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what is breast cancer? breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth ofbreast cells. normally breast cancer starts from inner liningof milk vessels or from the milk-producing glands that provide the milk to milk vessels. a tumor is formed in these cells. the tumor can be detected by an x-ray. sometimes you can feel this tumor as a bulgein your breast. though usually breast cancer is found in womenbut males are also affected by breast cancer. breast cancer includes 16% of all female cancersand there are 18.2% deaths out of all cancer

deaths due to breast cancer. breast cancer are related to “malignantcancer”. basically malignant are those which may bedangerous to health and benign are those which are not dangerous to health. dna changes are common cause of breast cancer. some dna changes are inherited and are theroot causes of many cancers that run in families. one important point is that most dna changesthat are related to breast cancer are due the lifestyle of women rather than havingbeen inherited. the anatomy of a female breastthere are connective tissues, thousands of

milk producing glands and fat in a maturedbreast. the milk producing glands are connected tomilk ducts, these ducts carry milk from milk lobules towards the nipple and milk is fedto the baby through nipple. symptoms of breast cancer1. the very first symptoms of breast cancer isa thick tissue in the woman's breast. you may feel as a lump in your breast. though all lumps are not cancerous but youshould get them checked by a health care professional. 2. a swelling (lump) in one of the armpits3.

a swelling of the breast partially or fully. 4. you may feel pain in the armpits or breastand this pain is not at all linked to the menstrual period. 5. there may be a discharge from one of the nipples,sometimes discharge may have blood also. 6. there may be a pitting or redness on the skinof breast. 7.

the nipple may become sunken or inverted8. a rash around (or on) one of the nipples9. you may feel the change in the size or theshape of the breast. 10. the nipple-skin or breast-skin may have startedto peel, scale or flake. how breast cancer spreadsa lymph system may become the medium to spread the breast cancer. the lymph system consist of lymph fluid, lymphnodes and lymph vessels. the lymph system spreads throughout the body.

lymph nodes are basically collection of immunesystem cells. they are small in size and bean like in shape. lymph nodes are connected by lymph (or lymphatic)vessels. lymph vessels are similar to small veins,the difference is that instead of carrying blood they carry a clear fluid away from thebreast. the clear fluid is called lymph. tissue fluid and waste products and immunesystem cells are contained by this lymph. breast cancer cells can enter lymph vesselsand begin to grow in lymph nodes. if cancer cells have spread to your lymphnodes, there is a higher chance that the cells

could have spread to other places in yourbody. if cancer cells have affected more lymph nodesin breast, there are higher chances of spreading cancer to other organs of body as the lymphvessels of breast drain under the arm, near breast bone and collar bone. stages of breast cancerstage definition stage 0 cancer cells remain inside the breastduct, without invasion into normal adjacent breast tissue. stage ia the tumor measures up to 2 cmand the cancer has not spread outside the breast;no lymph nodes are involved

stage ib there is no tumor in the breast;instead, small groups of cancer cells -- larger than 0.2 millimeter but not larger than 2millimeters – are found in the lymph nodes orthere is a tumor in the breast that is no larger than 2 centimeters, and there are smallgroups of cancer cells – larger than 0.2 millimeter but not larger than 2 millimeters– in the lymph nodes. stage iia no tumor can be found in the breast,but cancer cells are found in the axillary lymph nodes (the lymph nodes under the arm)or the tumor measures 2 centimeters or smallerand has spread to the axillary lymph nodes orthe tumor is larger than 2 but no larger than

5 centimeters and has not spread to the axillarylymph nodes. stage iib the tumor is larger than 2 but nolarger than 5 centimeters and has spread to the axillary lymph nodesor the tumor is larger than 5 centimeters buthas not spread to the axillary lymph nodes. stage iiia no tumor is found in the breast. cancer is found in axillary lymph nodes thatare sticking together or to other structures, or cancer may be found in lymph nodes nearthe breastbone orthe tumor is any size. cancer has spread to the axillary lymph nodes,which are sticking together or to other structures,

or cancer may be found in lymph nodes nearthe breastbone. stage iiib the tumor may be any size and hasspread to the chest wall and/or skin of the breastand may have spread to axillary lymph nodes thatare clumped together or sticking to other structures, or cancer may have spread to lymphnodes near the breastbone. inflammatory breast cancer is considered atleast stage iiib. stage iiic there may either be no sign ofcancer in the breast or a tumor may be any size and may have spread to the chest walland/or the skin of the breast andthe cancer has spread to lymph nodes either

above or below the collarboneand the cancer may have spread to axillary lymphnodes or to lymph nodes near the breastbone. stage iv the cancer has spread — or metastasized— to other parts of the body. breast cancer: causes and diagnosiscauses of breast cancer it is not very sure what causes breast cancer. there are some risk factors that can impactfor developing breast cancer. 1) more agethere is a high risk for an older woman to have breast cancer than a younger one. there are 80% cases of female breast cancerto those women who are more than 50 years

of age. 2) geneticswomen who have a family history of breast cancer or a close relative who has/had breastcancer are prone to have breast cancer. the majority of breast cancers are not hereditary. there are some genes that may produce higherrisk of breast cancer. these genes are brca1, brca2 and tp53. 3) a history of breast cancerthere are more chances of developing breast cancer to a woman who have had breast cancerhistory, than to a women who have no history of the disease.

4) having had certain types of breast lumpsthere may be some benign lumps which are basically non-cancerous but may be the reason for developingbreast cancer in later stage. atypical ductal hyperplasia or lobular carcinomain situ are the examples for these cases. 5) exposure of estrogenif there is longer expose of estrogen than usual, there are chances of breast cancer. there may be two case of having more exposureof estrogen. first one is when a woman started having periodsearlier than usual and the second case when a woman entered menopause later than usual. 6) obesitythere are higher risk of breast cancer for

woman who has post-menopausal obesity andare overweight. as per experts, there are higher levels ofestrogen in obese menopausal women, which may be the cause of the higher risk. 7) alcohol consumptionthe chances of breast cancer increases with increase in the consumption of alcohol. expert says that a woman should not exceedone alcoholic beverage per day. 8) hrt (hormone replacement therapy)hormone replacement therapy may increases the chances of developing breast cancer. there are mainly two types of hormone replacementtherapy combined and estrogen-only.

combined hrt causes a higher risk. 9) cosmetic implants may undermine breastcancer survival in this latest study, it is found that a womanwith a cosmetic breast implant has a higher risk of being diagnosed with breast cancerwhen the disease has already advanced, compared to those with no implants. diagnosing breast cancerafter detecting certain signs and symptoms women are usually diagnosed with these tests. 1) breast examinationthe physician checks the patient's breasts, especially for lumps and other possible abnormalities,such as inverted nipples, nipple discharge,

or change in breast shape. the patient will be asked to sit/stand withher arms in different positions, such as above her head and by her sides. 2) mammogram (x-ray)commonly used for breast cancer screening. if anything unusual is found, the doctor mayorder a diagnostic mammogram. 3) 2d combined with 3d mammogramsthere are 2d and 3d mammograms. when both mammograms are used in collaboration,they provide better results. 4) breast ultrasounda lump or abnormality as solid mass or a fluid-filled cyst can be found easily with ultrasound.

5) biopsyin biopsy a sample of tissue from lump is surgically removed and sent to the lab foranalysis. it the cells are found to be cancerous, thelab will also determine what type of breast cancer it is. 6) breast mri (magnetic resonance imaging)scan a dye is injected into the patient. this type of scan helps the doctor determinethe extent of the cancer. treatment & side effectsthe treatments available for breast cancer are: radiation therapy (radiotherapy)

 surgery biological therapy (targeted drug therapy)  hormone therapy chemotherapy. surgeryin surgery the tumor and a small margin of healthy tissue around it is surgically removed. in case of simple mastectomy the lobules,ducts, fatty tissue, nipple, areola or some skin potion may also be removed. if cancer is severe the whole breast may alsobe removed. chemotherapythere are chances of recurrence of cancer or spreading of cancer in other parts of thebody.

if chances are high oncologist recommendschemotherapy. this is called adjuvant chemotherapy. in case if the size of tumors are large, chemotherapymay be administered before surgery. the purpose is to contract the tumor, so thatremoval of tumors becomes much easier. this is called neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. if the cancer has spread to the other partsof the body chemotherapy may be administered .the growth of some breast cancers may bebecause of estrogen. estrogen production can be controlled by chemotherapy. side effects of chemotherapyhair loss,

nausea,vomiting, loss of appetite,fatigue, sore mouth,and a slightly higher susceptibility to infections. radiation therapy (radiotherapy)in case of radiation therapy controlled doses of radiation are targeted at the tumor todestroy the cancer cells. normally, radiotherapy is used after surgeryor chemotherapy to kill off any cancer cells that may still be around. normally, radiation therapy is applied afterone month of surgery or chemotherapy.

this is a very short time therapy. it takes only some few minutes for one session. multiple sessions may be required as per thecondition of cancer cells. there are different types of radiation therapy,which depends on type of cancer. sometimes, radiotherapy is not at all required. hormone therapy (hormone blocking therapy)some breast cancers are sensitive to hormones. hormone therapy is used for these types ofbreast cancers. these types of cancer are often referred toas er positive (estrogen receptor positive) and pr positive (progesterone receptor positive)cancers.

the aim of hormone therapy is to prevent cancerrecurrence. hormone blocking therapy is usually used aftersurgery, but may sometimes be used beforehand to shrink the tumor. there may be some cases when surgery, chemotherapyor radiotherapy cannot be applied then hormone therapy may be the only treatment for patient. one important point is that the cancers whichare not sensitive to hormones, cannot be cured by hormone therapy. biological treatment (targeted drugs) trastuzumab (herceptin) –there is a protein called human epidermal growth factorreceptor 2 positive (her2 -positive), which

promotes the growth of cancer cells. herceptin targets this protein and by doingso it reduces the growth of tumor. there may be some side effects as, headaches,and/or heart damage.  lapatinib (tykerb) – some time herceptindoes not suit to some patients, in that case tykerb is used targets the her2 protein.  there may be some side effects as painfulhands, painful feet, skin rashes, mouth sores, extreme tiredness, diarrhea, vomiting, andnausea.  bevacizumab (avastin) - tumor get thenutrients and oxygen from blood vessels. if the contact between tumor and blood vesselis terminated the tumor will not get nutrient

and oxygen. it will cause tumor to starve.  there may be some side effects as congestiveheart failure, hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney damage, heart damage, blood clots,headaches, mouth sores. prevention of breast cancerprevention is always better than cure. here we are going to discuss some lifestylechanges that can help significantly to reduce the risk of developing a breast cancer.  alcohol - it is found that the women whodrink less, or do not drink alcohol at all, have less chances of breast cancer, comparedto those who drink large amounts regularly.

so put a caution on alcohol consumption don't smoke. researchers have found link between smokingand breast cancer risk, particularly in premenopausal women. so avoid smoking.  physical exercise – there is less chancesof breast cancer for women who exercise regularly.  diet – healthy diet is the key to avoidseveral diseses. marine n 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids havebeen found effective to avoid breast cancer. marine n 3 poly unsaturated fatty acids arederived from marine sources.  bodyweight - women who have a controlledbodyweight have less chances of breast cancer

compared overweight females.  breastfeeding - women who breastfeed runa lower risk of developing breast cancer compared to other women. if you like this video, please like and sharethis to your friends to enhance the knowledge about breast cancer. if you have any question please write downin comment box. you may subscribe this channel for more upcominghealth related videos.


  1. Hi there. Before going for surgical operation, one should ensure that the surgeon is fully trained and equipped to handle the case. The facility where the surgery will be performed should conform to strict safety standards.

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