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fat transfer breast augmentation brisbane

elaine: well you know when you get up in themorning and look in the mirror and you don't like what you see. you see thelines and you see the sagging. cheryl: it wasn't until i started really lookinga little closer and realized i don't think this is just freckles.i think there is something more going on here. jennifer: i had uneven skin tone. i had alot of sun spots, mainly on the side of my face where the sun comes in whenyou're driving. i was wearing a lot more foundation to cover it up. a lotmore powder and i was very self conscious about it especially when i didn'thave makeup on.

tracy: i noticed my skin looking a littlebit old and dull and my pores seeming to get larger and then i did noticebrown spots on the side of my face and they weren't going away. steven: i could just simply see in the mirrorthat i was getting age spotting. i was getting wrinkling. i feltas though i wasn't looking as young as i felt inside. announcer: fraxel treatments help to removeyears from your appearance and give you a renewed sense of confidence inthe way you look and feel. it is fast, safe, and effective on and off the face,repairing years of skin

damage in just weeks. using fractional lasertechnology, this non-invasive treatment restores your skin to its original,beautiful glow. the result is smoother, fresher, younger looking skin withimproved tone and texture. removable of unwanted brown spots and a reductionin fine lines and wrinkles. elaine: i peeled away the old, dry, dead cellsand it was like new skin and i loved it. jennifer: you've got this beautiful, pure,even skin tone. the pores are incredibly tight. your skin looks incrediblyclean because you've just lost

this top layer of skin and with it i thinkit's taken a lot of the imperfections. tracy: and then my skin underneath was softand smooth and beautiful. i was so happy. steven: i was left with very smooth soft skin. elaine: people were coming up to me and tellingme that i looked better and at the health club you really don't wear makeup.that was a good feeling. it was really a good feeling. announcer: your skin contains two proteins;collagen and elastin which keep

your skin youthful and tight. as you age,these proteins break down faster than your body can rebuild them. overtime,as your skin is exposed to sun, air pollution, stress, and lifestyle factors,your skin's texture, color, and tightness can be affected showing damagesuch as wrinkles or sunspots. fraxel treatment uses patent laser technologyto precisely deliver microscopic laser columns to the skin layerswhere aging and sun damaged tissue resides. by treating only a fractionof the skin at a time, this leaves the surrounding skin untouched. yourbody's own natural healing process is stimulated, regenerating collagenand replacing the old and

damaged cells with fresh, glowing, healthyskin. and because each microscopic laser column is surrounded byhealthy tissue, your skin heals very quickly. fraxel treatment is suitable for all skintypes and can treat a multitude of skin conditions such as uneven skin toneand discoloration, age, and sunspots, fine lines and wrinkles around theeyes, acne scars and surgical scars, the mask of pregnancy, and precancerouslesions. for your comfort, a topical anesthetic is applied before the procedureand cold air is used on the treatment area during the procedure. youmay experience an increased

heat sensation and a prickly feeling as thelaser energy is applied to your skin. right after the procedure, you will have somedegree of redness and swelling and may feel like you have a sunburn.other temporary effects may include minor itching, dry skin, or peeling.in the days following your treatment, you may notice a bronzed skin appearanceand flaking as you reveal fresher, healthier looking skin. theuse of makeup and moisturizers as directed by your doctor, may help reducethe appearance of dry, flaking jennifer: during the treatment itself, therewas a heat sensation, a very

prickly sensation, and then there was alsoa cooling sensation because they have a fan keeping the heat level down. ifound it very tolerable. tracy: during the treatment i really thoughtit would be painful. i was prepared for it to be very painful. it wasnot painful at all. steven: after the treatments i looked as thoughi had a bad sunburn. i was just very inflamed, just red. i had been toldto expect that. jennifer: my skin turned darker. more brownand then started sloughing off after the third day. but it was an incrediblyquick and fast process and i am very pleased with it.

elaine: after the first treatment, i was thrilledof course. i didn't know what to expect so after the first treatmenti just put on the moisturizer and my skin was soft. and the second treatmentit just got better. after the third treatment i thought, this is great. announcer: good skin care and sunscreens arerecommended as part of your regular skin care regimen. direct sun exposureshould be avoided for at least 3 months after treatment. while everyone'sskin is different, you will typically benefit from multi-treatmentsessions depending on your desired outcomes. you'll see improvementsafter each fraxel treatment

session and so will your friends. the nextfew weeks and months will bring more improvements as your body continues toproduce new collagen in the treated areas. tracy: i have a six year old daughter andi am always around young moms in their 30's. and i'm in my 40's. i really wantto enjoy my time and i want to look good. it's just the best experiencei've ever had because now my face actually matches how the rest of me isand i feel younger and it looks better. cheryl: i love my skin after fraxel. i'm stillamazed at how great it is,

especially when i look at my picture thati took before. jennifer: my confidence level went up afterthe fraxel treatment. i wear less makeup, i wear my hair back. i'm nottrying to cover anything up because there is nothing to cover up. elaine: my skin was so soft after the treatment.i loved it. i feel better about myself that i can look in the mirrorand see less lines or less sagging and more youthful appearance and thattruly is a nice feeling. tracy: i love the look of my skin. i'm verygrateful and i love how it looks. it's really changed my life. i am soglad i had it done.

announcer: this non-evasive laser procedureis available only in the offices of qualified physicians. consult yourdoctor and discover the benefits of the fraxel procedure for yourself.fraxel laser treatment, for radiant, glowing skin. jennifer: i am very happy with the resultsof the fraxel treatment because my complexion is a lot more pure and i feelthat my skin looks a lot younger. steven: it was something that i wanted todo that i thought would have a great pay-off and it did.

cheryl: most of us want to grow old gracefullyand there are procedures out there to help you along in achieving thatgoal. i'm all for it. you get a second chance to do it right. it was fabulous. elaine: i'm happy with the results. peoplecome up to me and notice and i'm really happy with that. as far as aging, ithink this is one way to deal with it in a very positive way. tracy: i've also received so many complimentson my skin and i had never, ever received compliments on my skin beforeand now i do almost daily. to wake up every day and look in the mirror andjust see your skin look

healthy and glowing and you'll just love thelook. you will love it. don't wait. do it now.


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