top breast augmentation nyc

top breast augmentation nyc

thank you for your question. you’re asking a question where you wantto know if it’s safe to do microneedling on your face about a month and half afterthe third revision surgery related to your breast augmentation. and you state that at the first time, youhad a lateral displacement, second time it bottomed out and the third time, things areworking out. and you’re concerned about this stress impacton your body and you state at the end of the question that you have a tendency to get inflamed. so, i can certainly discuss with you the generaloverview i have of a situation like this.

a little bit of background, i’m a board-certifiedcosmetic surgeon and fellowship-trained oculofacial plastic and reconstructive surgeon. i’ve been in practice in manhattan and longisland for over 20 years. i perform breast augmentation as well as facialprocedures such as microneedling and i can help you at least understand what the 2 issuesare and whether or not there may be some interrelationship. so to begin with, when it comes to the actualsurgical procedure that you underwent with the breast augmentation and the issues withdisplacement, there are factors that are different from how your skin responds to the effectof microneedling. the breast augmentation whether it was a submuscularplacement, whether it was a subpectoral or

should i say subglandular placement versussubfascial placement, i mean, there are a lot of other things that have to do with breastaugmentation and the way the implants ended up displacing or coming or shifting downwards. those have to do with a surgical implant thatis deeper under the skin. so in terms of the question about whetheror not to do microneedling, i would say that you are probably comparing apples and oranges. i think that you need to be comfortable. if you have any questions and concerns aboutdoing this then you can wait but i would say that when it comes to a microneedling question,the question i would have is for what indication?

are you doing microneedling for general skinquality and maintenance? do you want to just improve sun damage ordo you want to do something a little bit aggressive such as address scars or deeper wrinkles? so the basis of that question would be relativeinvasiveness. you know, microneedling can be done at halfa millimeter or can be done as much as 2 and half millimeters which is straight throughinto the skin. so you have a range and in our practice wecombine microneedling commonly with platelet-rich plasma (prp). we use your own blood and we concentrate thehealing and growth factors that will stimulate

collagen, stimulate blood supply, improvediscolorations and so we actually apply topically. in addition, it helps fine lines, wrinklesand sun damage. so the question probably is now, after undergoingthe surgery, are you really up for another procedure? i think that if microneedling was recommendedto you, well ask the practitioner, the physician, what is the purpose and what are the otheroptions and where does this fit in a more overall program. you know, microneedling is not just a singleprocedure typically. you want to do it with some consistency inorder to get a good result.

that applies to many different dermatologiccosmetic procedures. so i think that if you are a month and a halfout and you still feel a little bit just drained from the breast surgery then you should probablywait and wait a couple of months until you feel good and maybe do things a little bitless aggressive. in our practice, we actually do somethingcalled hydrafacial which is this blended version of microdermabrasion with the infusion ofwater and glycolic acid and in many ways, it helps to improve the epidermis, the toplayers of the skin in improving the overall smoothness as well as the color and the lusterso you can get something that is less invasive and still moves you along in the path of improvingyour skin.

so discuss this first with your surgeon, theoperating surgeon who did the breast surgery and then discuss this if this is the samedoctor or another doctor, discuss this option with the doctor in terms of whether microneedlingis the only thing to do. but i think from a scientific perspective,i don’t think the two really have that much of a relationship. and in addition, if you say you have a tendencyto be inflamed, if your skin tends to be in the category of sensitive skin then microneedlingprobably is not the best choice for you anyway because if your skin is very sensitive, youtend to respond more aggressively with more redness and more swelling and more discomfortthan someone who doesn’t have sensitive

skin so that also has to be in the contextof this decision. so i hope that was helpful, i wish you thebest of luck and thank you for your question.


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