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we will counsel you on your unspeakable concerns. national... - competition on worries! / - competition on worries! all right. i'll introduce today's guests to you. she got married and became a mom last year. - that happened so quickly. / - i know. please welcome the model and actress, jung kaeun! hello. hello, everyone. this year will be an amazing one for these girls.

please welcome cheng xiao and bona of cosmic girls. - hello. / - hello. - they're so pretty. / - yes. you said your baby is gifted. you brag about it a lot. about two weeks ago she suddenly grabbed a pen like this. - she must be a strong baby. / - she's six months old. then she scribbled like this in a notebook. - all babies do that. / - it's common at that age.

- i'm serious. / - she'll do it until she's four. this reminds me of something. - i host a show about animals. / - you host it. someone contacted us saying, "my dog can talk." - when we went there... / - what happened? (yelping and whimpering) - that's what dogs do! / - only the owner can hear it. - "he's talking. look!" / - i've seen that too. - the owner can understand it. / - exactly.

(that's how all moms feel.) cheng xiao, your legs will get tired sitting like that. feel free to stretch out your legs. i heard that she has a favorite sitting position. when i watch tv at home, i usually do a split and stay in that position. - at home? / - do you find that comfortable? - yes, i do. / - you do a split? - show us. / - can you really do it?

- i'll do it at the front. / - do you need a chair? - yes, please. / - is it comfortable for you? this is what i do. (she stretches out her legs.) (she's incredibly flexible.) (stop! please stop!) what's she doing? (she folds her body backwards.) (we can't even see her face.)

- what just happened? / - my gosh. (everyone's jaw dropped.) how is that even possible? doesn't it hurt? - not at all. i've been / - i'm so surprised. - doing this since i was 5. / - since the age of 5. (cheng xiao, you're amazing.) i don't know why cheng xiao tortures herself like that. can't she just watch tv sitting on a chair like this?

this is all she has to do. (her feet are suspended in the air.) her feet are suspended in the air. - didn't you release a new song? / - yes, we did. this is my favorite moment on hello counselor. - why is that? / - me too. - because they perform? / - when girl groups are here, - they perform their new songs for us. / - right. then shall we check out their new song?

- sure. / - my gosh. (shall we listen to their new song?) ("i wish" by cosmic girls) (we want to walk on the road of happiness with you,) (the lovely cosmic girls.) (we love this song.) you girls are doing such a great job. (we love this song. it must be destiny.) (we hope only happiness and success await you!)

since you're on hello counselor, i want to know if you're good at advising people on specific concerns. i'm really good at giving advice related to cosmetic surgery procedures. - she's an expert. / - i'm very serious. girls don't want their friends to become prettier. "shall i get my eyes done?" when a friend asks that question, most girls say no. but i give detailed advice. "get epicanthoplasty too."

don't talk about epicanthoplasty in front of dongyeop. - the surgery went wrong. / - his eyes will get closer. (laughing) as usual, we have many stories ready today. let's find out what they are. show us the keywords. the keywords. (the keywords are revealed.) - "my daughter is a monster". / - my gosh. "shall i get divorced?"

- "my dad is evil". / - today's keywords are intense. - oh, my. / - they sound extreme. this story is called "shall i get divorced?". i wouldn't recommend it. i'm a 30-something guy who's been married for 4 years. is it normal to rarely see your wife? i call her. "honey, i got home from work. where are you?" "i'll be home late today. i have to go."

i call her again. "honey, it's 3 a.m. are you still not done?" "i'm busy. let's talk later." my wife comes home after midnight all week long. she's a total workaholic. even on the day before our wedding, "i'm working now. i can't talk." - she worked until 4 a.m. / - my goodness. i even begged recently.

"let's please visit your parents on new year's day." he begged her to visit her parents. exactly. to visit her parents, not his. i always visit them without my wife on the holidays. for the last four years, my wife - hasn't even had a day off. / - my goodness. "honey, let's spend some time together on weekends." "gosh, are you going to keep whining like that?" "choose between work and me, or i'll divorce you."

i'm worried that i might grow old and lonely alone. please help me. (please stop my wife.) - this is... / - is she too busy to get divorced? - shall we meet him now? / - all right. - please come on out. / - come on out! (who's the man worried about his workaholic wife?) (no soohwan) - welcome to the show. / - welcome.

what does your wife do? - i'm really curious too. / - she gets home so late. she tutors students. - i see. / - she's a tutor. before we got married, we went on a few dates. i had such a great time. - then one day... / - it sounds like a faint memory. - he's reminiscing those good times. / - that's right.

then one day, she started saying that she's too busy. - i had to wait until 12 a.m. to see her. / - midnight? - and... / - when you were dating? yes. we even met up after midnight for dates. then she got even worse after we got married. on weekdays, she gets home at 1 or 2 a.m. from work. she doesn't even go to bed right away. - does she work? / - what does she do? she stays up until 4 a.m. to prepare for the next day.

how many students does she teach? she doesn't even tell me. she worked until 4 a.m. the day before our wedding. - that's crazy. / - goodness. then as soon as we got back from our honeymoon, she went straight to work. - unbelievable. / - people talk about how congested the highways can be during the holidays, but i've never experienced it.

we usually hit the road at 3 or 4 a.m. when she's done, and the highways are literally empty. - there's no traffic at that hour. / - it's too late. and she leaves for work again as soon as we get home the next day. i always have to visit her family alone. you must feel so lonely. her parents have never spent the holidays with her. (it's her parents' wish.) i usually end up having drinks with my mother-in-law.

once, we went to my mother-in-law's birthday dinner, but she left in the middle of it because of work. - in the middle of eating? / - yes. - about that... / - i'm sorry to ask you this, but is your wife working that hard because your income isn't sufficient and she wants to make sure your family has enough money coming in? both my wife and i have been working very hard since before we got married. i think that we're

a step ahead compared to others in that aspect, so i have no idea why she's so obsessed with money. - i'll give you an example. / - your wife is obsessed. she has to meet so many people for her job. she wears shoes until they break apart. - she's frugal. / - i used paid parking once - and got yelled at. / - for using paid parking? - that must be frustrating. / - i can't understand her. - so it's not because of money, right? / - no.

you said you rarely see her. do you have any kids? i'm sure they have no kids. - pardon me? / - you do? - are you serious? / - you'll find it hard to believe, - how many? / - but we have three kids. (they have three kids.) - you said you rarely see her. / - that's amazing. (he can't help but applaud him.) - that's crazy. / - when did you have time to do that?

babies are born even during wars, you know. to tell you the truth, i seriously... - he's serious. / - he's so serious. did you do it three times and had three kids? - really? / - yes. (he seems very frustrated.) - it's... / - you're amazing. - that's incredible. / - just three times. how old are your kids?

they're five, three, and two years old. let's meet his wife now. hello. - hello. / - it's very nice to meet you. are you not working today? my husband said he's very worried about this issue, so i canceled four of my tutoring sessions to be here, which wasn't easy for me. is there a reason why you work so hard?

as you just heard, we have three children. in order to live a happy life even after we retire, i think that it's important to become materially prosperous first. that's why i'm sacrificing my life a little now to work hard. - that is all true, but... / - yes. on the holidays - that's right. / - or when he visits your family,

- he goes alone. / - shouldn't you go with him? i usually have many tutoring sessions booked for the holidays because of the midterm exams. both my mother-in-law and my mom are very understanding about my situation, so i tend not to worry about housework and solely focus on my work. - but... / - i don't know if it is because she teaches - students but she's very persuasive. / - i agree.

i'm beginning to think she's right. - she's very logical. / - she sounds so calm but firm. - so you have three kids. / - yes. i heard none of them was planned, and it just happened. it must've been upsetting. yes. i gave birth to three kids during 36 months. that means i was pregnant for 30 months. when i'm sitting down and teaching my students, my back hurts so much. it was definitely

- taxing on the body. / - it sounds like you worked throughout your pregnancy. yes. i basically worked until i went into labor. (i worked until i went into labor.) - until your went into labor? / - goodness. doesn't that mean she worked until the due date? she was brought to the hospital after her water broke. - did her water break during teaching? / - yes. (oh, my goodness!)

your student must've been so surprised. "teacher, your water just broke." (what a rare experience.) - also... / - then how much time did you take off after giving birth? i had just under four weeks off after my first birth and took about two weeks off after i had my second kid. then with my third one, i went back to work right away. - what did she just say? / - that's not true.

- she went back immediately. / - from what i remember, the same thing happened with all of our kids. - as soon as she was discharged, / - she worked? she told me that she really can't stay home and that she'll go teach her student for just one hour. then i couldn't get a hold of her. she ended up coming home at 1 or 2 a.m. that day. - instead of focusing on postpartum care? / - yes. she probably never held her kids when they were babies.

- the things that moms should do. / - she had no time. did she ever hold them? as you can probably guess, i also work. i leave home for work at about 6 a.m. and get home at around 10 p.m. my mother-in-law looks after all three of our children. - my gosh. / - that's too much. - you have to give them a lot of love now. / - yes. it'll have a huge impact

on your relationships with them later on. could you consider cutting down on work to spend more time with them? you freelance. my kids are still very young, but the students whom i currently teach will enter high school within two years, which means they'll have to worry about university soon. i think they need my help more urgently. - that's why i'm more focused on work. / - can they

not find a different tutor? that's not necessarily the case, but i've been running ambitiously towards a goal, and those moments flew by so quickly. - are we interrogating you at a hearing? / - exactly. you said that you've been working towards a goal. what is your goal? what makes you work so hard? i want to buy a home for myself and my husband.

i'd also love to own three more houses so that each of my kids can inherit a house. - i want four houses. / - for all three of your kids? yes. i think we should own at least four houses. why do you look so down? - pardon? / - she'll buy four houses for you. (his wife's perfect plan got him even more worried.) to be honest, i think his mother-in-law has it the hardest.

she must be so worried. let's meet her now. hello, ma'am. - hello. / - please use the microphone. - hello, everyone. / - hello. we heard you're looking after all three of their kids. yes. i babysit all three of them. ma'am, you must be worried about this issue. i'm very worried. - i knew it. / - it really worries me.

i haven't had a life since my daughter - gave birth to her three kids. / - i bet. how many children do you have, ma'am? i only have my daughter. she only had and raised one child, - but now / - she looks after three kids. she's raising three kids. it must be so stressful. does your daughter not help you? not even a little bit? - no, not at all. / - she has no time to do anything.

i'm sure she changes their diapers. not a chance. she doesn't even know how to do it. - pardon? / - she doesn't know which side is the front. - she doesn't even know that? / - no. it sounds like you're a great tutor but a horrible mom. what are your thoughts on that? i see that you're at a loss for words. "i'm not sure. i don't really remember." (it's the best evasive answer.)

i heard about an incident that upset your mom. she said you didn't let her go to her friend's funeral. i didn't actually tell her not to go. i got home after midnight the day before the funeral, and my mom told me that she has to go to a funeral early in the morning. i told her that i won't be able to cancel my classes. - that's why she didn't go. / - didn't you try telling your daughter that you have to attend it?

i even said this to her. "who's going to babysit your kids if i'm not around?" she said, "i'll ask the security guard." - security guard? / - yes. - did she get annoyed with you? / - are they - parcels or what? / - let her do it, then. - how can you say such a thing? / - she's your mom. i feel the most apologetic towards my mom. i grew up as an only child,

so my parents were always accommodating to my needs. they let me do everything i wanted, so i guess i've been taking those things for granted. i thought i was giving my parents some pastime by letting them spend time with my kids. that's not a pastime. that was such an inappropriate remark. are you mr. no's father-in-law? - you must be her dad. / - yes, i am.

can you empathize with your family's worry? they're her kids, so she has to raise them. her mom is practically raising them for her, so i feel as if my wife and i have separated. - these days... / - so it's a worry for you too. yes. my wife goes to her place every day to babysit her kids, so i have to fix my own meals and eat alone at home. no one's home when i leave for work.

i cook for myself after work. after just 30 minutes of babysitting, i feel tired and cranky. my wife looks after them 24 hours a day. how tired must she be? - when i drive my taxi... / - are you a taxi driver? my daughter tutors every two hours. i drop her off, then two hours later i pick her up.

- do you drive her? / - what? does she pay her fare? she doesn't give me a cent. she rules both homes. ma'am, i'm wondering if the way you raised - your daughter... / - an only child. could that be the problem? - yes, you're right. / - is that what happened? i spoiled her.

she's my only child. i did every single thing for her. when she was in college she was too busy to eat so i fed her. - did you feed a college student? / - yes. - and she ate what you fed her? / - yes. are any of you sick? of course we are. my wife is a diabetic. she also has hypertension and she even passed out.

she needs to rest and i want us to enjoy our retirement. we can't do that because of our daughter's schedule. the doctor prescribed me something for my diabetes but the medicine isn't working. the doctor keeps saying i need to exercise but i'm in no position to exercise right now. how can i with three kids to take care of? were you aware of your mom's condition?

i know she's not well. - do you? / - and yet... (why don't you help her?) this is serious. she knows but it hasn't registered with her yet. what happens when the kids get sick? she's their mom. does she come running? - does she help out? / - she doesn't. last summer the five-year-old caught

hand-foot-and-mouth disease. - her temperature reached 40 degrees. / - gosh. she never asks for her mom during the day, but that day she begged me to take her to her mom. my son-in-law was working in germany at the time. i put the child in a stroller - and walked around so she'd forget. / - oh dear. my daughter came home late, at around 2 a.m. and called for jooeun, that's her name.

the five-year-old looked up and said, "go away." - my goodness. / - "go away, mom!" her eyes were red and puffy. - she was upset. / - she wouldn't hug her. she refused. mom was absent when she needed her mom. the youngest, a two-year-old, is a boy. his temperature once reached 40 degrees too. - the clinic staff said toddlers / - it's dangerous.

- could develop complications. / - right. they told me to go to an emergency room. i took the doctor's letter and carried the child out and took a taxi. when i got to the hospital i called my daughter. (pinching) - don't pinch her. / - leave her alone.

- don't pinch your mom. / - talk all you want. did your daughter come over? much later, right before we left. - did she come to the hospital? / - yes. that was an emergency. couldn't you have told the student's mom and come over? that's the right thing to do, but i think that when i'm given a duty, (frustrated)

- i must do my best. / - wait. the more we listen - the worse it's getting. / - they aren't even my kids. i get what you're thinking. you want to work while you can for a better future. what if your child had ended up with a disability because you couldn't give up a few hours of teaching? how terrible would you have felt then? i talked to the doctor and decided that 40 degrees is

okay if it doesn't last for more than three days. (you're a mom.) my child wasn't seriously ill and i trusted my mom. that's why i showed up much later. if, like you said, my child ended up with a side effect, then i would've stopped teaching altogether. of course you should. (prevent it while you can!)

your mom said your child told you to go away. how did that make you feel? i'd felt that way many times before. many times? - it happened often. / - often? - i don't spend time with them. / - they get upset. i do feel guilty. i think they'll understand when they're older. do you know the identity they establish

when they are young doesn't change easily? they will have a lasting memory of you as an absent mom. - that's very hard to change. / - it is. you wrote in saying you considered getting divorced. - how bad is it? / - the ultimatum. i just returned from a six-month business trip to germany. i missed my wife and children so much.

- i'm sure you did. / - but my wife wasn't home until night. - i was dumbfounded. / - after six months apart? - you expected a meal at home. / - yes. what i found out really shocked me. her last lesson ended at 11 p.m. from then until 7 or 9 a.m. the next morning - she worked at a fast food restaurant. / - why? - what? / - part-time?

she taught then worked at a fast food restaurant? (her parents are also dumbfounded.) from 11 p.m. to 9 a.m.? i took a week off after my long business trip. to be with your family. - she worked all night for 6 days out of 7. / - no way. she came home in the morning. doesn't she sleep? she sleeps one or two hours a day.

is that okay? why did you work all night? my husband was away for six months so i had to come home to an empty house. i thought being alone all night was a waste of time. i found out about the job from a friend of mine and thought it would be a great experience. - a great experience? / - your mom's sick. didn't you consider

taking the kids back for the night? i thought about it after i'd gotten the job. (she doesn't think of her family.) so you think it's more important to earn money, right? - yes. / - he's considering divorce. do you not see the severity of the issue? i think what i'm doing will benefit us all in the end. i don't see why he would be so heartless. he isn't happy.

if you want this to benefit everyone, you need to change your pattern. did your husband upset you? because i teach all day i skip meals most of the time. i asked my husband if he could buy me food or pack a lunch box. not all the time, just once. he said "you don't look after me"

"why do you expect me to look after you?" he refused. i can explain that. i'm gruff and i'm not good at showing affection and i feel bad about that. when she wouldn't stop teaching when she was pregnant - i felt terrible. / - it's heartbreaking. i followed her around a few times. on one really cold day she said she wanted soondae.

i couldn't find a place that sold soondae. i finally found a soondae soup restaurant and begged them to sell me some soondae. when i brought her the food she ate just one piece then rushed off. that kept on happening. although deep inside i'm grateful and sorry that she works so hard for us, - i feel angry too. / - you just can't say it?

do you say the opposite? - this is constant. / - it's understandable. i was diagnosed with depression. - you? / - my emotions... when i think about my wife's work i get angry right away. what's the one thing that disappointed you the most? she said something truly shocking a while ago. she complained

that i control and interfere with her life so much and suggested that i meet another woman. - what? / - what? i was so shocked. why did you say that? you can't have meant it. my husband hates being alone. he wants to see me so much it he was obsessive. - the depression... / - he isn't obsessive.

that caused the depression. rather than be depressed, i thought he should enjoy his alone time. - if he can control his urges. / - do you mean that? as a friend to talk to. (she cannot understand it.) your husband was diagnosed with depression. don't you think you contributed to that? i don't think that i'm completely blameless.

i am largely responsible, but under the same circumstances i don't have the tendency to get depressed whereas my husband does. i believe he should try to overcome the situation. - don't you want to help him? / - he can find a hobby. - enjoying one's time... / - are you happy? i'm close to being happy. do you think your five-year-old is happy?

she wants you to be around and you're never there. is your eldest happy? she'll be very lonely. - ma'am, are you happy? / - don't let her be. - i'm not happy. / - are you happy, sir? no, i'm not happy. - what about you? / - are you happy? you aren't happy, you're close to being happy - and these three aren't happy. / - they're unhappy.

(it means nothing if your family are unhappy.) what really worries me is, you think your children will understand. you think they'll be grateful when you buy them a house and all that. you are very mistaken. i had a college friend who was a few years younger whose parents were very rich. they gave him a huge fortune.

he referred to them so rudely that i once asked him out of shock. "why are you talking about them so rudely?" he had no familial ties or feelings for them. he hated taking their calls and being invited over. "i'm just doing this for the money." "they are so bothersome." "why are they still so healthy and well?" you have a very wrong idea.

it's hard to say but you need to bond with your kids. they need to want to see you. if they end up feeling forced to see you, would that be true happiness? you can't bond if you aren't there. - that's true. / - i'm worried for your kids. - tell us what your biggest concern is. / - okay. my wife only gets one hour, - to two hours of sleep. / - in a day?

one day she said she thinks she has narcolepsy, but anyone can tell - she doesn't sleep enough. / - it's lack of sleep. she almost died four times dozing off at the wheel. that's what i know. she dozed off and crashed the car yesterday. we've decided to trash it because it was totaled. in another previous car accident,

she was in so much pain and said she had broken a rib. - i couldn't even touch her. / - was it sleep-related? yes. she should've seen a doctor but she was too busy with her lessons to do so. what's wrong with you? - you could be charged for that. / - you're laughing? - this is really serious. / - don't laugh. i tend to laugh a lot. i can't believe i did that.

- what? / - i'm embarrassed. had you caused an accident before that? - three weeks ago. / - three weeks ago? and then yesterday. all your money's going into medical bills and repairs. she didn't mention the other accident from a week ago. he's so frustrated he tattled to me. - he's telling on her. / - i think the wife isn't working for the money.

- she's used to it. / - not working makes her feel uneasy. i feel so sorry to the point that i pity you. - i want to get out of this. / - i feel terrible. we've hosted this show for years now and this happens - about once a year. / - it does. the mostly polite audience begins to mock the guest. (mumbling and whispering)

they can't believe this. they're so upset. (sighing) while you were there laughing, i was with your husband - and he didn't smile once. / - right. - he can't. / - i can feel his pain. it's so upsetting. is there anyone you want, i mean, is there anything you want?

- "anyone"? / - "anyone"? - i got carried away. / - "anyone"? - sorry. / - shall we set him up with someone? - shall we? / - "anyone"? i asked my wife so many times, i even begged. i asked her if we could live like others for just one day at least. to wake up together

- one weekend. / - please. - do it for him. / - eat some ramyeon and watch tv together. eat ramyeon? - is that it? / - my wish is - to do that one day. / - where do you live? i'll cook you ramyeon. (i'll come and cook you ramyeon.) if she can't even do that for me, then at least

don't drive when you're so tired. - that's bad. / - please. - don't do that. / - kids need memories too. sir, you're holding a mic. talk to your daughter. she should raise her own kids. i want my wife back. get your life back. i want to meet my friends

and get to relax. she's my only child and i caused this by caring too much for her. i'm so sorry. you shouldn't apologize. - i'm really sorry. / - it's not your fault. i'm the reason she doesn't have a family life right now. - ma'am. / - i did everything for her.

my wish is that you live a normal life like other people with kids. you're a great mom. you're the best. (we hope your wish comes true.) the conversation we had so far can seem like we berated you and cornered you. i personally think that your job as a tutor is a great one.

you can adjust your schedule to play with your kids and work too. you could be so much happier. learn to let some things go. is this a worry? at first i wondered why can't a mom work? working moms should be commended, not berated. now i see how hard it is for her husband and her parents.

i vote that this is a worry because i really hope the family can change. - cheng xiao? / - you need to take a break. - is it a worry? / - yes. - i'm so worried for the kids. / - right. - it's tough on them. / - the mom's love... i'm sure you show your love but not enough. that's why i think this is a serious worry. if you agree with her, press your button.

(what does the audience think?) do you hear that? - in five, four, / - in five, four, - three, two, one. / - three, two, one. will we get 200 votes? 200 votes? would you like to say something? my husband was abroad for so long. i thought i had done well by surviving.

each time he gets angry i feel bad that i put myself first and think how tired i am. i promise i'll do my best to become - a better mom. / - that's good to hear. i want to say i'm sorry to my mom and dad. my mother-in-law will be watching at home. i'm sorry that i don't visit her as often as i should.

i want to thank my in-laws and my sister-in-law and also my friends who are also married. - i'll do my best. / - is this an acceptance speech? did you just win an award? - you didn't win anything. / - mention your stylist. i promise to spend one day a week - with my family. / - what about work? - work. / - i'll work less.

thank you. sir, she said she'll work less. i don't believe her. she's been saying that since before we got married. don't say that. - believe in her. / - she promised - in front of everyone, so trust her. / - believe her. only then can things change. thank you so much for saying you'll try.

i'm gruff so i never said anything sweet or nice when i know you wanted me to. i never did anything romantic for you. i'll try to become funny because i know that's what you want. when i was in germany, wherever i am, i only thought of you. what are you doing?

i love you. - well done. / - that's all she wants. - is that so hard? / - be cute. do the cute cheek thing. ready? go. i love you, honey. this is what happiness is. thank you. let's see how many votes we got. show us the result.

no, don't, stay together. ("shall i get divorced?") - it's 4. / - 124? - 174. / - 164? 174? - 84? / - 94? 194? - 94. / - 94. we never had 194 votes. - it can't be. / - 174.

- it's a big number. / - the biggest in recent months. return to your seat. this is a tough one. "my daughter is a monster". - oh dear. / - hello. i'm in my 50s and i'm the mom of a monster. my daughter's addicted to plastic surgery. - we have an expert. / - we'll put you to work. it all began when she was 14 years old.

in middle school? "mom, i'll study hard if you get my eyelids done." - "i'll be a good girl." / - i know. my daughter begged and i caved. she didn't study at all. "mom, can you pay for my nose job?" "are you crazy?" - in the end... / - dad? dad.

"are you crazy? no." (he can't speak like a lady with a dialect.) my daughter came home - after a secret nose job. / - a secret one? - how? / - with what money? one day this happened. "mom." "i'm home." her jawline, too? (a new jawline)

she's only 22 years old and a monster already. can you please end her love with plastic surgery? - she's addicted. / - she is. - i heard you can get addicted. / - you can. once you tweak your eyes you notice your nose. there's a balance. your eyes suit your nose and your jaw suits that nose. you're a true expert.

kaeun. she got her first surgery at 14. - that's early. / - isn't it too soon? - it is. / - she's still growing. - yes. / - eyes grow bigger. - your nose and your chin... / - you're still growing. her mother seems to be very upset now. let's invite her. come on out.

(who worries about) (her plastic-surgery-addict daughter?) (jeong sanghee) (welcome to the show.) she got her double eyelid surgery - when she was 14. / - exactly. since she was in elementary school, she carried a double eyelid liquid to make her eyes look like - double eyelids all the time. / - really?

- it's too early. / - she said putting double eyelid liquid stretches her eyelids so that she can't study. she said she'd study hard, so i got her the surgery. however, it didn't end there. she casually said that she'd look prettier with a nose job. i told her there's no way she's getting a nose job. did she get a nose job or not? she did get it. - she got it done? / - you didn't pay for it?

no. she got it done without my consent or permission. it would've been expensive. how did she afford it? she works at a fast-food chain or a restaurant. - what a relief. / - she even traveled a three-hour distance on foot instead of taking a bus. - to save money? / - to save money? - how amazing. / - to get a plastic surgery. she'll be successful at anything.

i guess there's something you inject into your skin. - it's a filler. / - a filler. it started from her forehead. - laugh lines, chin, and here. / - botox and so on. many people get plastic surgeries nowadays. as she already got plastic surgeries, isn't it over? why are you still so worried? she's got to be satisfied with her look now, - but she keeps wanting to do more. / - she wants more.

i'm afraid her face would look really artificial. i'm concerned that she'll suffer from a side effect. let's meet her daughter who troubles her mom. where exactly did you get plastic surgeries? can you - tell us? / - i got a double eyelid surgery. front eyelids, eye fix, the whole nose, filler shots on my lower chin twice, botox on my side chin, botox to remove my muscles twice,

my forehead and i injected fat - under my eyes. / - are you rapping? did you fill something in your forehead? - yes, a filler shot. / - you injected filler shots. i also got a facial contour injection. did you remove your bones, too? no, not yet. - you didn't remove your bones. / - "not yet." how much did it cost to produce your face?

- "produce your face". / - the production cost. around 9,000 dollars. - so far? / - yes, around 9,000 to 10,000 dollars. you're pretty enough not to complain about your face, but you weren't happy about it since you were young. - why is that? / - my eyes were too small, and my nose was too round. you can see many pretty people on tv. - "i'd be pretty with the jobs done." / - how funny.

once i got my eyes and my nose done, i was asked to be a model for a magazine a few times. then, i wanted to get more done. is there a type of face you'd like to look like? - a type of face... / - who do you wish to resemble? - is there someone you'd like to resemble? / - a face. i have much pride. - there's none in asia. / - you don't want to tell us? there's none in asia?

- is she european, then? / - you're an asian, though. who would it be, then? is she an american? there's a foreigner named kylie jenner. - kylie jenner? / - she has a hot figure, and she looks very exotic. are you not happy about your face now, then? - no, not very much. / - you're not happy about it? - really? / - pick any asian.

pick one among korean celebrities. lower your standards and your pride a bit. you'd be satisfied if you looked like this actress. - pick one in korea. / - if you must choose one... (please tell us now.) my taste is a bit unique from others. (we really wanted to hear your answer.) she's not pretty, but i like jessi's style. - jessi. / - jessi's style.

- she likes sexy styles. / - jessi. "i'm not older than you." what? what did you say? - plastic surgery isn't a competition. / - exactly. - jessi, jessi is attractive. / - i see. even if we talk a lot about it here, - we have no idea how you used to be, / - that's right. - so it's hard to comment. / - do you have a picture? let's continue after we look at the picture

of her before she got plastic surgeries. - how bad was it? / - let's see her grad photo of - elementary school. / - my boyfriend hasn't seen it. just accept it humbly. let's see her photo when she was in elementary school. (cho ara) she's pretty. - you look pretty in the right one. / - she looks pure. that's her picture when she was in high school.

she looked pretty when she was in elementary school. - she's really pretty. / - i look too asian. - what? / - even though i'm an asian, i look too asian. you said you're not happy with your face right now. what else would you like to do? i got my front eyelid surgery, but i'd like to get rear eyelid surgery. i got my nose job, but the doctor made it too tall. i'd like to lower it a bit so that it'll be natural.

- you'd like to lower it. / - instead of an injection, i'd like to put an implant in my chin - to make it look sharp. / - "sharp." i haven't told this to my mom, as it's too expensive. i'd like to get breast implants. - your breasts too. / - it's not just your face now. - what else? / - she wants to fix - everything. / - thigh liposuction. liposuction!

for goodness' sake! what? (there's no tomorrow to this guy.) what about it? (she has a secret she can't talk about.) - what do you think? / - a total disaster. since i couldn't resolve this issue on my own, i came here even though i was really embarrassed. in one word, please help.

aren't you scared of plastic surgeries? - aren't you scared? / - exactly, it hurts too. when i got my double eyelid surgery at the age of 14, the anesthesia wore off in the middle of the surgery. - in the middle of the surgery? / - yes, in the middle. once you wake up, you feel all the pain. i told the doctor that it hurt too much. he screamed, "she woke up!" they stopped the surgery and injected a huge shot on my hip.

that was a painful memory. when i got my nose job, i was conscious. it doesn't hurt, but you can hear all the sound, right? my body trembled, as my nose bone was being ground. but you still want to get more done? yes. you can find many stories of side effects. aren't you scared of that? i am worried, but if i worried too much,

i wouldn't have gotten eyes and nose plastic surgeries. (her mom is worried.) what kind of effort did you put to stop your daughter? i even kicked her out of home once. still, she'd get a piercing done one day. - she also got a tattoo. / - she got a tattoo too. roses have bloomed on her neck. - roses. / - she gets nothing for my birthday,

but she got a bracelet-like tattoo on her birthday. eventually, i exploded. i packed all her stuff and threw them away on the street. - she couldn't bear it anymore. / - cosmetics, shoes, purses. taking all those out blocked the entrance of my apartment. you were really mad. - she was really mad. / - i carried them in my arms

and kicked the dropped ones. i threw everything away, i kicked her out when she was in her pajamas. she kicked you out and threw away all your clothes. how did you feel? honestly, i was really embarrassed and cold. it was tough and humiliating. what did you think at that time? "let's get through this, and everything will be fine." why did you get a piercing?

since i'm into fashion, i wanted not only to focus on my face but also to have my other parts look pretty. we'll meet her friend for a while. the one by her side, you're her friend, right? are you also positive about getting plastic surgery? you can change your looks through care and workout, so i think plastic surgeries are not necessary. did you get any plastic surgery? - no, not at all. / - not at all?

why is your friend obsessed with plastic surgery? it may be a self-satisfaction, but she loves getting attention. she's addicted to social media too. she has about 16,000 followers. - 16,000 followers? / - that's a lot. that gives her satisfaction and happiness. however, if she doesn't get a lot of response, she deletes the post and posts a more provocative one. she does this until she's satisfied.

the number of likes is what she lives on. she posted a photo of a video call with jung woosung. i called her and asked, "what's this?" she actually posted a photoshopped picture. i wondered if she was that hungry for attention. why would you even photoshop a picture? many people post photoshopped pictures to look like they had a video call with their favorite celebrities. - as a trendsetter, i posted it quickly. / - "quickly."

does getting attention make you happy? i guess i do love to get people's attention. (i do love getting people's attention.) the staff members just told me that you posted on sns that you'd be on this show. i wrote that i was going to a broadcasting station. i didn't mention which show i'd be on. - "on my way to a tv network". / - "i'm lazy to film." (i'm done wearing my makeup, but i'm wearing a mask.)

you pretend not to care about the photo at all. - you put a mask on. / - holding carbonated water... you put a mask on, and you wore a ponytail. (i'd rather not see it.) - there are many comments. / - she seems natural. who took that picture? someone must have taken it. - the one by her side. / - her friend took it. - how many photos did you take? / - she's like a star. - i took a lot of them. / - how many?

- i took pictures nonstop. / - she wouldn't be - satisfied with one picture. / - ara. i'm sure everyone must have seen it just now, she saw herself on the screen and kept turning around to find the right angle to look pretty. (i like myself.) you care a lot about people's responses on your social media page, right?

- yes. / - why do you find them so important? some people recognize me on the street. they ask me to take pictures together. - that makes me happy. / - it makes you happy. that's why i'm a bit obsessed with it. she's basically a celebrity. do people really recognize her, or is she the only one - that cares? / - she might be misunderstood. i think she's misunderstood.

she's the only one that's conscious of others? - some people are like that. / - it's because... the reason why she may be misunderstood is because she doesn't think about wearing clothes that are appropriate for a season. - she wears ripped clothes, / - due to her outfit... so people look at her, thinking that she's strange. "is everything okay with her? is she normal?" when i have to accompany her to go somewhere,

she tells me to hurry and walk separately. - really? / - we prepared some pictures. (ara's daily look is revealed.) my goodness. it'd be tough for her mom to accompany her. it won't be easy. you go out looking like that in winter? gosh, aren't you cold? how much did you photoshop? you look too tall.

did you photoshop the picture? the utility pole is a bit curved. even the signs on the street are a bit curved. - it doesn't look like you. / - your neck seems weird. she's a different woman. i don't know how you think, but i think - they seem weird. / - they really are a bit weird. is that how you want to be? i end up fixing my figure the way i want it to be.

you look like a doll, not a human. - is that so? / - you look prettier now. - you look much prettier now. / - you look better now. (you look more natural and prettier in person.) - that looks better. / - from the picture, i can. - it's very distorted. / - see how you feel. in order to pursue that look, - she wants to get more plastic surgeries. / - perhaps, she spends her whole day on her sns page.

since you're her friend, you'd know better. is she normally conscious of other people? does she go out thinking that people recognize her? when you drink alcohol, you feel pretty high. when i call her name and speak out loud, she suddenly pulls a straight face and tells me to keep it down, as people are watching. "i hate people talking about me." i think sns creates more gossip,

- but she'd say that. / - gossip? when we go to a coffee shop and place an order with an employee, she tells me to do it for her, as he recognizes her. - my goodness. / - i'd just do it for her, since i'm frustrated. once i place an order, i'd look at her to see what she's up to, and she'd walk as if she was on a runway while being conscious of others. after taking a seat,

she'd look at her phone to check her sns page. when i take a seat after placing the order, she'd ask me, "did you hear people saying i'm pretty?" she'd tell me that. - she even hears things. / - including that, i feel that she's very conscious of others. do you plan on becoming a celebrity? i don't want to do it as a job. i'd like to be a charming ordinary person.

- what i find amazing / - a charming ordinary one. is that celebrities like us who just made our debut don't cover our faces when we go out. - then, nobody would recognize us. / - that's right. - that's why i find her so interesting. / - still... others may find that you go overboard, that you're a bit too much. don't you agree? what do you think? when i go out for a drink,

i'd get a message, "i saw you there." that's why i don't think i'm overreacting. i just care about my image. tell me what kind of comments you get. most people tell me that i'm pretty, but i also get many malicious comments. "plastic surgery addict", "she's different in person." - i get many malicious comments. / - aren't you upset? i don't really care about them.

- would "plastic surgery addict" / - it'd upset you. convince you to stop getting plastic surgeries? as i got many plastic surgeries, they call me as such. you're very optimistic - and positive. / - you're positive. - she has a nice personality. / - ara may seem happy from the outside, but i don't think she is very happy. - she's not satisfied. / - one day, she'd hate people.

she'd tell me that she even hates her friends. - she's scared of people. / - she changes her mind? i feel that being obsessed with her appearance may be because of something else. why did you say that you hate people and even your friends? a stranger suggested me to follow each other on sns, so i did. where i live is a very small neighborhood. wherever i went, he was nearby.

- that's scary. / - one day, as i left, he followed me and suggested to drink a bit more with him. i spotted him wherever i go, and he kept following me and suggested to drink, so i unfollowed him. then, a person with an unknown number called me and cursed at me nonstop. i've never heard someone swearing so much at me in my life.

hearing him swear startled me. she almost got into a horrible accident. she only told me that some guy followed her. at that age, i also encountered such incident. doesn't everyone run into such incident? she doesn't miss a chance to show off. have you considered to quit your sns because of that? no. she's on sns before she notices.

in fact, this isn't a story about plastic surgery. - it could be an addiction of sns. / - that's right. - she got plastic surgeries for sns. / - have you ever been neglected by one you wanted attention from? or, was there an event that made you become this way? my older brother is unlike me. he's smart, and now he's working as an elementary school teacher. since he's always been the good guy, i was a shadow all the time. i was never complimented

for what i did, and he was the only beloved one. one day, i was determined to get a compliment, so i won a prize by composing a piece on dream. i got a scholarship of 6,000 dollars for two years. however, my mother looked sour. since i was so different from my brother, i wanted to get my parents' attention. that was the beginning. - ma'am, why did you do that? / - what do you think? since my son has always been exemplary,

i was a bit stingy with complimenting ara. when she was five, my husband and i got a divorce. i think she was really scared that i might leave her. until she was in grade three, she followed me even when i went to the bathroom. she sat down in front of the door until i came out. when i slept for a long time, she kept checking to see - if i was alive or dead. / - really?

- also, / - she was afraid that her mom might be gone. if she couldn't tell that i was breathing, - she put her ear to my heart. / - your heart? yes, once she checked that i was breathing, she went out and played again. - she was anxious. / - yes, her anxiety might have been the cause of her addiction to plastic surgery. did you really do that? do you remember it?

i don't remember it exactly, but when i was young, i was heavily obsessed with my mom. when she was gone, i was anxious. i guess you felt as if you were a nobody. before i got plastic surgeries, i was very bright. i was a class president and a student leader. i often heard that i've become gloomier since then. diagnose yourself. why have you become this way? being obsessed with plastic surgeries and sns

made me go through a lot. - that may be why i've become gloomy. / - honestly, you have a very attractive personality. approaching others with your charms right now - would be totally enough. / - exactly. i think you'd better stop getting more surgeries. you have a high self-esteem too. you're pursuing beauty beyond that of asia. that's how strong you are mentally,

so you don't need to care so much about your looks. care more about your inner beauty now. you know too little about yourself. you're so beautiful the way you are. stand up. (why don't you know it?) stand up. isn't she cool or what? - she is cool. / - she is cool. - we're satisfied, right? / - she's tall too. - you're perfect. / - how tall are you?

- you don't know how beautiful you are. / - exactly. in fact, i really appreciate those who leave comments on my posts, but they have nothing to do with my life directly. my mom, family, and friends are actually - the ones that matter more. / - that's right. why don't you listen to those that are more important to you? rather than the ones on the internet.

i do consider doing so. - i do consider listening to them. / - then, listen instead of considering it only. say what you'd like to tell your daughter directly. ara, i totally get how you want to be pretty. to me, you've always been pretty. please stop being obsessed with plastic surgeries,

and think about how to improve your inner beauty for your future and your hope. due to menopause, i'm actually struggling a lot. right, i'm going through menopause right now. she looks younger than her age, so it's hard to tell. also, i love you very much. (i love you, ara.) let's see if it's a worry or not. i think it's a huge worry.

(bona thinks that it's a worry.) - okay. / - i also think it's a worry. (cheng xiao also thinks it's a worry.) i think if there's something you'd like to accomplish, you'll approach like a bulldozer. i think she pushes herself to achieve the goal. - you're charming. / - use social media wisely. you have to control it. once you focus on those,

i think you will be more successful. also, i think her worry will go away today. - so i don't think it's a worry. / - okay. if you sympathize with her, please press the button. - stop. / - okay. please reveal the result. how many votes did she get from 200 people? the last digit is eight.

is it over 100? (it's over 100.) is it 128? is it 128? it's 118. (she got 118 votes.) - next story is titled "my dad is evil". / - evil. it's about a man who's been living in pain ever since the day he was born. he's been living in pain his whole life.

- i'm a sixth grader boy. / - his whole life? - he's been living in pain. / - for 13 years. he's been living in pain for 13 years. poor boy. the reason i'm writing this letter is because of my dad who has been bullying me since the day i was born. - that's why he's evil. / - my dad is evil. "don't do it. don't do it." "the food waste smells terrible."

"what's this?" "it smells like rotten egg. please stop." he always attacks me with his bad breath, which smells like food waste, and also with his fart that smells like rotten egg. this is what he does. (take that.) that's feeding fart. goodness.

he becomes naughty every time he drinks. "it hurts. it hurts. it hurts." he suddenly twists my arm and uses the arm bar technique on me. the next day, "dad, look at this." "my arm's bruised because of you." "my leg is bruised too." "was it me?"

- does he not remember it? / - "when did i do it?" how can a person be so thick-faced? i'm really worried i'll live my entire life like this. -"my entire life". / - goodness. please make my dad stop. (please make my dad stop being so naughty!) what do you think of this? you all have sons. - i think he's just cute. / - actually... - do you... / - i play jokes on him a lot.

you'd think you're just doing it for fun, - but for the child... / - for the child... when i was little, my brother grabbed my two legs and put his leg in between and shook it like crazy. but you're a girl! (usually, boys get that prank a lot.) it's called "motorcycle". when you get that, you can't stop laughing. i know.

- you have to laugh. what's worse / - right. is that there's nothing you can do. (you can't even fight back.) - it's not that you like it. / - no. there's an easy solution to this. he's 13 now. if he tries to fight back, it won't work. if he attacks after two years, his dad will stop. when i was little, my dad used to - play serious pranks. / - right.

ever since i got these hands at the age of 15, whenever he played a prank, i hit his back. then he stopped. let's meet the boy who's been suffering his whole life. please come on out. (who's the boy that's worried about his naughty dad?) (is he really 13 years old?) - he's big. / - he's big. - he's really big. / - i think he can beat his dad.

- wait. / - hello. come on. - goodness. / - why is he so big? he's got the face that makes you want to play a prank. - you have to look from above. / - he's cute. i want to play a prank on him too. you make me want to play a prank on you. - how tall are you? / - i'm 171cm tall. - he's tall. / - did he say he's 171cm tall?

- please introduce yourself. / - he's cute. hello. i am the boy suffering because of his dad. i'm hwang soongeon, and i'm 13 years old. soongeon, you are so adorable. don't you think your dad is playing pranks on you because he thinks you are adorable? when he's drunk, he goes over the line. - when he's drunk. / - does it get really bad? he drags me by my leg and plays pranks on me.

can you show us what he does? taejoon will be you. - does he drag you? / - you - lied down on your bed. / - please show us. your dad is drunk. - he drags you out of bed. / - he drags you. (he drags taejoon out of his seat.) (come play with daddy!) - then? / - i'm out now. - what happens next? / - he sits on top of me.

- sit on him. / - sit on him. - you're going to sit on me. okay. / - okay. (he sits on top of taejoon.) - then? / - soongeon. - soongeon. / - how about the arm bar? - wait, soongeon. / - try it. wait, soongeon. it hurts. - thank goodness. / - do you feel his weight? how was it?

soongeon's weight, you mean? soongeon is... (he's impressed.) after two years, you can drag your dad. don't worry. in the letter, you said you got bruised too. i got bruised here and my inner thigh. how do you feel when that happens? i start to wonder who i really am. - "who am i?" / - you feel the sense of shame.

the sense of shame! "was i born for this?" what's your dad's worst joke? it's sitting on top of me and farting. - farting. / - does he fart on you? - he farts on my face. / - his face... - you could fart in his face too. / - when he's asleep. - i do something else. / - what did you do? i goosed him. - you goosed him. that can be dangerous. / - goodness.

- let's meet his dad. / - okay. you tell him you're in pain, but he continues. right? - yes. / - your dad is here, right? - yes. / - he didn't drink, did he? - no. / - do i look pretty in person? you look like you're bewitched. what? no. - you look bewitched. / - no. you're in love with me, aren't you?

- you are bewitched by me. / - stop bullying him. - don't tease him. / - stop it. call your evil dad then. - he's so cute. / - he's cute. louder. - he looks so playful. / - it's embarrassing to ask, but why do you tease him too much? - i don't think it's too much. / - right. when i drink, i can't control my strength.

so i become more aggressive than i am. you say that you're just playing jokes with him, but your son got bruises. that happens when two boys play. in my position, i think it's more natural for me to play with him physically since he's a son. and when we play rough, he may get hurt a little. do you go out of control when you drink? he's a boy, but he's still young.

look at him though. he's big for a young boy. you can't judge him by his size. he's only 13. do you really not remember it the next day or do you pretend to not remember it? - it's part of your joke, isn't it? / - i pretend. - that's part of your joke. / - i feel sorry. - he pretends not to remember. / - of course. - he's shocked. / - he's trying to make him upset. your dad was pretending not to remember.

i know now. - you realized it just now. / - is that right? didn't you know that he was just trying to tease you? - no. / - you are slow. he's cute. his dad can't resist it because he's so innocent. i know. when we see a cute child, - we can't stop pinching his cheek. / - we do this. your dad just adores you.

- did she offend you? / - did you see his face? - he might hit her. / - you provoked me to be naughty. - you provoked me. / - he might hit her. have you ever told him to stop playing jokes on you? - have you? / - have you told him seriously? i've told him seriously. - what did your dad say? / - how did you do it? - your dad came home drunk. / - he came. stop fooling around.

- i want to keep fooling around. / - be more serious. he's really serious. have you made him promise you? - i once recorded his promise. / - did you? - that's good. / - you tape-recorded it. what did he say on the tape? i recorded everything he said while pranking. i compiled everything and played it. - and? / - and he denied it.

- he denied it again. / - yes. did you think he was going to admit it then? - "i admit it." / - he wouldn't admit it. isn't it more fun to break the promise? - it's more fun. / - what are you doing? do you only play jokes to your son? or do you do it to other family members too? - like your wife? / - is it only you who's suffering? - or are the others suffering too? / - mom too.

- mom... / - she's your mom, right? - yes. / - it's obvious she's your mom. hello, mommy. he said you're in pain too. is it tough for you too? whenever he drinks, he bullies our son. and what he does is no joke. - really? / - i see. it's way over the line. he struggles a lot, and he cries every day.

- he cries. / - if this happens once a while like once a week or once a month, it would be bearable. but this happens every night. - he must be too rough. / - soongeun cries and asks me to help him by stopping his dad. then i go to his rescue. but there's a problem. - look at me. i'm a big girl. / - yes.

when i get involved, it turns into a big mess. - really. / - you mean the house. yes, there are furnitures and household appliances. is it serious enough to break furniture? when i bump into a furniture, i get bruises everywhere. i am sorry. please look at the guy beside you. he's jealous. (he's very jealous.)

he's very jealous. - it's funny. / - he wants to get physical too. this is how people should live. are you jealous? (he's desperate.) - he wants it. / - feed your wife some fart. by the way... (eat this and stop working so much.) (that felt good!)

he says he was just playing. but was there a time when it was too serious? his play ends only when someone gets hurt - or sees blood. / - blood. - what's that? / - yes. while playing wrestling, he hit his head hard - in the corner of the cabinet door. / - who? - it was him who got hurt. / - it was your husband.

- thank goodness. / - so - his head bled a lot. / - goodness. i said he needed to go to the emergency room. and he said he was okay and that it was nothing. my heart sinks every time i see things like that. why didn't you go to the hospital? i was bleeding a little, but it wasn't serious. i worked as a bodyguard once. so getting hurt a little

is not a big deal. that's why i didn't go. - but how can you hurt your child? / - i know. - you see... / - you think it's a joke, but your son doesn't think it's a joke. - isn't that a problem? / - it's not a joke. when i play jokes with him, - my son enjoys it too. / - does he though? - he even goosed me. / - he goosed you. - but it was too much. / - did his fingers go through?

it bled. it bled! - in the past... / - did he say it bled? i previously had a hemorrhoidectomy. so something went wrong with it, and i couldn't sit for four days. - so... / - that can happen when you play. when you do it, there are times when you

sense that something is wrong. - you know when you go in too deep. / - how was it? did your fingers go in deep? - how was it? / - i felt that. you dad was in pain, and he bled too. i was worried, but it felt good. - you were worried, but it felt good. / - yes. you're the one who initiates, but you always get hurt. that's what happens most of the time.

ma'am, soongeon says he gets worse when he drinks. he drinks way too much. it's really bad. after drinking one to two bottles of soju, he drinks two 1.6l bottles of beer or three to four bottles of makgeolli. he drinks like that every day.

- every day. / - yes. there are 365 days in a year. and he drinks 360 days. - he drinks a lot. / - he does. and he becomes aggressive whenever he drinks. both my son and i are quite strong. - i can do a little bit of martial arts too. / - what? (wow) - she's great. / - i met my husband

at a martial arts gym. we hit it off while doing martial arts. - come on. / - one day... this is how you two fell in love? (their love sprang in martial arts gym.) - you fell in love while fighting. / - when he drinks too much, i can't control him. - there's a reason why he's rough. / - it's crazy. rather than him being naughty,

she must worry more about him drinking every day. it sounds like that's more of a problem. right? he drinks not once a while but every day. soongeon is still - in elementary school. / - right. - it's very bad for his education. / - right. i work as a chief secretary - for company executives. / - i see. - i always stay tense. / - yes.

- so i get stressed while working. / - right. - that's stressful. / - i relax when i come home. - he's living two lives. / - so i drink. - i'm always tense outside. / - you have to be tense. so i can't drink outside. do you know that he's doing it out of love? i know that he does it out of love. but it's still too extreme. - it's too extreme. / - you know how he feels,

but still, you get really annoyed and resentful a lot of times. right? - yes. / - you're serious about this. - yes. / - you want him to take it easy. - is it like this? / - then i want to ask him this. when he gets drunk and plays pranks on you, does he look like a different person? - sometimes. / - that's what he hates.

he says he's just playing, but does he scare you sometimes? when i get upset and hit him, - he gets really upset. / - does he really get upset? - yes. / - i see. - this is wrong. / - this is bad. - you went over the line. / - it's a drinking habit. - it's no joke. / - what do you think? i'm very surprised.

- of course. / - i never knew it was this serious. he's scared that you turn into a different person. right. - i should drink less. / - what you wanted was to become a dad who is like his son's best friend. right? when i was little, my father worked in saudi arabia. i didn't get to see him until i was older.

so i didn't get enough love from my father when i was growing up. since i only have one son, i wanted to make more memories with him. but because of all the drinking, - right. / - it hasn't been all pleasant. we can tell how much he loves his son. it's just that he needs to keep the line. i asked soongeon the question

because i like drinking too. one time, my son told me this. he said he was scared when my eyes changed after drinking. he once told me that, and i was reminded of it. so now i try not to drink in front of him. i'm telling you this out of my experience. think about when we were little. when dad comes home after drinking a lot, we got scared

- for no reason. / - right. from the children's point of view, - it can be scary. / - it's scary. soongeon must be worried, but his wife would be even more worried. your husband drinks every day. is his health okay? after he turned 40, he must've gotten weak. he sweats whenever he eats.

when i see him like that, i tell him to reduce the drinking and stay healthy. but he just dismisses me right away. there was one time he really made me sad. when he drinks a lot... - she was hurt. / - she must've been hurt. (she becomes emotional thinking about it.) he says this when he drinks a lot.

"when i get sick," "i'm going to go into a forest and die alone." "so don't worry about it." i feel so sad when i hear it, and it always lingers in my head. i hope he will drink a little less and stay healthy. - how can he say that? / - she would be worried. you said that when you were drunk, didn't you? - right. / - do you remember saying it?

- you don't, do you? / - i regret it a lot. we're not in the position to say this, but why don't you cut down the drinking? - that seems to be the solution. / - yes. you four alcoholics, come here. - what do you think? / - you should take it easy this year. - how about every other day? / - how? - monday, wednesday, friday. / - every other day.

- yes, every other day. / - monday, wednesday, friday. - that's a lot. / - taegyun, will you promise it? - i promise. / - dongyeop? why do i have to make that promise? (he's forced to make a promise.) - you are all in a similar situation. / - just do it. - will you drink less this year? / - okay. - okay. / - do you promise? - he has to promise us too. / - will you promise us?

(will he promise us?) yes, i will drink less too. (please, dad.) how do you feel now? will he keep his promise? i should trust him. - right. she should. / - you have to keep the promise. they're lovely. drinking is the only problem. - i know. / - what do you want from your son? he's always very lovely.

- yes. / - i hope he will remain lovely. i'm a little sad. when he was little, he used to approach me first. - he hugged and kissed me. / - yes. i really loved that. i want to do that now, but when i approach him, he gets frightens and runs away. he said your breath smells like food waste. (can that be the reason?)

you have to brush your teeth first. if he keeps the promise, soongeon might kiss him. - will you kiss him if he keeps his promise? / - yes. - all right. / - kiss him now. then show me how you're going to kiss him. - dad... / - kiss yeongja instead. you kiss her first. (yeongja loses.)

- bravo, soongeon. / - he's smart. - he's good. / - he's smart. - help him. / - your kiss will seal his promise. - go kiss your daddy. / - go. - don't be shy. / - don't be shy. - you should come. / - he won't drink too much. - that will do. / - come on, daddy. - kiss him on his cheek. / - kiss him. come on. get up.

- kiss him. / - it's not hard. - you'll keep your promise, right? / - stand sideways. - stand sideways. / - he's really tall. - he's really tall. / - right. that's it. - give him a kiss. / - tell him to keep his promise. tell him, "keep your promise." - keep your promise, dad. / - okay. (kissing) - thank you, son. / - what do you want?

how do you want to kiss him? (he kisses soongeon on his lips.) - i knew it. / - goodness. (he's satisfied.) - we like kissing our sons. / - wait. is there something you want to tell him? - dad, drink less. / - goodness. (he says he loves his daddy.) cosmic girls. do you think it's a worry?

we've been training since we were young, so we didn't get to live with our family. so i am jealous of this family. it's not a worry. i thought it was a worry, but they look really happy. - so i changed my mind. / - it's not a worry. - no. / - it's not a worry. if his dad keeps his promise, it won't be a worry anymore. it's not a worry.

if you think it's a worry, please press the button. - stop. / - stop. is there something you want to say to soongeon? soongeon, i made a promise. i'll cut down on drinking this year. i love you a lot. great. ma'am, please say a few words to your husband. everyone in our family believes in you, honey. you made a promise in front of everyone here today, so please make sure to keep your word.

that was so sweet. all right. your dad is saying he'll try to change, so i don't think you'll get that many votes. how many votes you think you'll get? - i'm thinking 50. / - 50 votes? - all right. / - he's so wise. please show us the result. (the result) he's expecting 50 votes.

- my gosh. / - did it get 36 votes? will it be 46 or 56? it got 46 votes! (his story got 46 votes.) this makes "shall i get divorced?" the winner of this week. the winner will receive a prize which will help him overcome his worry. congratulations. until the day we are all worry-free,

hello counselor will continue to counsel you. - thank you! / - thank you! ("i think i love u" by sonamoo)


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