utah breast augmentation deals

utah breast augmentation deals

the dream of a beautiful figure is comingtrue for thousands of woman through saline breast implants , manhattan plastic surgeondr. robert vitolo says: but there was a price to pay for larger breasts ' visible scars' which made the breast augmentation easily detectable. now there is a way to have theenhancement of saline breast implants without any visible scar on or near the breast. it'sa revolutionary procedure tuba transumbilical that is changing breast surgery in a big way.find out about it next on healthwise. for more information please contact dr. robertvitolo board certified staten island plastic surgeon who performs this no visible scartransumbilical breast augmentation in new york nyc manhattan brooklyn and staten island.dr vitolo's email address is vitolomd@gmail.com

and his website is http://drvitolo.com/transumbilical-breast-enlargement-staten-island-new-york/ this operation is normally performed in aregular operating room. here you can see the operating room staff nyc plastic surgeon dr.robert vitolo a brooklyn plastic surgeon performs the breast augmentation surgery and what iam going to do now is to begin marking a line from the belly button towards the breast.this will be the line that we follow when we place the introducer underneath the skin.this is the first introducer that we use to make a preliminary pocket just underneaththe skin and either underneath the breast tissue or underneath the muscle sub-muscularor bellow the muscle. we gently slide this up just underneath the skin surface this doesnot go inside the abdomen. there is absolutely

no danger to the abdominal organs. here weare using a larger introducer to insert underneath the breast tissue and through this we inserta special instrument called an endoscope. you can see on the video monitor that we areactually looking at the tissue as we insert the endoscope in there. the white is the breasttissue and the red bellow is the muscle sub muscular. now you notice that there is basicallyno bleeding in this operation. an saline breast implant is selected from mentor or allergannatrelle here the implant of course can also be inserted beneath the muscle depending onthe patients preference. we are beginning the insertion of the actual breast implantitself. here we take the breast implant that has a long tube attached to a self sealingvalve. we roll it up so it is sort of looks

like a cigar. we then insert it into the hollowtube that acts as a pusher. we actually don't insert the breast implant thru the tube. weuse the tube to push the implant up until it lies in a pocket underneath the breasttissue this is also called sub-glandular position or over the muscle. new york plastic surgeonbreast implants cost we then begin filling the implant with a sterile saline solution.you'll see that in a moment. saline is a natural body component and consequently when we beginfilling the implant with saline the implant will unroll and assume its final volume. youcan see the opposite side has already been done. now we are inserting the saline untilthe side we are doing now is the same size as the other side. the saline is kept sterileby using a special sealed tube mechanism and

a syringe. and we inflate it and here yousee the patients being put into an erect position so that we can determine the shape and size.and you see that the breasts look very natural. we close the belly button and that is theend of the procedure.


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