top breast augmentation surgeons in houston tx

top breast augmentation surgeons in houston tx

hi, this is dr. hourglass and welcome to another video in our channel bootyman. today we're going to discuss the differences between the buttocks and the hips. in this channel we discuss everything you need to know about buttocks enhancement procedures. welcome back. when i perform the hourglass buttock augmentation which is much better than the brazilian buttock augmentation shape precedes projection. shape is always better than projection, you can have a big behind but if you look square you're not going to look very sexy and pretty.

you need to understand what the hip and what is the buttock. many patients get confused that nobody can get both anatomical areas at the same time. for starters if we look at this before-and-after pictures from the back the patient has an hourglass shape and looks very pretty. most people will say well she got hips and she has a very curvy figure. but from the back you cannot tell the hip area. you can look at the hourglass from the back view and still look square from the front view. let me explain this. if you look at the anatomy of the buttock notice that the bottom has a central part and a lateral part.

central means in the middle and lateral means on the side. so the side is where i inject fat to give an hourglass shape or an a shape. if we look on the front view we're going to have the hip area. and the hip starts at the hip bone which is very easily identified by physical examination. the hip blends with the thigh. people get confused on what the thigh and hip is. some of these women that look curvy, if you look closely, they do not have the hourglass shape but they have this small bulging on the side which provided some shape but not necessarily what is considered an hourglass shape.

if you look patients with very curvy figure from the front view the hip blends from the hip bone at the top all the way passing the junction of the growing crease with the thigh and distally with the lid and those patients who has significant thigh it blends nicely with the hips has an hourglass shape. you need to understand that the bottom and the hips are two different anatomical areas. you know the words, fat is needed for buttock projection on the central part and the shape on the lateral side or on the side. and also if you want hip that is actually in the front view which is different than the back view. in other words if you want to have hips and bottom you need to have more fat and not everybody can get this.

so when you come to your plastic surgeon, be prepared to answer two questions: do you want to have hips? do you want to have hips and butt? or butt only? if you do not have enough fat, you're going to need to compromise because fat that it goes in the hip is fat that does not go into the bottom. unfortunately not everybody is a candidate for this. since you had to do liposuction in multiple areas to get the fat injected in the bottom and the hip so if you do not have enough fat then you're going to need to decide which option is better suited for you. understanding the anatomical location of the hip and buttocks is important when you come to your plastic surgeon to your consultation to determine if in fact

you're going to have hips buttocks and what kind of shape you won. many times you're going to need to compromise because only your anatomy and the amount of fat among other things will determine what is possible with this procedure. in this video we have described aesthetic units of the bottom and what is the bottom and the hip. next week we will discuss the best technique for buttock augmentation. remember to comment below, share this video, like this video and subscribe to our channel for more information here at the bootyman channel, only on youtube.

also, you can login to our website: for more information about your procedures and to see amazing surgical results. remember to log on to our hourglass tv for more information about your surgical procedures. on monday we have bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures. tuesdays: wonder breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery. wednesdays we have star bodies. if you want to have a star body log on to our hourglass tv. thursdays: hourglass or you’re going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures. also shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision. and friday superhourglass for topics related to have that hourglass figure that you want.

and finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on facebook live, periscope and snapchat. all these and more in the hourglass tv!


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