breast augmentation cost toronto

breast augmentation cost toronto

hi, i'm dr. frank lista and here we are atthe recovery room at the plastic surgery clinic. just by the way, our recovery room is a state-of-the-artsurgical facility with expert nurses who are specialists in the recovering of patientsafter surgery and we think it's the most beautiful recovery room in toronto. anyways, a mommymakeover is an operation which has become super popular these days. basically, it'sto correct the changes that happen in a woman's body with childbearing. so what we do in amommy makeover is usually something to the tummy, which could be either a tummy tuckor liposuction, and often combined with something else, and the most common things we combineit with are breast surgery. and so the breast surgery could either be a breast reduction,a breast lift, a breast implant, or an implant

and a lift. you see, what we're trying todo is correct the changes that naturally occur in women's bodies when they're having babies.and a lot of those things are sagging of the breasts, loss of breast volume, loss of firmnessof the breasts. but also tummy problems, and tummy problems are stretched skin, musclesthat have come apart, and looseness of the abdomen with a little bit of fatty fullness.all of those changes are things that you can't really make better with diet and exercise,because diet and exercise can't make your tummy muscles go back together and they can'tget rid of loose skin. so when we're doing a mommy makeover we're doing a tummy tuckand a breast surgery at the same time. the advantage of doing them at the same time isthat the recovery is fairly easy and the time

off work or the time off taking care of yourfamily is the same as if you were having just one operation. and one operation is easierto get over than two operations. in fact, we think it's actually safer. my partner dr.ahmad and i have just published a paper in the aesthetic surgery journal where we lookedat the complication rates and they're very low and the complication rates for havingboth operations is the same as having one operation. so it's a really safe operationto do at the same time, there's a little bit of cost savings because there's just one anestheticso we pass that cost savings on to the patient, and it's easier to have one operation thantwo. so our study shows that it's perfectly safe to do both at the same time and it'sa huge convenience.


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