xl breast augmentation uk

xl breast augmentation uk

lacey: there's a million blonde girls with big boobs in this world. but there's not amillion blonde girls with humongous boobs, in this world. lacey: it just so happens that i am one of those. and one of the only one of those. comm: lacey wildd's boobs went from c cup to d cup overnight with her first implantat the age of twenty four. now she's a triple l and has made a career out of her boobs butshe wants to go even larger. lacey: i've had over twenty two surgeries.

i look more like a blow up barbie i guessyou could say. lacey: well i went and seen a doctor today, to find out exactly what's going on with mysituation, where i'm at right now with my breasts. lacey: i was thinking about expanding. i just wanna know the risks and what your take ison my whole breast expanding procedures. lacey: due to the size of lacey's implants, an enlargement is not without risks. doctor: after very thorough history and physical

examination, i was able to ascertain thatwe would be at a high, high rate of the implant being exposed and being left with no breastat all. definitely the cons outweigh the pros in going any larger. comm: despite the risks and the fact that boobs are so heavy that she needed to havean internal bra made of pig skin, and her own muscle implanted into her torso, laceystill wants to go ahead with the surgery. lacey: i know that the surgery is gonna be dangerous, i went into this knowing that therewere gonna be very big risks involved and i'm ready to take that chance.

comm: although lacey loves her breasts and all the attention she gets because of them,their size hasn't made life easy for her daughter tori. tori: it's just crazy. tori: when i go out places with my mom, people scream at her, they look at her like she'san alien from outer space, they just can't believe it. usually girls just like, laughat her, they like make fun of her and then guys come up to her and like "oh can i haveyour number?" and things like that. and it's so embarrassing.

comm: tori worries about what will become of her, and her brothers and sisters if anythingwas to go wrong with her mum's surgery. tori: if my mom decided to get bigger boobs and know about all the health risks then ithink that she just wasn't caring about our opinions and y'know, what if she died? isshe really taking that into consideration? does she really care that her kids could beleft alone? that's what i would be thinking about the whole time and i would just feellike, kind of disrespected. 02:37comm: still lacey won't be deterred, for her, bigger is definitely better.

lacey: if it goes wrong, i lose my breasts, i could possibly lose my life. it's a possibility.i don't wanna think about what if, but i also don't wanna live my life with regret.


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