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breast augmentation deals utah

hello, my name’s adrian richards, i’ma plastic and cosmetic surgeon based here in the united kingdom. today i’m going tobe showing you the different stages in a sub glandular breast implant. so this is an operationwhere i’m placing the implant in front, rather than behind the muscle. i’m usingthis technique in this lady because she’s got sufficient natural breast tissue to allowenough thickness of breast coverage over the implant in this this is actually in the operation, you can see the first stage is really just tomark the incision so i’m just double checking my markings. in this case, i’m just loweringthe inframammary fold slightly. you can see the first marking above is the position ofthe inframammary fold and i’m just lowering

it slightly so the incision will lie in thefold. the next stage is just to put some local anaestheticin the incision and here i am infiltrating the cavity under the breast tissue with aweakened solution of local anaesthetic. this has the got the dual advantages of creatingcomplete pain relief after the operation and you can, and i have performed the operationpurely under local anaesthetic with the patient awake. the next stage is really just to gothrough the skin, the yellow tissue you can see there is the fatty tissue and then i justlike to divide this with my electrocautery as this will coagulate any blood vessels onthe way in so there’ll be no blood at all in this procedure, so no bleeding. here youcan see i’ve created the cavity above the

muscle and i just like to check that everything’sabsolutely free in there. i like to insert a temporary inflatable implantwhich i’ve just done there and as you can see, i’m blowing it up with a syringe. sothis gives me really fine control of the size of the implant. so i blow up the inflatableimplant until i get very good filling of the breast cavity, remove that implant and thendouble check for haemostasis and i’m trying to show here the nerves which come in fromthe side which supply the nipple. i will always try and preserve those if possible. next stageis really just to clean everything out, here i’m just irrigating the cavity with somesterile saline solution, just to remove any bacteria and make sure everything is absolutelyas clean as possible. i then like to insert

some antibiotics, this is gentamicin whichwill lie around the implant and this further reduces the risk of infection. i then cleanthe skin again with iodine which is antiseptic and change my gloves so absolutely new glovestouch the implant. i’m the only one who touches the implant, again to reduce any riskof infection and then the implant, you can see, is inserted there under the breast tissue.that’s the appearance with the breast implant inserted, just clean everything up, checkeverything fits, is nice and soft and then sew up the wound in three layers. this isthe second layer going in, this is the layer which i’ve inserted here just under theskin to hold the skin together and the final layer is just a very fine stitch placed ina running fashion in the dermis here. so it’s

absorbable, doesn’t need to be removed butthe ends, which i’m demonstrating here, will need to be trimmed at a week followingthe surgery. the next stage is to place some glue over the incision and this allows peopleto wash from an early period because that seals the wound from any potential bacteria.i then place some brown tape on the incision and a surgical you can see pictures taken before the operation and here, six weeks afterwards.thank you for taking time to watch the video, i hope you found it interesting and informative.if you’d like any more information about breast augmentation, please feel free to visitour website and we also have a number of podcasts talking to patientswho’ve had these procedures which you may

find helpful to listen to. so thank you verymuch again for listening to the video, please feel free to contact us if you’d like anymore information.


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