guess a good word of adviceis don’t overthink it. i wanted to share with you my top 3 fears going into this revisionarybreast augmentation. my first one is: going too big. now, thisone really surprised me because i didn’t think this would make my list of fears atall. the biggest part of not wanting to go too big is not wanting to look disproportionateon my frame. i don’t want to wake up having implants that are wider than me and totallyregret the decision. what i should really

do is make sure i communicate with my surgeonexactly what i’m wanting. the best thing you can do is just be as transparent as possible.if you’re not you could wake up with something that you’re not happy with. definitely becompletely open with your surgeon and have an open line of communication because that’sgoing to help him give you what you’re looking for. so, that was one of my fears, going toobig. the second one: anesthesia. this is probably#1 fear. i’m not afraid of not waking up, i know a lot of women are afraid of fear comes from when i had my breast reduction when i was 18. i had a hard time and my bloodpressure dropped after the surgery. you usually wake up within 30 minutes and i stayed underfor 3 hours. my blood pressure kept dropping

so they were getting concerned that they mighthave to transport me to the hospital, but i did come out of it. i don’t remember being nauseous, but thesecond time for my breast augmentation i woke up and i was so nauseous. i remember i wasa little bit nauseous the first time, but not like the second time. the whole time iwas in recovery i just kept talking about how nauseous i was and how i was going tothrow up. they put phenergan under my tongue and that didn’t help. i took two that dayand ended up throwing up on myself. we were out of state for my augmentation and we werein a hotel, as soon as i was wheeled into my room i threw up right on my lap. so, idon’t do so well with anesthesia. i take

a long time to either wake up, the secondtime for my augmentation i had no problem waking up at all, i probably woke up a littletoo soon…i hate feeling nauseous and helpless about it. so yeah, anesthesia, the top ofmy list, it’s a fear of mine. the last one: not being able to pick up mylittle girl. you’re not supposed to pick up anything heavy for the first 3-6 weeks,anything over 10-15 pounds. my daughter's already 26 pounds and she’s 11 months old.she needs to be picked up but i’m going to be restricted in being able to do so. so,that’s going to really suck. i’m having to coordinate my augmentationschedule with my parents schedule. my husband's mom can come and watch her for a week, mymom can come and watch her for a week at the

house here. trying to work it around my husband'sschedule where he can take off a couple days, so there will be a solid maybe 3-4 weeks wherewe will have someone at the house to help. that’s going to be really hard because she’sstarting to pull up on stuff and i know she’s going to be crawling up to me and crawlingup my pants and going, “up! up!”, and i’m not going to be able to pick her andit’s going to make me really sad. hopefully there will be a way i can work around that.maybe we can snuggle somehow with a pillow between us, i don’t know. that’s probablygoing to be really hard. it’s funny because before i had her thiswas a common thing i’d hear women talk about, worrying about not being able to pick up theirkids. i’m like “eh, that’s not such

a big deal,” but now that i’m actuallyin that position and i have a baby i’m like, “ah, it’s really hard!”. i can’t imaginenot picking her up in a 3 hour span. she naps for 2 hours and that’s the longest i don’tpick her up. that’s going to be challenging for me. those top 3, anesthesia, top of the list.picking up my little girl, that’s going to be tough...and i don’t want to go toobig, going too big. like i said, surprising that even made my list but i want to be smartabout it and just make sure the size that i choose is compatible with my lifestyle. i encourage you to write down what your fearsare because the more you talk about it the

less it will hold you back. if you want tocomment below just let me know what your fears are. get them out there, get them out in theopen. the longer you hold something in the harder it becomes. i encourage you to letme know what your fears are. i appreciate you guys listening to me andi look forward to talking to you guys next week. thanks!


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