
Ocak, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

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[instrumental music] [music continues] (david)'well, this isgregory allen lazzarato.' (judy)'we just got homeabout...ten minutes ago.' gregory sleptthe whole way home. (david)'that's the proud mommy.' this the proud daddy. [chuckles] 'is adam gonna givegreg eskimos?' 'okay, let's see.' 'first mommy.' 'okay, now greg.' 'eskimo! yeah!' hm. hi, baby. (david)'gregory, is it funhaving a little brother?' 'cause you've been a littlebrother for a long time now.' 'adam.' (david) as young kids, adam and cory were quiet, thoughtful, little milder. you know, could sit by themselves and look at a book. greg was born and you go,"oh, my god, wow!" you know, this one's different. the energy that greg has.. the zest for life,if i can use that expression comes from his mother,i mean, i hope i have a zest for life too but, uh certainly comes from his mom. [david laughing] (davi

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before the procedure begins sophie is lightly sedated-. this means that she will remain awake during the procedure, but she will be calm and relaxed.we then inject local anaesthetic to numb the area that we are going to treat. this waythe patient should feel no pain during surgery â the fat is then liquefied with a vaser probe. the technology used is ultrasound energy,which targets the fat cells and causes them to break up so that they are easily removed.the surrounding nerves and blood vessels are not damaged making the recovery process mucheasier. the local anaesthetic has now taken affectand sophie does not feel much except mild tugging. with the conscious sedation she isable to talk to us during the procedure. the liquefied fat is then extracted usinga tiny cannula with gentle suction process into a sterile system. â during this suctioningprocess the treatment areas are contoured for a natural result. the fat is cleaned and washed leaving us withsophie’s pure fat. the fat i

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hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel superhourglass. today we are going to discuss which proceduresdo i need to get an hourglass shape. in this channel, we will discuss everythingyou need to know for you to get the hourglass shape you’ve always wanted. welcome back. if you do not have a natural hourglass shape,there are different procedures that can provide you with this unique sexy shape. before you decide which procedure you want,there are certain things we need to determine before your surgery: 1. do you have excess skin in your belly? 2. is your skin very tight? 3. do you want to have a buttock shape at thesame time? 4. how much fat to you have? 5. do you want to have breast surgery combinedwith an hourglass surgery? for example, if you have babies, you willmost likely have excess skin, which is why a tummy tuck would be ideal for you. this procedure is also suggested for thosewho have a square shape because it will give you a smaller midsect

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we will counsel you on your unspeakable concerns. national... - competition on worries! / - competition on worries! all right. i'll introduce today's guests to you. she got married and became a mom last year. - that happened so quickly. / - i know. please welcome the model and actress, jung kaeun! hello. hello, everyone. this year will be an amazing one for these girls. please welcome cheng xiao and bona of cosmic girls. - hello. / - hello. - they're so pretty. / - yes. you said your baby is gifted. you brag about it a lot. about two weeks ago she suddenly grabbed a pen like this. - she must be a strong baby. / - she's six months old. then she scribbled like this in a notebook. - all babies do that. / - it's common at that age. - i'm serious. / - she'll do it until she's four. this reminds me of something. - i host a show about animals. / - you host it. someone contacted us saying, "my dog can talk." - when we went there... / - what happe