top rated breast augmentation surgeons in san diego

top rated breast augmentation surgeons in san diego

welcome everybody to another segment of my name is steve young and thanks for joining us today today we're talking about a very important topic that is how to find the best plastic surgery online fortunately, joining us we have our expert, doctor larry fan from san francisco california. doctor fan,thanks for joining us today my pleasure, steve.great to have you so doctor the most burning question that we have for you today

or what the viewers will most likely be asking is how - was somebody with your vast experience for many years what advice would you give to someone looking for a good plastic surgeon online. maybe the top three things that's a great question, steve. that answer involves many choices one of the most important choices for patients to make is to find a good plastic surgeon. when looking for a good plastic surgeon, it's important to consider these three essential factors. number 1 what are the qualifications and certifications. if you're a patient,

make sure that your surgeon is board-certified specifically in plastic surgery by the american board of plastic surgeons you can find out if you're surgeon is board-certified in plastic surgery by looking at the website for the american board of medical specialties at it's critical that you're a board-certified plastic surgeon because legally, any doctors perform - is allowed to perform - any procedure choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon ensures that your surgeon

will have the highest level of skill, training and experience just as you wouldn't want your plastic surgeon to deliver your baby you shouldn't want a family practice doctor or your ob-gyn to perform your liposuction. number 2, look at your surgeon's experience and expertise in treating and evaluating the specific concern that you have choose a surgeon who is both very experienced with your specific procedure or surgery

as well as the similartreatments for your condition for example if you're interested in liposuction choose a surgeon that is very experienced in both liposuction and tummy tucks, not just one or the other. also, if you interested in body procedures, pick a body specialist and not a face specialist. and vice versa. although many surgeons perform both well. also look for before and after photos be careful if your surgeon does not have before & after photos to show you.

number 3, check your surgeon's reputation. ask around, look at online reviews from past patients. pick the surgeon that has many positive reviews, at the same time don't let one or 2 negative reviews scare you as even the best surgeons can't please all their patients 100 % of the it. i definitely like the part where you talk about the reviews checking their reputations. it's easy to say good things about yourself but as a whole other thing when you got other people sing your praises and being your raving fans

absolutely. doc, if someone was looking for a good plastic surgeon and they came to you, what type of an experience would they have?patients who see me get a very personalized unique experience that is focused on helping them look their best naturally. i'm a big believer that each patient is unique i spend a lot of time getting to know my patients like understand their specific cosmetic concerns. determine if they're a good candidate for treatment, develop a customized treatment plan. in my practice, one size definitely does not fit all.

because every patient has unique needs and goals. i spend a lot of time educating my patients i think it's important for patients to understand their cosmetic condition different treatment options, realistic results and recovery involvement. i want my patients to feel comfortable and confident knowing that they're making fully informed decision with my guidance.i love the fact that you spend time educating them, making sure they understand what's realistic for them. that's fantastic. because of your expertise doc, you know

how is how is your business different from the other ones out there tell me a little bit about you and what makes you different.we distinguish ourselves in three ways: number one by the highest level of service & care. everyone is treated just like family number 2 we have a state of the art facility including a fully accredited on site ambulatory service center to ensure a safe, pleasant and comfortable experience. number 3 we provide outstanding cosmetic results

due to our knowledge, experience, artistry and certain skill. 1 of our core values is always natural never overdone. it's our service and natural results that separate us from the competition.i guess that's what it was down to if somebody was looking for a plastic surgeon i mean results are what you're really looking for making sure that they get what they're asking for and in making natural in the process yeah.wouldn't you agree?absolutely. alright doc i know you do some very special things for new customers. what

exactly do you do for new customers? well we offer complimentary cosmetic evaluations for new patients so that each and every person as a opportunity to learn if they're a good candidate for one of our skin care, non-surgical or surgical cosmetic and plastic surgery treatments. for those of you who are watching this video, we also provide a complimentary skin analysis. i like it. that's fantastic.well there you have it viewers if you're looking for the best plastic surgeon

online then you got some sound advice from doctor larry fan and you'll be able to find good plastic surgeon in your area. and doctor fan, thanks for joining us from san francisco california we appreciate you being here my pleasure, steve.alright well great so thank you viewers for watching this segment and we'll see you on the next segment of


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