
Şubat, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

fat transfer for breast augmentation reviews

hello, you've reached placidway, theleading health tourism company where you can compare the most affordabletreatment worldwide. subscribe to our youtube channel and get instant accessto all of our leaders helped videos, patient testimonials, treatment andprocedures and exotic destinations all around the world. everything is at yourfingertips. breast augmentation surgery can enhancethe appearance and boost self-confidence. there are many plastic surgery clinicsin thailand that offer affordable breast augmentation packages. you can savebetween 50 to 70 % compared to prices in your home countries. thesecosmetic plastic surgery centers are well equipped with modern facilities,accredited, licensed and have top experienced cosmetic surgeons. theplastic surgery clinics have a reputation in providing high qualitycosmetic surgery with positive outcomes at reasonable prices. women consider breast augmentationbothered by the feeling that their breasts are too small, weight loss has chan

fat transfer breast lift augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel bootyman. today we are going to discuss combining breast andbutt surgery at the same time. in this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know about buttock enhancement procedures. welcome back. combining multiple procedures while doing a buttock augmentation is certainly possible. i already discussed why it is not a good idea to do a tummy tuck and buttock augmentation at the same time, but in this video i will discuss how it is possible to have a breast augmentation and buttock augmentation at the same time. there are certain principles that need to be followed to perform these two procedures at the same time. for the breast augmentation, you will be lyingon your back initially during the procedure, and incisions will be made anywhere aroundthe breasts, including the mammary fold or the periareolar area. implants will be placedand the incisions will be closed. subsequently, liposuction will be perform

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hi , this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel bootyman. today we are going to discuss the round-shaped buttock. in this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know about buttock enhancement procedures. welcome back. the round shape is one of the most commonly seen buttock shapes in my clinic. but what is the round-shaped buttock? it is an anatomical variation where, if we draw a line through the middle third of the buttock, this area seems to be bulging out significantly and deviates from the hourglass-shaped buttock. if we compare the hourglass shape and the round shape, you can tell that there is a lot of similarity, except that the round shape increases the horizontal as well as the vertical dimension of the buttocks in such a way that they look abnormal. the round-shaped buttock is easy to fix ifyou decide that you desire the hourglass shape. to achieve this, liposuction is performedon the top and the middle third of the buttock to decrease th

fat transfer breast augmentations

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel superhourglass. today we are going to discuss which proceduresdo i need to get an hourglass shape. in this channel, we will discuss everythingyou need to know for you to get the hourglass shape you’ve always wanted. welcome back. if you do not have a natural hourglass shape,there are different procedures that can provide you with this unique sexy shape. before you decide which procedure you want,there are certain things we need to determine before your surgery: 1. do you have excess skin in your belly? 2. is your skin very tight? 3. do you want to have a buttock shape at thesame time? 4. how much fat to you have? 5. do you want to have breast surgery combinedwith an hourglass surgery? for example, if you have babies, you willmost likely have excess skin, which is why a tummy tuck would be ideal for you. this procedure is also suggested for thosewho have a square shape because it will give you a smaller midsect

fat transfer breast augmentation

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fat transfer breast augmentation youtube

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel bootyman. today we are going to discuss fat necrosis afterfat transfer. in this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know about buttock enhancement procedures. welcome back. fat transfer has become a very common procedureto surgically enhance any part of the body, but you need to understand that even thoughfat is useful to augment parts of the body, it does not behave like an implant. for example, if you put in a breast implant, you can rest assured that the volume is not going to change significantly over time, unless you get soft tissue atrophy secondary to the implant interactionswith the surrounding tissue. however, fat is very different than a static implant. fat is a dynamic implant. this means that the fat is alive, and augmenting any part of the body with fat can be unpredictable if the proper techniques are not used. one of the complications that can occur fromthe fat transfer procedure is fa

fat transfer breast augmentation yahoo answers

tim curry: hello, everyone, and welcome toour continuing series of employee and labor relations roundtables. i'm tim curry. i'mthe deputy associate director for partnership and labor relations here at opm. today's roundtable will highlight gsa's transformationaljourney to implement a successful telework program, and models how any agency can usetelework as a catalyst for organizational change. gsa is a government leader on best practicesand lessons learned in the implementation of telework programs. today's roundtable willalso highlight opm's role in the telework enhancement act of 2010. our presenters bringa tremendous amount of enthusiasm and expertise to this area. sit back and enjoy what i believeyou will find to be a very informative topic. don't forget, those of you joining via webcastcan submit questions for the speakers by sending them to plr@opm.gov. that's plr@opm.gov. we'llattempt to respond to as many questions as we can near the end

fat transfer breast augmentation xxl

[text on screen]: with better understanding and our technique… …we can now transfer fat from unwanted areas of the body to the breast roger khouri md, facs: we are presenting the results of a five years, fifty patients study which proves that using our technique, fat grafting to the breast, is a safe and effective breast augmentation alternative. we begin with gentle liposuction to harvest healthy fat droplets from where the patient has excess fat to spare. it is important to create a big enough scaffold that will allow a large number of fat droplets to flourish. we cannot just put a big blob. a big blob of fat will not take. that's the problem with previous attempts at doing this operation. they were just injecting big blobs of fat. we are injecting tiny droplets all along these lines, a cc at a time. the idea is to inject the fat along multiple planes, multiple angles, so you want to diffuse the injection. i've developed a device called the brava, that when worn for

fat transfer breast augmentation xl

bjbjlulu my name's adrian richards, and inthis operation we're going to be exchanging some pip implants. the patient thinks they'reintact, but we don't obviously know until we go in and have a look. we'll see if there'sthat silicone gel bleed that i've found on so many pip implants that i've taken out recently.so i'm going to be exchanging this lady's implant. she's got pip high profile implants.now she's quite broad shouldered and broad chested, so high profile implants aren't probablythe ones for her anyway because they're too narrow and they're not giving her a good cleavage.so the plan is to take out the old scar, which is long and wide back to normal tissue, freeup inside here so we get more of a cleavage there, and take out the pip implants at thesame time. so i've removed this implant. it's a pip. just checking the numbers here. 405cc,so she was right. we'll record the silicone number. but interestingly

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[text on screen]: miami breast center, plastic & reconstructive surgery innovators in breast augmentation. roger khouri md, facs. after a 5 year, 50 patient study we proved that fat grafting to the breast is safe & effective. our technique starts with: external expansion of the breast to enlarge a recipient scaffold making room for successful single stage large volume fat grafting breast tissue expansion using the brava system brava expansion gentle liposuction separation of fat meticulous lipografting the expanded scaffold baseline, brava expanded scaffold, final result after fat grafting breast augmentation with the benefit of lipsuction before. after. soft, natural autologous fat graft permanent breast augmentation innovators in post mastectomy breast reconstruction continuous pre and post graft brava external breast expansion serial outpatient lipografting gentle liposuction followed by separating the fat minimally invasive autologous mastectomy incisionless (miami)

fat transfer breast augmentation with stem cells

before the procedure begins sophie is lightly sedated-. this means that she will remain awake during the procedure, but she will be calm and relaxed.we then inject local anaesthetic to numb the area that we are going to treat. this waythe patient should feel no pain during surgery â the fat is then liquefied with a vaser probe. the technology used is ultrasound energy,which targets the fat cells and causes them to break up so that they are easily removed.the surrounding nerves and blood vessels are not damaged making the recovery process mucheasier. the local anaesthetic has now taken affectand sophie does not feel much except mild tugging. with the conscious sedation she isable to talk to us during the procedure. the liquefied fat is then extracted usinga tiny cannula with gentle suction process into a sterile system. â during this suctioningprocess the treatment areas are contoured for a natural result. the fat is cleaned and washed leaving us withsophie’s pure fat. the fat i

fat transfer breast augmentation with lift

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel bootyman. today we are going to discuss the surgical correctionof the round-shaped buttock. in this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know about buttock enhancement procedures. welcome back. in the previous videos, i have discussed the different buttock shapes and the anatomical and surgical implications for surgery. in this video, i am going to show you in a live surgery how to correct a round buttock into a more hourglass shape. let us take a look at this patient; this patienthas the typically round buttock. it looks like parentheses on both sides. as a matter of fact, this patient had surgery done by another surgeon and fat was incorrectly placed in these areas to create a projected buttock with a round shape from the back view. if you look closely on the front view, she has high hips, which is typically a telltale sign of fat injected in the wrong place. on the side view, she does have a certai

fat transfer breast augmentation with brava

in this operation we're going tobe carrying out a bilateral breast augmentation, partially under the muscle, using allergantrm, which are the moderate profile implants. i'll be taking you through each stage of theoperation. we're going to make a small incision in the inframammary fold, make sure that measuresjust under five centimetres. then i'm going to go under the breast tissue here and thenfind the muscle, which will be lying in this position here, and then go underneath themuscle so we've got good coverage of the implant in the upper part here where our patient isrelatively slim, so we get good coverage of the muscle there. so what i've done therenow is i've gone under the muscle. this is the muscle layer here, so we're underneaththe muscle to give that extra layer coverage here and i've [inaudible 0:54] the way around.so now we're just going to put the sizing implant in, which i'll show you in just aminute. now i'm going to put

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my name's peggy and i'm an esthetician at the center for aesthetics & plastic surgery i do various treatments, anything with skin care, facials laser hair removal and full facials.before you get laser treatment it's important that you're not sunburnt.we can treat darker skin and tanned skin but not sunburnt skin. the hair has to be shaven.you can use any diplitories, wax or electrolysis.it feels a little snappy. we have adjustments so that you can feelabsolutely no pain at all and then we can increase the intensity.the more energy you have the more reduction you do get in the end.for facial hair, you need to be treated every four weeks. for body hair, you need to be treated every six weeks. the amount treatments is all dependenton the individual it depends on the body area, how course the hair is and how dense the hair is, but initially i would say that between four and seven treatments would give you a really good reduction of hair.at that time we can go into