what is breast augmentation uk

what is breast augmentation uk

breast asymmetry correctionwith breast implantspatient testimonials good afternoon. a topic we haven't discussed so far, a topic which is very important and sometimes quite stressful, is choosing our doctor. and specifically, choosing our plastic surgeon. whom should we opt for amongst all these doctors out there? who is the one that we should trust? indeed, a doctor's experience along with the number of procedures he has performed, are very important parameters.

yet, is he the suitable doctor for our case? today's topic was prompted by christine's case. a quite uncommon case given that christine had breast asymmetry, which means that each breast was different in size and she also had a mild breast sagging in the larger of her breasts. christine thoroughly considered every aspect of the topic. she visited many doctors, she searched on many websites and finally, she visited dr. kapositas. today, christine joins us to share her experience in more details.

- how are you, christine?- i'm fine! so, you decided to have a breast augmentation surgery, but what was the problem? because you told me earlier that your problem was somehow different. yes. actually, breast augmentation was decided at a later time. ever since i was a little girl, i suffered from anisomastia. this means that my breasts were uneven. and as i grew older, the problem was getting worse and worse. - so, this was the actual problem, right?

- yes, this was the problem. and over the years, and having gained weight, the larger of my breasts exhibited mild sagging. so, you thought that it was high time you had something done about it and you started visiting doctors. please tell me how easy or how difficult is it for someone to choose the doctor who is suitable for his/her case. i think this is too stressful. stressful... i believe that we should do our own research on our problem before visiting any doctors. the truth is that i did a lot of research.

i surfed the net for hours and i visited the sites of many plastic surgeons. - was that helpful?- yes, it was. i educated myself, i learned about the various techniques and types of implants and i think that when i visited the doctors, i was well-informed and this helped me to understand what they were saying, but mostly to reach a final decision. so, did you visit many doctors prior to your decision? before visiting dr. kapositas, i had consulted three other doctors. i imagine you heard different views from each of them.

yes, i heard some different views, different techniques, and actually, one of the doctors suggested a single-breast lift surgery. a totally different technique. so, it was finally proven unnecessary? definitely. because i believe that the result i have now is perfect! i did not have a breast lift. i had different-sized breast implants. so, you visited dr. kapositas' office. tell me, how did he win your heart? and what made you trustdr. kapositas? first of all, i really liked the fact that he immediately found out

that i 'had done my homework' on my case. - i suppose it's not something you can hide! you had made a lot of research! - oh, yes! and he directly informed me of the complications of the surgery and i found it to be extremely important. he made me trust him immediately. he is also someone who speaks with great love for what he does. and this was also taken into account in the process of deciding.

not to mention his extensive experience and his continuing professional development.this really amazed me. so, the technique applied in your case is the 'subfacial', which is used in brazil, usa and is applied by dr. kapositas as well. - yes. - can you tell me a few things about this technique? yes, it is the most advanced technique because it has all the advantages of the old techniques but none of their disadvantages. in essence, it is the technique which delivers a natural-looking result. so, in brief, in your case, youhad no breast lift

but rather a breast augmentation. yes, i only had a breast augmentation. basically, we corrected the breast unevenness, and we eliminated the sagging of the large breast. - now, it's almost six months since you had the surgery, right? yes, almost six months. now, i always ask this question, i can't help but ask. did you feel any pain?were you in distress? i had a slight pain and it's normal.

it would be a lie to tell you that it was a pain-free procedure. but i was in no distress at all. i totally trusted both my doctor and the anesthesiologist. and so i felt very safe. it was not an ordeal for me. and of course the result is so good and it makes you feel so happy and satisfied, that you completely forget the pain of the first days after the surgery. now that's what i wanted to ask you about. about the result

and how happy it made you, and i suppose that in terms of clothes when you get dressed, you want to wear everything you like.. i gave a solution to the bra problem, too. due to the breast asymmetry, i couldn't find the right bra for me, i mean for uneven breasts. what would you say to all those girls who are in the same process and they are considering a breast augmentation surgery and they are stressed about choosing the right doctor well, if they were bothered by a condition, i would advise them to do their research so that

they are well-informed when visiting a doctor, in order to reach a mindful decision regarding their troubling case. so, a doctor's extensive experience and the number of surgeries he has performed over the years, are significant parameters. and as christine told us, the relationship of trust between the doctor and the patient is very important, too. and this will show us the doctor who is suitable for our case. - right?- right! - thank you.- thank you.


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