what to expect after breast augmentation uk

what to expect after breast augmentation uk

julie billar: how fast you get back to workafter a breast cancer surgery will depend on what kind of surgery you have had. it canrange anywhere from two days to as long as eight weeks. most women heal very well afterbreast cancer surgery, but the time it takes for you to get back to work will depend onwhat type of surgery you have had. after a lumpectomy, most women heal very well andvery quickly, usually after a day or two. you are back to doing almost all of the thingsthat you want to do in your daily activity like walking around the house, eating, feedingyourself, showering and all of those normal activities. if you have a job that doesn'trequire too much vigorous activity, if you wanted to, you could go back to work aftera couple of days. although, i would say that

most women will plan to spend about a weekoff of work so that they can relax and regain their energy at home. if, though, you havea job that requires a bit more physical activity or heavy lifting, i would recommend that youtake the first full week off of work rather than returning too quickly because you maynot even have your full range of motion, your strength or your energy back by then and youwant to make sure that your wounds are adequately healed before you go back to that level ofactivity. now after a mastectomy, it does depend on whether or not you have had reconstructionto determine how long it takes for you to get back to work. for a mastectomy withoutreconstruction, i would consider that along the lines of someone who has had a lumpectomyexcept that you probably will have drains

in your breast after your surgery and thosedrains are things that you want to take care of and make sure that they don't pull outor drag and sometimes that can be a lot to manage while going back to work at the sametime. typically, drains stay in the breast after a mastectomy without reconstructionfor approximately a week, so most women will plan for a week or sometimes two after theirsurgery before going back to work. now mastectomy with reconstruction that was a whole differentcategory because it will depend on what kind of reconstruction you have had. reconstructionthat uses tissue expanders or implants will generally require at least a couple of weeksoff of work and some of them will take anywhere from two to four weeks off of work to makesure that you have overcome your discomfort

and that your drains are out and that yourplastic surgeon has cleared you for activity as well because a lot of times, your rangeof motion is a bit more limited after that type of surgery. the final category thoughis reconstruction with autologous tissue, which means tissue removed from one portionof your body to your breast to recreate and reshape the breast and that one requires thelongest period of time off of work. most plastic surgeons will allot approximately six to eightweeks off of work for that type of reconstruction because there is a lot of healing that hasto be done. we want to make sure that you are healed, that you have your energy, andthat your pain is under control before you get back into the workplace.


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