plastic surgeons los angeles breast augmentation

plastic surgeons los angeles breast augmentation

how does a woman know if she's a good candidatefor breast augmentation? that really is determined by a number of factors. if she is of relatively normal body weightfor height, but feels that her breasts are small for her frame, she may be an excellentcandidate. women who are much heavier than their idealweight may not achieve the aesthetic outcome that they desire, as the breasts are oftenfairly large but drooping in that situation, such that the aesthetic goal may not actuallybe attainable. women who have droopy breasts may still begood candidates for breast augmentation. however, the augmentation procedure may becombined with what's called a breast lift

procedure. while a breast lift procedure alone will elevatenipple position and decrease the amount of drooping lower skin of the breast, it doesnot typically produce a long term increase in upper pull volume without the additionof an implant, which is a breast augmentation. i'm dr. jay orringer at the renaissance medicalcenter for aesthetic surgery, if you have questions regarding this procedure or anyother plastic surgical procedure please feel free to contact us at 310-273-1663 or visitour website at


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