when breast augmentation goes bad

when breast augmentation goes bad

from nasty nose jobs to botched breast implants,we look at 9 nightmare surgeries that went horribly wrong.9. no leg to stand on • in 1995 willie king was in hospital tohave one of his legs amputated. • unfortunately, the surgeon removed thewrong one. when the surgeon realized his mistake, it was too late for willie’s good leg andthe continued to remove the one they were meant to. when the surgeon was asked to explainhis actions he argued that that it all came down to the paperwork.• some of willie’s paperwork said the right leg was to be amputated, so the nursehad prepped the right leg for surgery. and because surgeons just slice and dice, willieking ended up with no legs and $100,000 dollars

in remuneration.8. nobody nose • vishal thakkar was so self-conscious abouthis slightly lopsided nostrils that he figured he would finally do something about it.• he went to see dr. angelo for a quickie rhinoplasty. this resulted in breathing problems,so he went in for follow-up surgeries. with every operation the problem got worse andthey ran out of tissue to re-sculpt vishal’s nose.• all the surgery resulted in such a nasty infection that the hack doctor amputates theoffending schnoz! so then dr. frankenstein cobbles together a makeshift nose out of earcartilage and rib cage to create a monstrosity. dr. angelo makes michael jackson’s surgeonlook like a master sculptor.

7. don’t go breakin’ my heart• a 67 year old named joan was brought into hospital for a cerebral angiogram.• it’s a pretty low-key procedure where they inject a dye into the blood vessels ofyour brain and take a bunch of x-rays. unfortunately joan was taken back to the wrong room afterher procedure, so before she’d even woken up she was being whisked into an operatingroom. • the surgeon performed open heart surgeryon joan. an hour in, her doctor called the o.r to find out what the flip they were doingwith his patient. that was when they realized their mistake. lucky for joan, she got herunnecessary bypass on the house. she’s the perfect example of how one mistake leads toa domino effect of colossal fuck ups.

6. penis-less• hurshell ralls went in for surgery to have a cancerous lump removed from his bladder.• but when he woke up, he was shocked to learn he was missing quite a bit more thanthat. to prevent the spread of the cancer, the surgeon decided to remove both of hurshell’stesticles and his penis. unfortunately nobody thought to mention this to the patient orhis wife before he went in for the surgery. • also, nobody bothered to check if hisgenitals had any cancer in them before savagely cutting them off. by the time they did, itwas too late. turns out, hurshell’s genitals were cancer free so he was made a eunuch forno damn reason. 5. party pooper• joseph swain went into hospital for a

humdrum surgery to reattach his colon.• unfortunately in the hubbub of the surgery, instead of reattaching it to the bowel, thesurgeon attached it to his bladder. shortly after the surgery joseph began pooping andfarting out of his urethra. his poor penis was being inundated with filth unbecomingof such a member. • when joseph sued the hospital for painand suffering, he said that his relationship with his wife hadn’t been the same since.i guess it’s a test of true love; like, if you hold a butterfly too tightly it willdie. if your wife can’t stand seeing you shit out of your wiener, it wasn’t meantto be. 4. awake and anguished• in 2006, 73 year old baptist minister

sherman sizemore went into hospital for exploratorysurgery on his abdomen. • the surgery went well, except that shermanwas awake for most of the procedure. as if that weren’t bad enough, he could feel theslice of the scalpel and every painful movement but was completely paralyzed. sherman’sanesthesia awareness was the result of a paralyzing anesthetic being administered but the generalanesthetic wasn’t given to him until almost 20 minutes into the procedure.• two short weeks after the operation, sherman committed suicide. the family claims thathe’d suffered no mental health problems prior to this traumatic event and hadn’tbeen the same since he’d returned from hospital. 3. lost and found• dirk schroeder was having cancer removed

from his prostate and at first, all seemedto have gone as planned. • but after weeks of intensifying agonyin his abdomen, dirk returned to the hospital. the nurse discovered gauze oozing from oneof his wounds. the surgeons had left, not one, not two but 16 items in dirk’s abdomenincluding a surgical mask, bandages and a needle. maybe they were leaving some toolsfor the next guy to give the old guy a tune up.• to add insult to injury the hospital refused to apologise, claiming that the surgical equipmentcould have gotten into his abdomen after the surgery. as if dirk was trying to make himselfa real life version of the game ‘operation’. 2. one nut to another• in england, a patient that we’ll call

bob went in for surgery to have a testicleremoved after being diagnosed with testicular cancer.• so, the surgeon slices open bob’s man-sack, only to remove the wrong man-berry. 40 minutesinto the procedure, the doctor realizes his mistake and in a panic tries to sow the healthylove spud back into place. • this attempt fails miserably, so theyremove the cancerous nut and send the patient on his way, with a nut-less sack. i’m surethe post-op conversation went something like this, “good news, you’re cancer free andyou never have to worry about getting kicked in the balls again!”1. moobs (man-boobs) • body builder and former mr. universe runner-upalexander baez wanted to look ultra-muscle-y

without all the hassle of hours at the gym.• so he went in to get some pec implants. the dodgy doc, however, decided that he’dgive alex some knock-out silicone breast implants instead. alex says he kept waking up throughoutthe procedure in tears because he was given animal tranquilizers instead of anesthetic.• turns out, not only was the doctor not a trained surgeon, he wasn’t even a doctor!reinaldo silvestre botched hundreds of procedures and fled to belize when he was about to bearrested. oh well, at least alex could pay for the surgery to fix his chest by doingsome topless waitressing under the name, alexandra.


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