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breast augmentation cost uk

hello, my name’s adrian richards, i’ma consultant plastic and cosmetic surgeon and i’m also the surgical director of auroraclinics. today i’m going to be talking about replacement of breast implants. this is anincreasing problem and i’m seeing more and more patients who come to me to ask shouldi have my implants exchanged, what are the pros, what are the cons. so basically, implants,the current ones we estimate they last about 15 years so you’ll probably need them replacedafter 15 years. but what i tell my patients is if there isn’t a problem with the implants,you don’t necessarily need to change them. so if you had breast implants 20 years ago,your breasts are nice and soft, you’ve had an ultrasound which shows that the implantsintact, there’s not a problem, you don’t

need to change them because in fact an operationhas risks in itself. so if you’re happy with them, you haven’t got any problem,it’s probably best to leave them alone. if you have got problems, what could theseproblems be? these problems can be capsulisation which is basically where the implants go normally when the go firm, this is the body forming a capsule around, the liningaround the implant which compresses, makes them go firm and often high. so the implantsare slightly higher and the breasts slightly lower. so that’s capsule formation whichi’ve talked about in another video which is an indication of change in the implants.another one is if there’s any indication that the implant may have ruptured so if youfeel there’s been a recent change, we’d

normally arrange an ultrasound or an mri tolook at the integrity of the breast implant and if there is any rupture, that is a goodreason to have them removed and replaced. another reason might be what’s called asilicone granuloma. so sometimes you can get lumps in your armpits, you have lymph glandswhich act as sieves under your armpit and they would drain any silicone. so if thereis any silicone bleed which is a slight ooze from the implant, that can cause a lumpinessunder the armpit. again, that’s a reason to remove them. the final main reason is you’renot happy with the aesthetic results of the implant. they may have been fine but they’vechanged, maybe you’ve had pregnancies or your breast shape has changed. so that isan indication if aesthetically you’re not

pleased with the appearance of the particular, i’ve seen a lot of patients who’ve had the implants put in a sub muscularposition, that’s under the pectoralis muscle, where the implants lie high because the pectoralismuscle tends to hold the implants high and with time, breast tissue itself goes downand this leads to a phenomenon called the double bubble effect which i’ll talk aboutin another video. so essentially, if your breasts are okay andyou haven’t got a problem, probably best to leave them alone. if you’ve got any ofthe problems that i’ve just talked about, you could consider having them removed butyou need to think long and carefully about the pros and cons of doing thank you very much for listening to the

video, we hope to see you soon and pleasefeel free to contact us at any time, either via the website, email or phone if you’dlike to arrange a consultation or just like some advice. thank you.


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