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[instrumental music] [music continues] (david)'well, this isgregory allen lazzarato.' (judy)'we just got homeabout...ten minutes ago.' gregory sleptthe whole way home. (david)'that's the proud mommy.' this the proud daddy. [chuckles] 'is adam gonna givegreg eskimos?'

'okay, let's see.' 'first mommy.' 'okay, now greg.' 'eskimo! yeah!' hm. hi, baby. (david)'gregory, is it funhaving a little brother?' 'cause you've been a littlebrother for a long time now.' 'adam.' (david) as young kids, adam and cory

were quiet, thoughtful, little milder. you know, could sit by themselves and look at a book. greg was born and you go,"oh, my god, wow!" you know, this one's different. the energy that greg has.. the zest for life,if i can use that expression comes from his mother,i mean, i hope i have a zest for life too but, uh certainly comes from his mom.

[david laughing] (david)'come here again, greg.come here.' 'i wanna bein the movies, please.' 'oh! "america's funniesthome videos!" no!' he had so much energy and-and just couldn't express himself and his need to just do so many things all at the same time. there were never enough hours in the day to do everything greg wanted to do.

my name is cory. his-- and we are going to dosome headstands. uh-huh! hold! huh! (judy)'higher.' 'good going, greg.' - 'now backwards.'- now backwards. now what should i do? [crowd cheering]

(gigi) i worked tirelessly at diving from age eight until i was about 15. and i was at a high level. i feel like diving molded my work ethic. (male announcer)'and the boy'soutstanding diver' 'for the year 2004,gregory lazzarato.' [crowd applauds] (gigi) my biggest competition was the national championship. (female announcer)'now number two,gregory lazzarato.'

[applause] i put so much work up to that dive. my body had to be perfect and my mind had to be perfect. (male announcer)'gregory lazzarato!' i ended up winning. and i was ready to go to the olympics. but i wasn't happy. my thoughts just had such a strong hold on me. i was thinking aboutthings like heels and lipstick.

why was i thinking these things? why did i want to dress up? why did i like makeup? it's just something that i had to explore. [keyboard keys clicking] hey, you guys, um today i'm gonna do a video on,um, contouring and highlighting and i thought since it's,like, basically, like cheek makeup and stuff,um, i would do blush too.

after i quit diving, my friend said "you would be great on youtube." "you should start doing youtube." and i said, "what are you talking about?" youtube was like a new thing. taking the bronzing powder. just putting it throughone time. dabbing it off. i dab it offon my wrist. whatever. and then, what you wanna dois suck in your cheeks

so it's, like,a really, really harsh line and then you justfollow that line, so.. (gigi) my online name was gregory gorgeous. my camera became my therapist and youtube became my diary where i would post everything. kids in my school,when they see me, a boy confident with makeup, confidentin giving tips and advice confident about puttinghis picture up full face makeup. they're intimidated.they don't know what to think.

people give medirty looks every day and the same people,i mean, please! gimme a break! like, do ihonestly have to hold your hand? and like, give you a life? because i don't havethat dedication, like i have things to do,you know what i mean? like, i have places to be,things to do, people to see. no matter what your age is if you're a newborn toddler

or about to die,i don't give a shit if you disrespect me,it's over. it's over. my respect for you is done. cut you like fresh steak,i'm done. done like dinner!done...with you. youtube was a creative outlet for me. (cory)'what are you doing?' 'yeah.' what is your secret weaponto lure in the opposite sex?

you just haveto make a face like this. my younger brother, cory,he's single. look at that pretty face,cootchie cootchie coo! thought we would dosome sports trivia 'cause you guys all know thati am the biggest sports fan. name two playerson team canada. - roberto, roberto vitali?- no. - that is--- a designer. - top chef.- oh-ho-ho!

- okay. go again, go again- that's mario batali. [laughing] of the iron chefs. (cory) greg was always different. not bad different,but different. i always got hand-me-downs from adam and not from greg. it was always that way. one of the questions is,"is your brother.. is your little brother single?he's so hot!"

so, what, what do youhave to say to that? - uh, i'm signal. i'm single.- 'signal!' single. 'name three things you'd liketo do on a first date.' - go to a movie.- 'that's one.' uh. - 'number two--'- dinner. 'and?' - mini-putt.- ooh, good one!

okay! that's all. i pulled some stringsfor you guys. close my door! my wife took me asideone day and said "okay, it's timeto tell you something. you know, gregory's doing makeuptutorials online." "what? what are youtalking about?" so, you know, she explained it,and i went, "okay." and then he would wear makeup in public.

you know i didn't wannaget angry, get red get, you know,illogical, get loud. i'm a better fatherif i don't...freak out when i'm first told something. when that has happened that tends to, to create a longquiet period between us. but, you know,what's our job as parents? love our kids to death, do whatwe, everything we can for them. what we don't understand,we don't understand.

when i go out fully decked out. crazy makeup. crazy everything. i obviously getsome stares from people and i just, like,what-the-fuck-ever. like, who gives a shit,you know? i feel like we all need thatkind of push, 'cause i did. i mean, i never ever thoughti was gonna come out because every moleculein my body before that moment was saying "never come out,never come out, never come out."

like, it's gonna beway too hard. i can't take that. like, no, no, no, no, no.like, don't come out. and then when i wentinto high school something justtook control over me that night and i was,like, "you know what? like, i'm gonna tellmy parents," right? like, i'm gonna do it. i was like, "mom, dad "i need to tell you something.

"we talked about being honestwith each other "and i think it's timethat i be honest with you. um, i'm gay," right? my mom told me, she was like "oh, from the momentyou were born we knew that you were gay." but she was just so scared for me because it was, like she knows gay peopleare beat up and killed.

she knowsthat i'm gonna get picked on. she knows that life is gonna beharder for me because i'm gay. so that's why she was upset. i was always loved and i was always supported from my mom. every single time i posted a video she would come into my room and say "i love that makeup look. i saw what you did." and i, it just made me feel really loved, you know? (cory)our mom was a stay-at-home mom. always there for me.

and my dad has always beenthe working man in the family. uh, he always beenworking late nights early morningsand all that stuff. our relationship with our father is, um.. ...it's formal, i would say. (gigi) my father is very, very conservative. when i came out, he, i mean, he reacted like a typical conservative man, you know? when told he was gay..

surprised? yeah. shocked? no. you know, if somebody had said to me "one of your kids is gay, which one?" i'll be like, okay, it must be greg. i found out that gregory was gay from youtube, right? so, at the-at the time,i was, i was pretty like, shocked, like i've,i honestly never thought that would,that was a possibility. in hindsight..

...i should have known from the time i was, like, three, right? (cory) i already knew. it was almost like an understanding that he's got this far,he's done all these things and it's kind ofadded up in both of our heads and it was justkind of a head-nod that a-a brother and a brother could share. but, um, i neverreally wanted him to open up

like, 100% because, again youtube is another versionof high school. uh, there is always bulliesand the comments section as everyone knows, is just,uh, a firing range, right? (gigi) youtube comments really can be terrible. it was really hard to be called a faggot. like, "burn the gay" or "you're sick." i was scared of being judged. i just felt insecure.

for the longest time, i would just put it all in myself and whenever i was alone, i would cry. it was depressing and it was lonely. gregory gorgeous. [gasps]oh, my goodness. he changed my life. before i watched his coming outstory, i was, like i'm never gonna tell anyonethat i'm gay. i'm just going to keep it tomyself for the rest of my life.

literally a week after i watchedhis coming out story.. ...i started telling people. i'm bisexualand i love makeup and i love girly stuff. you're one of those peoplethat really inspired me to do whatever you want,if you see something in the store that you like,and it's flamboyant get that.if you like that, you buy that. and you just brush themoff your shoulders

the haters off your shoulders,and you know what? bitch, i am who i amand i will dress how i am. gregory gorgeous' videomade me cry! oh, my god! he, like, like,really makes me feel happy and better about myself. greg, if you'rewatching this, um.. ...i love you and,um, you're amazing. oh, anyways-- (gigi) i love my viewers so much.

they got me through the hardest times in my life. i was really, really inspiredtoday to do a video because of a boynamed jamie hubley who committed suicidebecause of teen bullying. and i'm crying now. i just feel likethere's days like today where i feel likewe need to make a difference. we need to do something,you know what i mean? like, schoolsshould not be a place

where people feel sador scared to go because of stupid bulliescalling you gay and calling you fag. reading his notejust killed me because he was just saying things like "i can't take it anymore,"or, you know what i mean? "it's getting really,really hard" and.. it just, it kills mebecause i have felt like that and i know what it's liketo be bullied.

i know what it's liketo be, like "i don't wanna doany of this anymore." like, i don't wanna,i just, too much. like, it's justvery overwhelming. and you know what,for what it's worth here is mewith my arms wide open i will embrace any of you. if your parents don't get you if your friends thinkyou're weird

anyone at schoolis calling you names i love you and i want you to be exactly who you want you to be. (adam) gregory has always been, like, a model for being who you want to be. no compromises. not held back by anybody or anything. just, like, the genuine article. [laughs] a lot of you guys justreally can't stop wondering

and can't stop asking mewhere i take my piss and where i take my shitwhen i'm out in public. honestly, let's just takea second and think about it. me in the guys bathroomwould make people far more uncomfortablethan me in the girls bathroom. a lot of the time wheni'm in the girls bathroom i don't even get a second look. i don't even really getany look at all. um, it's just normal,you know what i mean?

the feeling is mutualamongst all the participants. take me away in cuffs,i'm so sorry i usedthe wrong gender bathroom! like, fuck you. coming out as gay made my presence online soar. i just hit 100,000 subscribers! and i'm just so excited! and, um, here's to 100,000more subscribers! that's how i met my manager, scott fisher.

(scott) i noticed gregory's youtube channel. gregory was this outlandishcrazy personality. for years and years and years i went between bikini,i went between trunks but now i really only dostick to one thing. ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪ (scott) he was open to kind of throw himself in front of the bus for a laugh, which i think is super funny. ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.. ♪♪

so i said,"hey, i'll manage you. we'll see what we can do." (gregory) he kinda just said "why don't i just start handling your business and then we can see what you get." and i said, "why not?" (scott) actually was working at starbucks when i started working with gregory. so i'd be in the starbucks bathroom and i would be writing emailson my blackberry

with a company signature as if i was runningthis big business and i have my green apron on.it was very funny. gregory was my first client and, you know, through the years we've built up a company. so today's gonna be a reviewvideo for sebastian products. listen to this close. it's good, right? listen to..

(scott) in terms of revenue it is made working with brands so the-the commercials,the endorsements. lotion-ize with vitamin e. the other big chunk of itare books, touring all that other stuff too. - 'oh, my god!'- 'oh, my god!' hi! i'm so sorry! [women squealing]

i'll see you guys inside. (female #1)'oh, my god!' (female #2)'i love you!' i'm sorry i'm late! (gigi) it's crazy to think that that many people are watching you. and i just felt like the luckiest kid in the world because, literally, i could post anything i wanted and i would get paid for it.

- hi, how are you?- good. how are you? good! nice to see you guys. - hi.- thank you for coming. (scott) youtube flipped everything on its head. in the past, you're always encumbered to the big media companythat you're with whether its your record label,or your network this is the first timethat talent has ever had control and has the lion's shareof the revenue.

the millennial generation these people that are entrepreneurs could have never had this life five years ago. it's crazy. i need a picture with it.can you take a picture-- yeah, yeah. (gigi) scott cares about me in every single aspect of my life. (scott) we've always had that relationship where

i'm the one saying, "careful, careful, careful." he's like, "no, let's do this, let's do this." and we meet in the middle. i love it! thank you so much. i'm gonna haveto start a pile of presents. you guys are amazing. - 'can we take a picture..'- of course. (male #1)'alright, let me do it.' [indistinct chattering]

he's beautiful. he's talented. and his nameis gregory gorgeous. thanks for having me.i love it here. 'so you're sort of like this,this big youtube star now.' i just likegiving people confidence. - i know that sounds stupid--- 'no, no. i get it.' i'm out there to have funand, i mean if people see medressing the way i do talking the way i wanna do, um

wearing as much makeup as i want they feel confident as well and i receiveso many emails on, um "i just came out to my parents" and "life in high school's really hard," and i know that. i've been through all of that. so it's like, i just likegiving people confidence and making them feel betterabout themselves.

(gigi) from the outside looking in, you would think that i was very confident withwho i-i was at the time as gay. but i didn't know who i was, i didn't know what i wanted. 'yo, i'mma behonest with you, bro.' it's kinda weird that you're,like, the way you are and shit. - like, what do you mean?- yo, i don't know. it's just, we're twins, yo. everybody's trippin' me, sayingit's weird you're in makeup. hmm, that is weird.

(gigi) i was scared. so lonely. so depressed. - okay, now-- - 'recording.' so, we got a little red light-- 'yeah, isn't this special now?' and your voice is going to berecorded on there. (gigi) my mom is a huge part of my childhood that was so beautiful. there's so many memories.

oh, my belly. (david)'...newfangled hairdo.' (gigi) but when i was 17 my mother had breast cancer. and she beat it. (david) judy showed great strength and resolve but it was abouttwo years later that she was diagnosedwith leukemia. and then about a month later

diagnosed witha form of brain cancer. (judy)'gregory and adam' are leaving the cookiesbecause santa's coming tonight. (david)'what do you think, greg?is that a good deal?' alright! - okay-dokey new-wokey!- 'greg?' (gigi) she was devastated when she found out that she had cancer again. she just kept saying over and over again

[sobbing] "i feel like i might die this time and i don't want to." ooh, you did it! (gigi) and i remember being so sad for her because all i could say is, like, "we're gonna be okay we're gonna be fine." she knew that it was going to be really hard fight this time. here you go.

(gigi) she was living in the hospital and my dad was there every single day. (david) i was doing what i could for her. i'm not a doctor. i can'tdo anything other than help. um, i could do more for the kids than i could do for her. so that's what i tried to do. and i remember saying toeach one of their best friends "if you noticeanything changing, tell me.

because you'll notice itbefore i will." (gigi) one of the nurses put my hand on her hand and it felt so cold. and i see her chest sink into the bed. it was as if a weight had been put on her chest. and then her breathing stopped. it was too surreal to cry. [crying] i'm like, "i'm losing my mother right now. right in front of my eyes." and i refused to believe it.

it was really bad, like, i'm.. i really, i really miss herand, uh, i think.. ...i thinkif we could do it all again i, i'd probably had quitor dropped out of school or something, like,just be with her. um, she was extremelystrong though. my mom did not give up. she had a lot of supportthroughout everything and, um.. ...that was...i think that's..

...i think that helped. i always saw my momas someone i could talk to when i was feeling down,or i had a problem in school or i did something wrongand i wanted to repent and kind of admit my guilt. she was there for me when i needed like nobody else could be. (gigi) when my mom passed away, i thought "life is too short." i decided right then and there..

...that i wanted to be a girl. today i'm going to be doinga very personal video. i have felt fora very long time now that i was a girltrapped inside of a boy's body. basically,this video is kind of me just telling you guysthat i want to be female. it's still my heart, it's stillmy body, it's still my mind. i'm just choosingto be identified as a different gender.

i'm sure my momwould make this transition so much easier for meand there's no other point in my life wherei would want her back more than i do right now,but i can't. i can't have her back. oh! you guys have seriously beena huge part in what's gotten methrough a lot of this and made me super strong. even though you don't knowyou're doing it

you are helping meevery single day and i really do appreciate it. and untili see you guys next time stay gorgeous and stay strong and never accept anything lessthan what you see in your heart for the life that you live. (male #2)'alright. how's it going?' - good, how are you?- 'not too bad, not too bad.' 'introduce yourself to me.'

my name is gigi and, um yeah, that's pretty much it. yes, i have changed my name from gregory gorgeous to gigi gorgeous. (male #2)'we're gonna be plummetingtowards the ground' 'at about 200 kilometersan hour.' - 'how's it make you feel?'- i'm a little nervous. 'a little bit?' 'alright.see you free fall. peace'

no, no, no, no, no that's notwhat we're going up in. - are you kidding me?- 'ah.' [helicopter droning] i remember changingher name in my phone from greg to gigi. it was more of, like, a nickname at that point and i was, like, she's asking me to call her gigi i'm just gonna call her gigi and to do that, i needto change her name in my phone.

it was a funny,like, flip the switch. (adam) i wouldn't say i lost gregory. i think i always had a sibling. i think genderis a false construct. and the name change and stuff don't change anything. the only thing that was gained i'd say, was just total freedom. ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. and, uh..

[gigi laughing] (male #2)'we ask everybody to sum upthat entire skydive' 'with one word,and one word only.' - fuck.- 'fuck?' (scott) i think gregory and gigi deep down they're the same person. the way they presentthemselves is different. gregory used the kind of boy wearing makeup and wearing dressesand crazy personality

to protect himself from people so they couldn'tkind of judge him. gigi is more self-aware than gregory. her goal now is to blend in. (cory) i didn't know what the term transgender meant. i didn't knowwhat the trans community was until gigi kinda showed itto me and then it clicked. i said, that's what she is. she fits into that category

like nobody else i know and it's almostlike she made it. gigi is transgender. if she didn't make that transition i feel like she would be less because of it. when told, "dad, um,remember i told you i was gay?" - uh-huh.- "uh, i'm not." i've often said to gigi,for three or four seconds until you spoke again, that's asconfused as i've ever been.

because i thought,"yeah, you are." "i'm not gay, i'm transgender." ahh, okay. you know, definitelyit was difficult to lose greg. i mean, i had three boys. [exhales]huh.. um.. ...but having greg happy.. ...is way more important..

...than me having old greg. and so,knowing what greg wanted.. ...and when that could beexplained to me and i understood.. [crying] ...is.. ...or was much more important the-the, you know,it's about the future and how's she gonna be happy

the next 50, 60, 70 years um, than...um you know,preserving the-the previous 18 years, or whatever. so, i'm on my way to my meet upright now and i'm so excited! a lot of you guys are alreadythere. you guys are tweeting me. i can't wait to seeyou guys in person. [crowd chanting] gigi! gigi! gigi! gigi! gigi! gigi! gigi! gigi!

'gigi! gigi! gigi!' i can't believe this,i feel like i'm.. - oh, my god..- i love your sweater. it's so cute! nice to meet you! - hi!- 'group shot.' [mumbling]oh, my god.. [chattering continues] oh, no, don't cry. i love you guys.

will you take a picturewith my camera? ohh, no, don't cry. i know it's hard,i know. i know. i know it's hard, okay? i know. no, don't cry!you're beautiful! don't cry! don't cry. aw, you're okay, you're okay. don't worry.

i love you. you're so sweet. i have been on hormonesnow for a year. a year and a bit.like, a year and two months. um, testosterone blockerand estrogen and i've beenon and off of estrogen but i've always been ont-blocker because i don't want any have-have any moremanliness come through. i've noticed so much moreinside of me changing and it's likethe weirdest thing because..

i cry more, i feel more,i feel more sympathy i just have more emotionin general going into things um, and it's really trippy. it was like,it tripped me out today. um, it just, it was weird. and then it's, like, scarybecause inside i'm fully done. well, not done, but i'm furtheralong than i am outside in my mind. [sighs]so it's kind of weird.

i'm kind of like, in this, like you know...mix. like, i'm in-i'm inthe middle of everything. [sighs]you know.. lipstick first. lipstick before everything. i am doingthe advanced facial aesthetics of jeffrey spiegel. 'that's the doctor.'

'the two things i'm getting doneare my forehead and my chin.' 'it's not an everyday nose job.' 'it's not likegetting lip injections.' 'it's changes thatyou're doing to your face' 'to make it more feminine.' i know when people look at meand i know what they're thinking and i know if they're thinkingthat i'm a man or i'm.. or if they're thinking thati'm a woman, or if they don't know what i am, and i would like100% of the time to people

for people to thinkthat i am a woman. i want to be femaleand i'm gonna make that happen for myself regardlessof who thinks what. even if it's my dad. i really don't care. 'hi. my little babies!' 'do you wanna seemy new camera?' - 'pardon.'- 'look how little.' - 'it's 1080p.'- what does that mean?

(gigi)'it's the, like,the highest of the high.' 'uh-huh.' '$500. worth it though.' 'yeah, oh, for sure.' 'cory loves it.' 'it's filming right now.' 'uh, first thing he says to me' "hey, greg!" for you to come out of lineto me is very disrespectful

and i told him about it before,i will tell him again i'm even considering right nownot having him in boston because what, what i have to doi have to do, you know? it's not,it doesn't really phase me. i'm trying to make thisthe most smooth ride i can and he is my father,but at the end of the day i want what's best for me. [sniffles] [sighs]

'get the dust off of her.' 'surgery day! wooo!' - 'so it's done?'- 'yeah.' tell me your goalsfor each area. okay, well, um, i reallydon't like my forehead. it's been somethingthat i don't like. so i just want it softer. my hairline is very square.i want that rounded out. - okay.- um, and just more feminine.

do you feel that butt? i hateit! you can see it in photos. i feel what you'rereferring to, yes. okay. so let's go over each thingand each area of what we do. this is where we want you to be. as you can imagine,sanding this away is gonna leave you with a holein your head from here to here. because, like, i can't sand itaway so that we don't do. so what-what i doinstead is remove

the extra bonein the areas that are thick. which sort of leaves you...with uh, the equivalent of a manholecover above the road from sticking outif it was a little too large. but as we know, manhole coversare flushed to the street so if we reducethe circumference of that circle just slightly,it'll recess in. it'll be numb forsome period of time? oh, weeks to months.

- this swells up a lot.- mm-hm. you won't really look goodfor a little while after this. you tend to look worsethan you did before. until it settles down. um...and he comes back she comes back herenext tuesday? or wednesday. one of those.. - here. yeah, here.- yes. and, uh, gets the stitches out..

- and the cast off.- the cast off. and then you kind of decidewhat happens from there? you're free to head home,really. - bye.- bye. - hope i look good.- 'you will.' (tiffany)'i-i can, i promise you,i can seriously already see it.' 'and, like, your chin?' 'yup. there's no dent.' 'anymore. none.'

'and your nose looks so muchmore petite and, like, in.' 'and your eyesare so much bigger.' 'like, it looks so good.' 'yeah, you look good.' 'well, yeah.' 'it looks amazing,like, you're gonna look' 'so glam you don't even know.' 'like, it's gonna look so good.' [coughs]no.

hold that. yeah. thank you. - okay. huff.- 'good?' yeah. (gigi) me and my dad just had, like, the best lunch together ever. like, probably that we've ever had in our lives. i seriously have never everever in my life felt closer to my dad. i was just smiling

the entire lunch and.. ...we went shoppingand he wanted to buy me stuff. my dad hasn't bought me anythingin probably, like, f.. literally like, five years. i don't know, i just love himso much and i'm really glad that he ended up coming, eventhough i didn't want him to. i just need to think a lot more. that's what i need to do,i need to start thinking about.. ...shit that i saybecause i just am really

quick to snap and be,"i'm okay, don't help me. i don't want your moneyor your love!" but at the end of the day,bitch, you need the money and you need the love,so just relax. you know what i mean? calm down.you're-you're gonna be okay. you're not jesus christ walkingthe earth trying to bless everyone with your presence,which a lot of the time i guess, i kind of exude which is so annoyingand so disgusting.

oh, my god!oh, my god! oh, my god! my heart is beatingso fast right now. and i come homeand there's some mail for me. and, um, i have a letterfrom the government and...i wasn'texpecting this, oh, my god! um, my name hasofficially been changed. 'do you see that?' '"old gregory allen lazzarato. new gigi loren lazzarato."'

'oh, my fucking god!' and it's, like, official. 'official paper.you could, like, feel it.' 'it's, like, textured.' oh, my god, this is so exciting!oh, my god! [breathing heavily]okay. one fuckin' major step done. uhh! bitch, yes, honey! uh!

[screams]yes! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! yes, bitch! 'i think my friend aricawent to this one.' arica has her boobs done? - duh!- i had no idea. oh, my god. here,let me see if i can find before. 'look at what she used to looklike. can you believe this?' (cory)'that was old her. right there.'

- 'and that's new her.'- 'yeah.' and trisha paytas. she got herboobs done. do you want to see? why would she gether boobs done? - reduction? oh, okay.- they were saggy, yeah. they're saggy and, no, no, notreduction. lift and implant. - and implant? oh, god.- yeah. i'll show you though.you're gonna die. - 'i want you to hold it.'- oh, god! 'and go in. like, search. go.'

- yep, that's her.- 'look at her boobs!' i'm lookin'. (gigi)'so, which one do youthink i should go to?' - 'stuart linder?'- make a life decision on that? 'hopefully he keeps me limber.' - 'oh, come on!'- 'what?' (gigi)'hollywood? beverly hills?' 'am i gonna become famouswhen i get my boobs done?' i kind of want to,like, document my boobs.

i mean, obviously,don't have anything. i'm, like, flat as ever. but...i guess for document..documentary.. documentary? document. documentarian...purposes i kind of have to, so.. uh. like, i have nothing. like, i can't evenlike make cleavage. it's so depressing.

but i can finally show you guys'cause it's only tomorrow, so. yeah that's, like,the realness of my body, so.. that's what i have right now.just so you know. let's cover that back up. 'well, good morning.' 'this is the waiting room.or am i doing porn?' alright, my darling. here we go. this is your muscle relaxant. - yes.- every six hours.

because yeah,i was, like, i really don't want there to be bruising. it's in a package. (gigi)'is that big enoughto go into both?' - no.- 'one at a time.' sort of one at a time,you might actually.. ...you know, do that. but it's, you can mold it.. (gigi)'let's try to do itall in one at one time.'

(david)'so you're gonna getthe under and the over.' - 'do you think i heard it?'- 'it's better to do this.' 'press this way.as opposed to this way.' (gigi)'why?' 'cause that would pushthe breast down.' (gigi)'that's whatthey want to do though.' (david)'well, they wantthat to do natural.' 'she said justapply it like this.' - 'okay.'- 'and get it to mold.'

(gigi)'just hold it like that.it hurts.' - you want a sip of something?- 'yeah, please.' - 'apple juice or ginger ale?'- 'apple juice.' 'thank you.' 'ah!' i don't want to extendmy arms too far. oh. - feel good?- nasty though. all that yellow, what is that?

oh, it's just anesthetic. yeah, that does feel good. jesus, i never even knewthat was on me. well, they beat it on you, so-- you know what,i have self-tanner on all the time so i'm,you know, used to it. just having...that colored stuff. it feels so good. just, leave,let it air dry a little bit.

don't.. - slouch too much?- yeah. oh, it feels so good. can you get up higher? ah, i'm going to fall asleepfor sure. it's okay. [clears throat] [indistinct chatter on tv] perfect. thank you so much.

this past five days has been really hard for me but i need to look at itin a different way like, at least i can be heregetting this surgery. at least i have my father heresupporting me. i am a very lucky person. not many trans people havetheir parents by their side. um, busy or not busy some just don't care, you know? and...i don't know, i feel likeit's changed me in a way.

it changed me male to female,like now i have actual boobs. can we talk about thatfor a second? ah! ah! [squealing] 'hey!' - what's up! how are you?- yay! - oh, my god!- hey! - thanks a lot.- how are you? you want to see my boobs?

- yeah.- like, nah! okay, i just have, um.. they're a littlebit gross though. - okay.- i.. they.. they're still stitchyand like, bleeding. [yelling] oh, my god, that's so weird. - oh, my god!- that's crazy. they're, like,dropping too, right?

they're, like,starting to get the teardrop. - that's so weird.- oh, my god. yes, i love it. - oh, hey! hey, guys!- hey! what's up? hey, guys. aw, can i have dinner, please? shut the fuck up. - multiple levels.- oh, my god. no, but i get my stitches outon the 21st. i'm so excited.

i'm so excited right now.shut up. what size do you think i am? c? - 'um, probably.'- probably c? - this is gorgeous.- 'gorgeous!' - like, look at that.- this is fucking pretty. yes, right? uh, i want to strut downthe runway in this. you know what,i should get a sports bra too. is this red really.oh, this is, like, vixen.

- 'is this the strapless?'- like a mini one. i need that. i need that.i need that. i need that. you put them onbackwards...first? (trisha)'um, those kind, i do.' 'the ones that are twoi don't.' uh, i think maybe 34is too small. - 'no, because you're..'- because it's, like, tight. 'but they're supposedto be tight' 'like, you don't want 'em big.'

yeah, it's true, i'm just scared of my fucking nipples. 'you're.. aw, it'll be fine.' 'just be careful. no rush.' - 'ah!'- so cute. 'oh, my god.looks like a mermaid.' how do you do that? - it's a front one.- teach me. oh my god, well, these are,like, old school.

there we go.it, like, snaps open. but, there's like,usually just slide. how do you evenget it in though? 'slide it up.oh, perfect. you got it.' - 'oh!'- see, that's cute. - that's what i want.- 'so pretty.' definitely, you know what,i'm literally going to just get this one in,like, every color. 'look at the.. yeah.'

look at the back of it.that's hot.' is it, like, making rollsthough? yeah. - 'no, it's not!'- it is! look! 'it's not making rolls.' 'that's how you want it, youwant your boobs to be tight.' but look at this. 'first of all, no one'sgoing to even see that.' - that's true.- 'like, what the fuck.' - 'it's supposed to be tight.'- oh.

- 'so..'- that's what i want. - 'so cute.'- okay, cute. found it! okay. 'so cute.' - lord jesus christ, help me.- 'you cold?' - what?- 'now you're cold?' 'are you going to putyour bra on?' which bra? oh, fuck. look at me. (gigi)'i didn't think boobswould make me this happy'

but i feel really, like,truly in my heart happy and, like, i never wantto take this bra off. it just seems really silly,but i just fucking love it! like, i'm staringat my bras, like, "yes, bitch! this is my fuckin' size!" (sighs)me and my bras. love you, bitch.oh, that's a thong. love you, bitch. calvin klein.victoria's secret. i need to hit upagent provocateur, la perla..

whoa, what the fuckis my hair doing? oh, i don't know, but i shouldjust check in and tell you.. oh, you love me too? aw. i love you, baby. don't worry. i'll wear you soon.not today though. 'hey! looking handsome!' (gigi)'happy wedding day!' 'yeah, guys.let me get my shot.' i truly didn't think that my dad was gonna find

somebody else...but he-he did. (tiffany)'how are you feeling, dave?' - oh, it's a video! oh, man.- 'it's a video. of course!' 'what do you think this is?what do you think this is?' 'you're just.. yeah,you're just speechless. right?' - yeah, i'm speechless.- 'speechless.' (gigi) my mom can never be replaced. but lori and my dad, they really are in love. if my dad loves her, i'm going to love her too, you know?

(female #3)'she's gonna come through here.' (gigi) i think today is a life-changing day for me because everyone's gonna be seeing the me in the light that i want to be viewed in for the first time. [guitar music] (male #3)david and lori, i nowpronounce you husband and wife. [cheering and applause] 'for the very first time everin the history of the world' 'as husband and wifedavid and lorella!'

so this is deb. this is oneof gigi's mom and dad's friends. yeah, this your first timeseeing gigi since her transition, you know. she just looksso beautiful today. the thing is i seeso much of judy in gigi. she was always just larger than life. i think gigi even more so, um, because she's just so incredibly beautiful. she was always meant to be gigi.

(gigi) i haven't seen my family since, uh, my birthday. and we always do, like,birthday celebrations. this card...from, um, my brothers. um, it's just a verysimple card with a flower on it and then it, up at the topis what made me cry. it says,"sister. you're wonderful." and i felt, like, the tears coming in my eyes when i openedit and i was just, like "oh, my god, don't cry,"and then inside it says

"special wishes to a sisterwe love with all our hearts. "happy birthday. happy birthday.very proud of you. love you lots. adam and cory." the one that really,really, really got me was, um, my grandma and grandpa who, you know,they're a little bit older. they, um.. it's something new to them like, the wholetransition thing and, um..

getting this card, first of all writing that on the cardis so sweet. i just thought.. so sweet. um, and this card, it says "may the next year be filledwith happiness, love, laughter" and the front of the cardlooks like this. and i thought that it was cutethat there was a girl on it. and, um, and it says "and one good hair dayafter another."

and that part, like,melted my heart. 'cause it's justso cute, you know? it says, "happy birthday. lovealways, grandma and grandpa." so i'm definitely gonnakeep these for awhile 'cause i feel like it's likethe first real girl card. um...i'm just really happy. ♪ whoa-o-o ♪ yay! ♪ oh-oh-oh-o-o ♪

♪ whoa-o-o hey ♪ ♪ i'm feeling independent ♪ ♪ i never felt so free ♪ ♪ and i'm feelingso independent ♪ ♪ now i'm just being me ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ i'm feeling shiny and new ♪ ♪ it's like i walked outin a new pair of shoes ♪ ♪ oh ♪

♪ i'm a whole new me ♪ ♪ i'm loving my lifeand i'm chasing my dreams ♪ ♪ hey ♪♪ hey, guys!it's gigi and today i have.. todrick hall. we're bothfrom different communities. and i want to really diveinto the discrimination and judgment that we faceon a daily basis. there's things that go on behind

the scenes that are reallyreally painful and we don't want you guysto feel alone ever. caitlyn jenner.she is an amazing looking woman. i really wish that she was around when i was growing up. i think it would've justhelped people around me to accept what i was goingthrough a little bit more. - it's gigi.- and kylie. can you put itin my mouth already? - mm.- you like it?

and if you like this video,give it a thumbs up. thumbs up always. love you. stay gorgeous with meon the way out? okay, so untili see you guys next time. - stay gorgeous.- stay gorgeous. [engine revving] i like to call this car the-the "dick magnet." at gas stations and stuff,guys will be like full on just drawn to it,like, "ooh, i love your car.

'this is amazing.where did you have it done?"' he was smiling. dick magnet. (scott) gigi is her own boss. just running around living her life and can do it because she worked for it. now, it's not difficult to have a seven figure incomeas a 23 year old. you know, working,working on youtube.

(gigi) i would love to be in a movie. i would love to write a book. i would love to have a fragrance line. a clothing line. i would love to have a husband,a kid, a house, a dog. or maybe learn how to cook too because i don't knowhow to cook. oh, my god, i'm, like, literallyfalling in love with this guy. um, i am, like, so obsessedwith him, like it's an issue.

um, like, i stalkhis instagram and everything. he didn't know that i was trans and, like, it was this thinglike, "oh, should i tell him? how do i tell himall this stuff?" 'ended up that he found outon my youtube channel.' and he's okay with itand he really likes me for me and...i love him for him.. so, i met my boyfriend, cory, at the club. we started making out within, like

twenty minutes of talking. uh, so bad! god, forgive me. you like my burnfrom my curling iron? how'd you get it...there? um, i don't know, actually. just suck it up. (gigi)'what do you thinkabout meal prep, bella?' yeah, bella? there you go. i'm sorry for everyoneout there that's vegetarian

and this is gross to them,but my preference is meat and i love eating meat. for me to be-- she loves a good fatsteak in her mouth. i mean, who doesn't though? 'look at how beautiful she is.' 'i'd rather just watch herthan watch her' 'just putting broccoliin there.' whatever.

'i'm pretty sure everyonewould agree with me.' - moving onto chicken.- 'chicken. chicken's next.' (gigi) you know, he is my first boyfriend. we are just truly, madly, deeply in love. he makes me laugh like nobody else. he is this, you know, tall, muscular guy that i can lean on. i had dated guys in the past where i had this secret that i definitelywanted to get out.

i wanted to become a girl.i wanted to be the real me. i didn't want to becalled my old name. and to have somebody love me for me is so special. i'm me. no secrets now. and he's so great and thisis going to be my husband and, you know...all that stuff. - does that hurt? - no. okay. here we go. can you imagine havingto transition

without estrogen? no. so estrogen was developed in the late 1920s. 'and let's start herewith gay berlin' when berlin was thelgbt capital of the world. these were all picturesfrom the 20s. and the really cool places were the lgbt bars and--

- as they still are.- as they still are, yeah. 'there were about 275 gayand lesbian clubs in berlin.' 'and the governmentwas very liberal in the 20s.' 'and a man namedmagnus hirschfeld' 'was a prolific sex researcher' 'developedthe sexual institute.' and if you look at his, hiswaiting room, what does it say? 'sexual transitions.' (gigi)'is this everyonewho has done it?'

(alexander)'yeah, said thereare approximately' '40 million combinationsof gender identities.' 'and what we're not fightingfor is gay versus straight.' 'what we're fighting foris gender fluidity' 'and the right for peopleto express' 'their gender identityas they feel.' (gigi)so what changed? in the early 30s,who came into power? the nazis. and one of the first things

they did 'was go to hirschfeld's officeand burn his research.' it happened like that. it all ended. in the united states,wasn't until 1961 that we decriminalizedhomosexuality. 'and there's christinejorgenson, the transgender gi.' 'when she went to gether marriage license' 'you know what happened?'

- what?- 'they denied it.' they said, "hey. you're a guy.we're not doing this." that must have beenso humiliating for her. 'they called the wedding off.okay, and--' i can't imagine being in loveand being denied. 'she must have been crushed.' i have a lotof transgender friends and a lotof gay friends and, you know i know it'sthe-the whole community

we all try to lift each other up but there's so much history here and it's been going onfor so long so it's not my fight,it's our fight. it's all of our fight. cute! great. yeah. that's it. 'beautiful. that's cute.' 'he's like, "i needa little less of a squint.'" no, i was.. i need.. i needto learn from the master.

(gigi) adam is my new manager. when scott decidedto start his own company and needed a partnerand he thought adam would be great for that. so they're like...a duo. (adam)'in the transgender movement' gigi doesn't claimto be the expert she doesn't claim to bethe spokesperson or the leader. she literally is justgigi living her life.

and part of the factthat she has this audience and all of these friendsand fans and followers has become, she-she becauseof that, is a leader and.. thanks for tuning in tonightfor the 2015 streamys honoring the top social media influencers. and the streamy goes to.. gigi gorgeous! [rock music] (female announcer) gigi gorgeous has a whopping

1.7 million youtube subscribers. thank you so much.i'm so, so, so honored. and everybodythat's ever told me that i've been the lightat the end of their tunnel you're the lightat the end of mine. stay gorgeous. (adam) for me, growing up, youtube didn't exist. there weren't people out therethat were doing their own thing that i could look to and see

that those typesof people existed. (gigi)'oh, you're so sweet.give me hugs.' (adam) if i was a kid and had that, who knows? my life could have been entirely different. (gigi)'don't cry.' how are you? well, that makes me smile. well, you're welcome. [screaming]

(gigi) trans girls and guys out there can't afford surgeryand don't have the luxury and the supportthat some of us do. but being transgender doesn't mean that you have to have a penis or a vagina. it's more of a mental transition. and it breaks my heart...when people are ignorant and say that youhave to have one thing. because that's nothow it is at all.

so whenever i'm asked the genital question you know, "do youhave a penis or a vagina?" i just like to leave itopen ended because who needs to know that? hey, gigi, i just want to know what happened with yourboyfriend? love you. oh, jesus, okay,so, to be honest i got this question a lot, buti guess i'll finally answer it. i feel like we were breaking upand getting back together

and breaking up and getting backtogether and that's not healthy. and obviously,i really, really love him. i still have love for him,i want him to be happy but we are not together anymore. i really had wished that we were gonna be friendsforever, but i don't think that's gonna happen,to be honest. i was accepted and loved for me. that's something i never experienced before.

but i don't know, we just drifted. i feel like it just wasn't our time. so, i asked him to move out. [sobbing] i'll never forget that. and it just was so hard. - hi.- hi. oh, hello. mini, look at you. - hi, how are you?- hi. good to see you. - you look gorgeous.- oh, thank you. you too.

hi, sweetie.oh, my goodness. you're so big. (simha)'how are you feeling?does he call you and stuff?' mm-mm, we don't speak. 'he used to hit you upall the time.' i know.i'm glad he doesn't, though. 'yeah. i thought--' he has this pride thing,where it's like i have the power inthe relationship and, you know. 'which is insane because,i'm sorry, we're just naturally'

gonna need a little bitof power in the relationship. like, this is not the 50s.like, we are not housewives. 'yeah. and i wear the pants.' y-you do wear the pants and sodo i, and we're working women. we need sensitive guyswho get that and who empower us,not guys who bring us down and try to wife us,like, make us wifey. it was literally justlike, so much drama all the time, and it's like

i don't know, i could go onfor hours about him but it's like,it wont do anything. - it's just like..- 'he was very jealous of you.' 'i think that's a strugglethat you're going to have' 'having such an establishedcareer at such a young age' 'guys are gonna bereally intimidated' and not knowhow to balance out the power. yeah, but i love love. like, love was likebest thing i ever felt

you know, so fun. like, you just wake upevery day like, "yes!" i would love to be married.i want, like, the whole thing. - 'wait. really?'- i want everything. - like crazy love.- 'i love that.' why not? 'but even if i do find that' 'i'm definitely not gonna like' rush into...having, like

the marriage talkor anything like that. 'and that's what i was, like,missing before, i felt like' it was like so intense, so fast. - 'so fast.'- we weren't friends first. and it just, like, it,it taught me a lot of lessons about myself,relationships, you know. the power of, like,losing yourself in a guy just because you wantto be in love. like, need to be smartabout it this time.

(gigi)is this a skirt, august? that's gonna be a skirt,a jacket um, a coat, and a dress. like, we're doing a dress which is literallyjust going to be this. - that's pretty. and just legs.- a mini dress. yeah. that's it. - i want it.- it's gonna be cute. (gigi) august getty has been a huge light in my life while i've been living here.

i never claimed to be a model but august sees something in me that he wants to showcase. and i'm his muse for his fashion line. - i think it's rad.- i like it. doesn't it kind of looklike an old photograph of, like, a swimming pool? yeah. my-my dream is to havegigi's closet be, like, full only august getty.

(gigi)'i just wish this partwas wider' 'cause my nipple's, like,right here. right on the edge. (august)'it's like areola.' mm-hm. (gigi)'having trouble fitting my assin this skirt.' - this is.. oh, this.- 'it's not fitting, you guys.' 'big booty problems.' damn those cheese fries. wait, i don't knowif we're doing all this

it's going to be comfy to wear. (female #4)'yeah. probably not.' and we still have to zip it. (gigi)'august, can you go up further?' 'let me get out of the way.' 'i don't know if thiswas a takeaway.' 'oh, it came offreal easy, though.' wait, try this one. (gigi)'oh, my god. yes!'

(august)'that's beautiful.' i love this one. oh, my goodness. um...yes. this one is like,"hi, i am here." maybe some double sided taperight here though. ooh, it's so pretty. i love it. - this one's a yes for sure.- 'yeah.'

(adam)'okay. new york fashion week.' so, lots of progress.a lot of designers. i have the running list. 'some days you're goingto three or four shows.' (gigi)'i love it.' the day you get there, the 10th is a fitting for go red which is, i mean forthe red dress campaign. what am i wearing for that?

they still don't haveyour assigned designer. like each celebritygets assigned a designer. (gigi)'this going to be a fun trip.' (adam)'okay, that said' the stylist, like,paying to have her dress you. - mm-hm.- this is where we focus. - and then..- okay. really good new york based hair and makeup artist.

like, el-like, the word miawants to keep using and now brian, is just,like, elevating your look. - are you open to that?- open to what? - 'well, the question is--'- elevating my look? (scott)'you've had people doyour hair either for free' or for like, $300 bucks. these people are gonnacost, like...what? - '$1500'- 'a day?' - 'yeah.'- 'that's ridiculous!'

so, what am i gonna be spending,what, $20,000 on this new york,new york trip? - to do my.. to pay someone..- 'that's what people do.' (adam)'that's how what this is.' this is now when a brand who wants to hire youas their spokesperson for a long period of timegoogles you 'they're gonna see fashion week,and that's gonna be' more credible than youat frickin'

"rupaul drag race" premiere,you know. (gigi)'yeah. even thoughthat was a cute look.' - 'but you know what i mean.'- 'i know.' i just like seeingw-where the wind takes me. you know what i mean?i've always been like that. like with august,i would've never worn the shit thati would've worn with august unless i met himand then being his muse. i think part of whatwe want to do with him

is steer the windin the right way so that you're not justdoing different, like there needs to be clear path. he's your friend, so separating a friendship, and you doactually like his designs, great from business, you don't thinkthere's more value in you wearing rebecca minkoff or like, bigger designers,if that's an option? - see that's where you need--- 'in new york.'

in general. (adam)'if i go to your instagram..' i mean, look, there's oneof you, like, half naked. (gigi)'well, it was like,a spray tan picture.' 'like i had to show my skin.' (adam)'okay but, i'm target' 'and i wanna work with you' 'the first thing i see is that' 'i'm like, "no way."'

middle america momsaren't buying it. (scott)'we lose a lot of dealsbefore they even come to us.' (gigi)'sorry i work hard on my body' 'and wanna show it off, guys.' no, and that's, like.. it's just, it's how you do it. (adam)'like, we have to keep evolvingeverything we're doing' so that it becomessomething bigger. otherwise, who know,no one knows the lifeline

of what we're doing here. 'this is, that's likethe next level project' 'we got to get to.' okay, wait, wa-wait,yeah, yeah. - nice and easy. do not kick me.- perf.. i won't, i won't,i won't, i won't. (tiffany)'wow, adam,you're good at that.' (gigi)'yeah, you are good.' well...we'll see.

oh, my god.it's actually really slippery. [shrieks] (gigi) i really wanna keep reaching out to the transgender community and the lgbt community and also, i want for everyone in general to see thati'm a real person too, and, um i-i'm literally just like you and you can make itthrough anything. (tiffany)oh, wh-why can't i remember?

[phone ringing] - hello? - hey, how're you doing? (gigi) good, how are you? (david)'good. i'm just on airplane.' 'we're gonna be taking offin a few minutes.' i'm actually just heading outthe door right now to go my fashion show so i'm really nervous. i went to my, uh,fitting yesterday

and i thought that it was gonnabe some, like, cotton dress a normal dress like silk,or whatever. maybe a gown? i get there, dad and there is this suitcasewith my dress in it. it's a fifty poundchainmail gown. so, i put it on, andi'm, like "are you kidding me?" and she is, she has plierstaking out the hoops because it's too long for me.

(david)'yeah. hey. i just got toldi have to shut the phone off.' oh, okay. 'uh, so let's talk tomorrow.' okay, sounds good.i'll send you pictures. 'good luck tonight.okay. love you.' - alright. love you, too.- 'okay, bye-bye.' okay, bye. just rolling upto fashion week. it's official.we're here, people.

i'm walking in a real fashion show put on by the americanheart association's go red for women movement and since the color is red all of the dresses will be red. i'm so honored that they wanted me to walk. will you be beatingmy face today? - nice to meet you.- nice to meet you. i'm marina. i was thinking we could do,like, long wispy lash.

(marina)'okay.' now i want to makemy forehead look smaller. awesome. do you mindsigning them, please? - 'thank you so much'- 'of course. there you go.' am i going to get a headachefrom this pony? 'no. just put your head downa little bit.' okay. i'm sorry. nice to meet you, gigi.nice to meet you. - amazing. you're gorgeous.- thank you.

i heard you were walking,and i was so excited. - oh, yeah?- i love it. very nice to meet you. loves it. - 'you need help?'- 'no, i'm good. thank you.' th-the important thingis that you don't fall. - yeah. it's true. very true.- i mean.. but even if you did,you'd be so graceful. - oh, my god, you think?- just lie there. just lie there and be like

just do that, improv. yeah. (female #5)'did anybody give you any advicefor walking the runway?' everybody today is saying, "ifyou just need to take a minute and breathe becausethis is a huge moment for you." so, i'm taking thatin right now. - use this one.- this is glamorous as fuck. oh, my god. oh, my god,no this one smells really bad. - ugh!- 'oh! oh!' go in there and smell.it's fucked.

mia, please smell. no, smell.i swear to god. smell. go in and smell.smell, smell, smell. do you smell it? god. it was everything. love a good port-a-potty. - 'it's amazing.'- are you fucking kidding me? - yeah- like, it's perfect now. everyone else literally lookslike your little minions

and you're the queen,are you opening? - or are you ending?- i don't know. ladies, we gotta get you in lineright now, they're telling me we got to start the show now. good evening,welcome to the go red for women red dress collectionpresented by macy's. 'tonight you will seelots of amazing red dresses' 'on the runway.' ready, please proceed.

(female #6)'kill it out there, mary lou.' [cheering] oh, my god. - 'well done.'- that was so much fun. so much fun. (adam) there is no mold she's trying to fit in. this is who she is and this is how she lives her life. it actually has nothing to do with being transgender and at this point, she's come this far with it

there's no turning back,so there really isn't anything that she's afraid of.not that i know of. (adam lazzarato) the youtube channel and shows and things that she's walked in, that's all great but gigi is bigger than all of that. gigi is the real deal.it's like, the big like, greater thanthe sum of her parts. she's an icon for being who you want to be. - ooh, girl, i'm so sorry.- ow.

look at my neck. (mia)'aw, shit.' oh, wow. that looks like full-onmiss universe! holy shit, i look so good. (tiffany) we've all never thought that gigi could get more beautiful and she just ends up gettingmore and more beautiful. and we're like, "how?"like, i don't get it.

it's not just her looks. i think that she's so happy in her heart with who she is. th-that makes herall the more beautiful too. - it's awesome.- ooh! i'm so proud of you.that's all i'll say. - i love you.- it's seriously awesome. - don't cry.- i know, i'm sorry! but it's, like, really, look!

- i know.- here-here's a little bigger. - like, look.- that's a vision. - how regal is that, right?- it's everything. - is this happening?- yeah! - this is happening, girl.- okay. oh, don't cry.i love you. thank you. (david) she's a beautiful woman. she's a fabulous human being with great values.

and that's who gigi is.and that's who gregory was. oh, thank you, baby. (david) they didn't do heart or soul surgeries and so it's thesame heart and soul and, um, i didn't haveto re-learn the person. - look at you.- thank you for coming. alan's having a little,uh, shindig thing. - okay, cool.- um.. and you're more than welcometo come and she can too.

okay, cool. well, maybewe'll see you there. - okay, cool.- okay, cool. great seeing you. - good seeing you too.- okay, i'll text you, okay? - alright. take care. see you.- bye. he's so cute, right?oh, he's so cute. yeah, he's a sweetie too. (gregory)life boils down to how you care and i can honestly full-fledgedsay i don't give two shits about the way people talkabout me, what they say about me

behind my back or to my face. i am 100% who i am. i'm not going to hold back. i'm just telling you guys, seriously, just be yourself. if you like something, get it. if you wanna do something,do it. if you want to act one way,act it. because one day you're gonna wake up really, really angry and you're just going to say, "why am i hiding who i am?"

you know what i mean? just say fuck it. let everyone know. alright, guys, i hope thatyou guys didn't get bored because that was probablythe longest video of my life but i will talk to you guyslater, and until then stay gorgeous. i was denied entry into dubai because i am transgender.

and it absolutely disgusts me that this kind of discriminationstill goes on. but i just wanted to tell youwhat i've literally just gone throughjust because i'm transgender. ♪ one by oneit's the first time ♪ ♪ two by two and we multiply ♪ ♪ four by fourand we can't stop ♪ (gigi)'oh, my god, guys,we're back at high school!' 'are you kidding?'

this is everything. it feels the exact same. - 'here! there you are.'- 'oh, my gosh!' (gigi)'back in the daywhen i had my pixie cut.' (woman on loudspeaker)'sean crosby and jeremy..' goddammit. - we're gonna get called soon.- i just got nervous. like, "oh, my god,they're gonna call my name." remember when they usedto call our name

we used to be like.. hi. do you remember me? - 'gigi.'- i used to be greg. - yes, i do. i'm good.- how are you? - i'm good. how are you?- good to see you. you too. you pulled no punches ever. what does that mean? you took no shitoff of anyone.

mm-hm. that sounds about right. which was one of the thingsthat was great about you. aw, thank you. hi! how are you, ms. jen?good to see you. - nice to see you too.- good to see you. - you look amazing.- oh, you look pretty good too. oh, thank you. ♪ spin around and we multiply ♪ never been in this women'schanging room before.

let's do it. ♪ hear your name like a dream ♪ ♪ as a crowd starts to scream ♪ [gigi laughing] i cannot believe i'm back here. ♪ fifty million faceson the dance floor ♪ i'm scared. ♪ two hundred namesno one the same ♪ ♪ move into the beatof the drum machine ♪

♪ as the stars in the sky ♪ ♪ a million shine on ustonight us tonight ♪ ♪ what your name? what yourname? what your name? oh ♪ ♪ what your name?what your name? ♪ ♪ what your name?what your name? ♪♪


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