top breast augmentation surgeons in miami fl

top breast augmentation surgeons in miami fl

in this clip we will talk about other varioustechniques of liposuction. the traditional liposuction does involve, as we talked about,the cannulas. the cannulas that use to be used were larger cannulas until people foundout that yes, you can remove more fat and perhaps more efficiently, but you can causesome damage to the skin by removing too much fat or by creating irregularities from toomuch fat removal. so most of the cannulas nowadays are thinner, more fine cannula andif, actually the cannulas use to be sharp and now they are all dull or blunt at theend to prevent any underlying injuries. but the later evolution is involving cannulasthat are actually more active. rather than the physician having to pass back and forththat the cannula itself causes some dangers

in the underlying tissues and fat. one ofthese is through ultrasonic energy and the ultrasonic energy is designed to try to breakup the fat and perhaps remove it more smoothly or uniformly. and then there is a vibratoryassisted or vaser which is also a type of ultrasonic energy. finally, there is laserlipolosis or removal with laser which is a very new technique which is still being evaluated.


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