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can you guess the age these legs perhapsa quick glance you thinking they belong to a sixty year old woman or maybe evengreater would you be shocked to find out that theselegs belong to a 20-year-old female who presented my office unhappy with the liposuctionresults she received elsewhere i am dr.scott blyer of cameo medical center and in this video i am going to go over inner and outer thigh liposuctionhow to avoid complications and how to handle complications when they arise stay tuned

here's our patient as we prepare forsurgery as my assistant changes the overheadlight to cast different shadows i can see wherethe indentations in the leg are marking them with red these areas of red are areas of depression separated by fiberous bands and here's the plan taking fat from theinner thighs re injecting into the areas of red disrupting the bands and lipo shiftingareas around the knees

so right here was showing the collectionof the fat from the inner thighs when doing liposuction the inner thighsone has to be very mindful the skin quality because the last thing you want to do is get loose skin it is collected a sterile container in isnever exposed to oxygen this is certainly not the speed where we doliposuction i had this on fast forward so i don't bore you guys here is the lipo shifting device it was invented by guillermo blugerman of

argentina it's almost like a cheesegrater and we going to the areas where there's excess fat and rather than take it outof the body and reinject we try to leave it within the area and later shift it down to the areasdevoid of fat and here is our smooth spatula make sure weuse this on the right angle because going flat can actually disrupta lot of the blood vessels and lymphatics

creating prolonged swelling of feet so here we're just breaking up the bandbetween a little isolated pockets of fat in the red areas that in thisarea of the anterior thigh is a very superficiallayer said this very compact and is very prone to irregularity is probablythe most prone area of the body so you have to be very careful and haveto use very small cannulas and i think that was the problem thathappen here where the original doctor there was probably a littlebit too aggressive and and perhaps in a rush

the surgery was done during a lot ofother procedures in the same patient that often happens and that's why we tryto limit the amount of procedures done in one day here we're rolling the fat fromareas of fat excess to the areas of fat deficiency again neverexposed to air and now we are all done the we had in the canister we injectedinto the leg as well and she's gonna have a nice result, this area which is using some reston foam to make sure the fat doesn'tshift

where we initially put it and the patient is going to keep it on for a week or two the most complication after liposuction is irregularities and uneven contours if youare a patient who has had any of these problems, the first thing i would recommend is letting your doctor know perhaps your doctor has no idea you are happy with this result the second thing is if you not getting theanswers that you like i recommend getting a second opinion we welcome you to come visit out office, i would be more than happy to help there are very few things that can't be fixed when it comes to liposuction so give us a call

check out our web site thanks for watching


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