breast augmentation nyc questions

breast augmentation nyc questions

a breast augmentation is one of our most popularprocedures. it’s a safe and simple procedure used toenhance or enlarge a woman’s breast. it’s an outpatient surgery, it usually takes45 to an hour to perform. the ideal for breast augmentation is someonethat has pretty realistic goals in terms of where they’re starting, where they wantto end up, and then anatomically when i examine them, that they have a size and shape thatallows me to accomplish the goals that they want. choosing the right implant is one of the mostimportant aspects of breast augmentation. you will have the opportunity to sit downwith your surgeon and together form a customized

individual treatment plan and have the chanceto try on different size implants, so you and your surgeon can feel comfortable withthe implant you select. breast augmentation surgery can be performedwith other procedure or on it own. in general, when it is performed on its ownthe recovery time for it is a few days there may be some activity restrictions for up to3 weeks, but for the most part we perform the surgery, say on a thursday, they’re usuallyback to work by monday. the risk and complications of a breast augmentationinclude post-operative bleeding which can occur about 1-300 patients; breast infectionaround an implant which is extremely rare and we are always concerned of that asymmetryand rippling of the breast implant.

the risk and complications are fortunatelyvery low. at columbus aesthetic & plastic surgery, ourdoctors make the difference. our goal is to make you… look better… feel better… live better! to learn more, schedule your consultationtoday.


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