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00:03comm: how's this for being body conscious? plastic surgeon david matlock has createdhis ideal woman, suing plastic surgery. his driving himself, and wife veronica, to haveperfect bodies through surgery he performs and a gruelling daily diet and workout routine. 00:21comm: veronica met david when she came to him for a vaginoplasty after having her daughterisabella, but david offered more. 00:28veronica: he says, would you be interested in a wonder woman makeover? i'm like, what'sthat? and he's like, lipo of the chin and the arms and the thighs and the da, da dada. y'know, brazilian butt.

00:40david: she opted for everything i suggested. even marriage. 00:47veronica: yes, he proposed on the first date. 00:51comm: since then david has performed a number on procedures on veronica. 00:55veronica: i had the laser vaginal rejuvenation, liposuction of multiple areas, brazilian buttaugmentation. i feel like i'm a walking advertisement for him. 01:03comm: in his quest for perfection, david's

gone under the knife several times himself,using techniques he designed, like state of the art fat implants into his biceps, triceps,calves and pecs to carve a perfect manly physique. 01:18david: i just wanted to take my body to a point where i just would exercise and diet,you just really couldn't, you couldn't get it there. 01:25comm: like david, veronica has taken part on bodybuilding competitions and says herhusbands pursuit of beauty keeps her motivated to always look her best. 01:34veronica: he keeps himself looking good so

therefore it's added pressure. 01:38comm: daughter isabella who is nine, has not really caught on to the fitness bug yet. 01:42veronica: we're still working on isabella, getting her to be more accepting of beinghealthy y'know, if you tell her she's eating healthy she says "oh no, healthy doesn't tastegood." 01:51comm: despite her parent's obsession, isabella doesn't want plastic surgery. 01:55isabella: i would never really wanna get surgery

because it's not really you. like, i wannabe myself. 02:03comm: now david and veronica spend a lot of time perfecting their appearance. 02:07veronica: so i'm concerned about these lines on my okay. 02:11veronica: good lord almighty. 02:13comm: david is one of america's top experts for male cosmetic surgery, and many bodybuildersgo to him for his pioneering fat transfers. 02:21david: i can sculpture out the biceps, the

triceps, take the fat under ultrasonic guidanceand inject it into the muscle, okay i say, hey, i have it, look at this, feel this it'snice, it's natural. 02:34comm: and food is a big part of that obsession. 02:37david: a lot of my business is fat, doing liposuction all the time, but i don't likefat, so y'know i tell people i watch my weight and i watch my wife's weight too. 02:48comm: but even though david readily encourages veronica to go under the knife, she feelsshe loves her for who she is. 02:53veronica: i know that david loves me for who

i am because, when i walked into his office,i was like twenty pounds heavier, and he said when he saw me it was love at first sight. 03:05david: for richer or poorer, till death do us part, yes. 03:10veronica: but not fat or skinny, there's a fat clause there.


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