breast augmentation diary uk

breast augmentation diary uk

breast augmentationnew subfacial atraumatic technique(fast recovery - natural-looking result) over the last five years,mr. kapositas uses a technique which is extremely safeand delivers a natural-looking result. the result feels naturalwhen you touch and see the breast. noone notices thatyou underwent breast surgery. what i am eager to know is whether you experiencedany pain whatsoever. i felt no pain at all. i didn't takea signle painkiller after the surgery. - evi? i want the truth.- ok.

well, i felt a stinging painon the first day. it lasted only for a couple of days. i had to wear a special brafor two weeks. i experienced no trouble at all. apart from that,i had no other concerns. so, when did you go back to work? i went back to workon the 9th day after the surgery. and it's not an easy job i'm see, i am an air-hostess. - we lift weights, luggage, etc.- exactly.

i dreaded air pressure fluctuations. i was afraid i would feel painwhen up in the air. i had painkillers with me,just to be on the safe side. i wanted to be preparedin case i felt pain during the flight. i was afraid of all those thingsi had heard in the past. but, trust me. it's all a's not even close to the truth. the good thing isthat i felt no pain. i felt no pain at all. at first, i only felt some stretchingbecause of the swelling.

it was normalbecause i had implants placed. but, it didn't last for long. when did you go back to work?what about working out? i mean, when did you resumeyour everyday activities? i resumed my professional activitiesvery soon. i got back to workon the 5th day after the surgery. this procedure,though it may sound as a paradox... was somethingi had been longing for. so, i was neither stressed nor afraid.

i was impatient to go through itand see the new "me"! that's the truth.and i was justified 100%. to tell you the truthi was not afraid at all. actually, i had no serious problem. before the surgery,i had a friendly talk with the anesthesiolgist. it is part of the 'patient comfort' procedure he follows. i had an injection.i slept and then i woke up. that's all. tell me, did you feel any painafter the surgery? i had no problem at all.i even bathed myself.

i had the surgery on a wednesday.2 days later i attended the parade! i experienced no trouble whatsoever. right. and whendid you start getting around? one month after the surgery,i went back to the gym. so, one can startworking out after a month. i could have started earlier,but i wanted to be careful. have you got something to sayto those girls... who want the same resultbut are a bit hesitant? they may fear pain or anesthesia.what's your advice?

it takes a visit to mr. kapositasto leave your fears behind! that's all i have to say and,trust me. it's really worth it. i mean, a flu lasts longerthan the overall procedure. and the breast surgery resultis permanent.


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