fat transfer breast augmentation xl

fat transfer breast augmentation xl

bjbjlulu my name's adrian richards, and inthis operation we're going to be exchanging some pip implants. the patient thinks they'reintact, but we don't obviously know until we go in and have a look. we'll see if there'sthat silicone gel bleed that i've found on so many pip implants that i've taken out recently.so i'm going to be exchanging this lady's implant. she's got pip high profile implants.now she's quite broad shouldered and broad chested, so high profile implants aren't probablythe ones for her anyway because they're too narrow and they're not giving her a good cleavage.so the plan is to take out the old scar, which is long and wide back to normal tissue, freeup inside here so we get more of a cleavage there, and take out the pip implants at thesame time. so i've removed this implant. it's

a pip. just checking the numbers here. 405cc,so she was right. we'll record the silicone number. but interestingly, this one i thinkis a better quality pip implant, because there's not much silicone bleed. can you see? seeif i lift up, there's not much silicone on the outside. so this is actually quite a goodquality pip. 90% of the ones i remove have a lot of gel bleed. but this one is a verygood quality pip implant. and we are recording all the serial numbers, so we can try andtrace exactly which batch has the problems. but this is probably the one in ten that isokay. although it's still not a great implant, i think the layering is quite good on thisone. that was where the capsule was attached to the white area to the right here. so whati've done is i've freed it up. can you see

that? much wider here. so it was constrictedthere. so i've freed it up here. so the implant will move more that way to give her more cleavagemore towards the centre. so our patient will have much more cleavage. i'm inflating nowwith the temporary implant, and as you can see, i've gone up to 520. i don't know ifyou can see that the area that i've released inside here, it was sort of constricted downthere is now sort of past the breast, so that will give much better cleavage. i've got tofree up a little bit more up here. but if i don't free up too much here, but free uphere, that means that the slightly wider implant can only go towards the centre to improvethe cleavage. so our patient today's also got slightly a double bubble effect. the oldinframammary fold was there. so the way you

release this to give more volume to the lowerpart is just release this capsule from inside. so that sort of releases the tethering here,so our patient had tethering here. so i've released it so that it can also sit a bitfreer there. so that's the way you normally correct tuberous breasts from the inside.i'm now going to use a nagor implant which is much wider than that old pip implant. sothe pip implant was much thinner and higher, which wouldn't really suit this lady's physiqueat all. i'm going to use a much wider implant which is more suited to the dimensions ofher chest to try and give her a better cleavage. so now i've released that, and i've got theproper implants in. let's do some measurements. so this is actually the middle here of ourpatient, and you can see we've got the implant

1.5 centimetres away from cleavage this side.but this side, which i haven't operated on yet, was 6 centimetres away. i don't knowwhether you can see the cleavage is better on this side. what i've got to do now is releaseall of this here the same way as i've done that, put a wider implant in which suits thispatient's physique better. i think that's going to be a much better result, much morenatural for our patient today. so there was a bit of fluid around this one. i'll justshow you here. just a little bit of fluid, not too much. i think the implant is intactagain on this side, i'll just take it out. it feels like a pip implant. i'm just goingto take it out. there we are. yes, it is intact. slightly light colour on the top actually.and again it is a pip 495cc implant. so i'll

just show you here. can you see how i've freedeverything up on this side? and the implant now lies instead of being very central here,it's better cleavage here and the same on this side as well. we've got nice naturalcleavage, where before it was here. so overall, good results, and then i've stitched up thescar with absorbable stitches on either side. so here's the implant from the right side.we've got the serial number here. we're collecting all the serial numbers so we can try and tracewhich lots of the pip implants had the most problems. this actually looks quite good.it didn't have that much of a silicone bleed. i don't know if you can see there, but itsays pip 405cc. that was the right one. now i don't know if you can see there is slightdifference between the right one and the left

one. can you see this sort of white haze onthat left one towards the top there. i'm not exactly sure what that is. that's quite unusual.i haven't seen that very much before. it maybe something to do with the silicone in there.can you see again? it's a little bit paler. again, this is a slightly larger implant.it's a pip. don't know whether you can see that. it's a bit difficult to read, but it'sa 495cc. again, we've got the lot numbers. so what we'll do is we're collecting all thelot numbers so we can really trace back which batch will have the main problems. we're tryingto decipher the batch numbers, but it's generally 11607 and then 224 is a different number.so we're looking at the records to try and identify which ones were the problem implants.so thank you very much for watching the video.

i hope you found it interesting. if you'dlike any more information about pip implants or you're considering having them changed,please contact us either via our website or email or phone in the office directly andwe absolutely love to talk to you about the options available for you. thanks for watching.h;|m h;|m h;|m h;|m h;|m h;|m h;|m h;|m h;|m my name's angel richards and in this operationwe're going to be exchanging some pip implants rjd1 normal.dot rjd1 microsoft office wordmy name's angel richards and in this operation we're going to be exchanging some pip implantstitle microsoft office word document msworddoc word.document.8


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