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>> kasparian: right now, we're going to unfoldheidi montag's clothes and show you what her plastic surgery outcome is. now, the reasonwhy i love this story is because jesus has a very strong opinion on it.>> mankiewicz: okay. >> kasparian: okay. so this is her beforeand after shot. it's in people magazine. yeah. so, again, she spent $30,000 to have 10 proceduresdone in one day. she had everything you can imagine done...>> mankiewicz: i can't imagine she really had to pay for it.>> kasparian: i don't know. i can't imagine that it was only $30,000. plastic surgery...>> mankiewicz: well, she didn't have--yeah, but she didn't have major stuff done if youcan do 10 things in one day.

>> kasparian: right.>> mankiewicz: right. they weren't like--i mean, she didn't have a--you know, nose job.>> kasparian: she did have a nose job. >> mankiewicz: really?>> kasparian: yeah. >> mankiewicz: oh, never mind.>> kasparian: let me tell you exactly what she did.>> mankiewicz: okay, all right. >> kasparian: she increased her implants totriple ds because, you know, the d-cup she had before weren't good enough. she had abrow lift. >> mankiewicz: let me just say this aboutthe breast size. >> kasparian: mm-hmm.>> mankiewicz: they're both look great. okay.

>> kasparian: are you serious? don't you thinkthat it's a little superfluous there? i mean, what are you going to do with those? okay.>> mankiewicz: hang on. >> kasparian: let's move on.>> mankiewicz: no, i mean, they're--i'm just saying, i would choose the one that's on theleft. >> kasparian: right.>> mankiewicz: but, i mean, the ones in the right are nice too.>> kasparian: i guess, what i--look, at least the ones on the left look like they wouldfeel a little nice, right? like, i'm thinking from a man's perspective. the ones on theright look rock hard. like, i can't imagine that being fun to touch.>> mankiewicz: i can. what is strange is that

someone who has the breast of her size wouldwant them bigger. i mean, i get it. >> kasparian: yeah.>> mankiewicz: look, i'm just kidding. they're better on the left. but obviously, if you'regoing to have plastics, you got to get 10 things done. you pretty much have to do thebreasts. i'm curious. i want to get the--i'm talking too much. i want to get to [indistinct].>> kasparian: all right, what do you think, jesus?>> mankiewicz: but, first of all, let's get the list. what did she get done?>> kasparian: okay, so let me give you the list again. so, it's triple...>> mankiewicz: put the--put the picture out, jesus.>> kasparian: she has the triple ds.

>> mankiewicz: okay.>> kasparian: she got a brow lift. she's 23 by the way.>> mankiewicz: she got a brow lift? >> kasparian: she had a brow lift.>> mankiewicz: can we see that side by side? oh, yeah, she did have her brow lift, yeah,okay. >> kasparian: she had a nose job revision.she had her nose job done in 2007. >> mankiewicz: so she'd already had her nosejob. and you got to realize, i cannot tell the difference in anyway between the noses,okay? >> kasparian: okay. she had lipo on her stomachand thighs and a butt augmentation. >> mankiewicz: oh, again, we went throughthis yesterday, there's no--i don't know what

happened with her butt, we can't see it. thighs,i guess, there is--she is curvier left, right? >> kasparian: yeah, she is.>> mankiewicz: i mean, of course, the pose is not exactly the same because you can'tdo exactly the same pose, but she does appear to be curvier and she is straighter and leaneron the right. i think--i don't know, but i get the feeling that there are a lot of guysin the world. maybe most regular men of which there are three in this room, that's countingme, if--that prefer the woman on the left. >> kasparian: yeah.>> mankiewicz: i mean the curve nature of it, like i don't want straightness.>> kasparian: straightness with gigantic tits. >> mankiewicz: yeah. yeah, well, that's fine.yeah. i'm just kidding, jr.

>> kasparian: by the way, and she also hadher chin done, so... >> mankiewicz: yeah, you can definitely seethe chin. the chin slopes down on the left like a...>> kasparian: like a normal person. >> mankiewicz: like a chin.>> kasparian: right. >> mankiewicz: and on the right, it lookslike, like, i kind of figured that i'd draw when i'm doodling, you know.>> kasparian: she looks like quagmire. >> mankiewicz: okay. all right, tells us whatare your thoughts? >> jackson: the one on the left, she looksso much better. i really thought she was hot. >> mankiewicz: yeah, that woman on the left.>> jackson: that's the one. and she--like

you're saying, she's definitely has bettercurve. and on the right, she just looks so robotic.>> mankiewicz: yeah. >> jackson: and it's just--and i feel if shehad--i'm sure she got criticism when she got the left upgrade when she first did her surgeries.>> mankiewicz: right. >> jackson: but, now, she's going to get evenmore complaints, i think, on the right. i think she's going to do more surgery.>> mankiewicz: to try and get back to the left?>> jackson: or, i don't know. >> mankiewicz: but if you had to choose agirl. if you're not married to your lovely wife, and--i mean you got a choice to thesetwo girls, i think you're taking the one on

the left, don't you.>> jackson: oh, totally. >> mankiewicz: and i think the curves arethe big... >> jackson: even if i'm married.>> mankiewicz: right. the--i think the girl on the left, she's--the girl on the left isjust more attractive. >> jackson: yeah.>> kasparian: this is her before any plastic surgery. this was prior to '07.>> mankiewicz: she's so ugly. >> kasparian: i think she's so...>> mankiewicz: i can barely look at her. >> kasparian: i know.>> mankiewicz: she's hideous. oh, my god, take the picture away. jesus. there we go.>> kasparian: she says that in the first season

of the hills, people said that she had a jayleno's chin. so that's kind of what motivated her to begin the plastic surgery process.>> mankiewicz: now, look, here's the thing. she's really attractive, man.>> kasparian: yeah, and there. >> mankiewicz: that's what i'm saying. everyone thinks that. and so what are those? b-cups or something there?>> kasparian: those look like perfect--probably, b-cups, yeah, perfectly fine size. she looksgood. >> mankiewicz: yeah, she looks good. now,i mean, so whatever. anyway, whatever is on the left, she looks fine. i get it, there'sa lot, but you got to have some curves, and it's too bad that she--it's too bad she thinksotherwise.

>> kasparian: okay, look, let me tell yousomething about her curves. she's going to get those curves back.>> mankiewicz: right. >> kasparian: liposuction is the biggest,you know, fraud ever. >> mankiewicz: is that right? i can see whereit matters for some places that women can't lose the weight from, you know.>> kasparian: right. >> mankiewicz: well, i don't know. i've onlyknown one person to have lipo. >> kasparian: mm-hmm.>> mankiewicz: and he looks great now. so, no, look guys, don't [indistinct] out there.i don't know why that's even an attempt to be funny.>> jackson: yeah, that's--i just wonder when

it's going to get to the point where becausenot everybody is getting ass implants. there was a point when asses were just not fashionable.>> kasparian: right. >> jackson: now, they are. so when are hipsgoing to come back in the style. i had to get my hip implants because, you know, i hadto get some more ass... >> mankiewicz: right.>> jackson: ...or fat on the sides of my hips so i can look more like...>> mankiewicz: [indistinct]. >> jackson: but eventually--yeah, eventually,hourglass. was that--what time? maybe '50s, '40s when that was big.>> mankiewicz: i mean, for forever. >> jackson: it's forever, but--right?>> mankiewicz: in 19th century.

>> jackson: but, now, not anymore. apparently,you want--i don't know what the fuck shape is going to be anymore.>> mankiewicz: i mean, yeah. it was, what's--whatever happened to, you know, vavavoom, you, it's like voom. >> kasparian: i think, like, body figure isjust like fashion. certain things are in and then they're out again. i mean, if you'llthink back, back before the booty song or baby got back or whatever, right, flat buttswere the thing, right? but then that song made people realize, you know, it's nice tohave curvier women. so it goes in and out of fashion. what are you drawing?>> mankiewicz: this is what i draw. i don't know whether if you can see this. that's like,basically, that's like what i doodle. i always

doodle a guy with a beard.>> kasparian: why? >> mankiewicz: i don't know.>> kasparian: is that you? >> mankiewicz: no. i doodled him well beforei had a beard. i always want to kind of grow facial, but like basically, i've doodled thenew heidi montag without the beard. but that is actually what her head looks like now.i'll do one without a beard. here, i'll draw one but i don't even know if i can draw one.personally, i've already screwed it up. all right, ana, come on, bam, talk for a second.this don't... >> kasparian: okay.>> mankiewicz: i know it's hard to believe, but these actually don't take very long.>> kasparian: no, but you see what i'm saying,

like, there was a point when no curves weresuper hot, and then j lo brought the curves back. and then, now, we're slowly inchingtoward no curves being sexy again. >> mankiewicz: right. there, that's heidimontag down, right there, very sexy. okay.


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