san diego large breast augmentation

san diego large breast augmentation

dr. william umansky: a mommy makeover is reallya combination of procedures designed to help women regain their pre-pregnancy body shape.we know that pregnancy is a tough process on women, and sometimes it's just really impossiblewithout surgery to regain one's body back. the mommy makeover typically will involvetreatment of issues with the breast, as well as the abdomen, and oftentimes will incorporatesome liposuction into the process. in terms of the breast procedure, we're usually lookingat something such as a breast augmentation, perhaps a breast lift, a combination, somethingto restore the breasts to their pre-pregnancy shape, and sometimes even a little bit betterthan what someone might have started with. when a patient first considers coming in fora mommy makeover, they will usually talk on

the phone with one of our consultants whocan kind of help figure out what exactly the goals might be, and then setup a consultationwith a doctor. at that time, after thoroughly addressing a patient's concerns and goals,we can formulate a treatment plan which again, we usually incorporate some type of treatmentof the breasts and abdomen, and perhaps some liposuction. the surgery is performed in thecomfort and safety of our fully accredited surgery center. we have a very private officesetting so patients can feel very secure. and again, safety is at the top of our considerations,and we make sure that this is a very safe procedure because we know that most of ourpatients are moms and they have young kids and they worry about them.patients who have undergone mommy makeovers

are some of our happiest patients. to finallydo something for themselves, these are patients who have sacrificed their bodies, their time,all of their efforts towards their kids, and oftentimes really almost feel guilty aboutdoing something for themselves. but once they've done this, they are some of our most satisfiedpatients. being able to feel good in their clothing again, being able to get back intoa bikini, or just to feel more comfortable when they're naked with their spouse is justa really significant change in their life, and these patients are really thankful, andit provides us a lot of gratification being able to help them.


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