uk breast augmentation
hello, my name’s adrian richards, i’ma plastic surgeon and today i’m going to be talking about an operation i did recentlyin which i exchanged some implants and performed a breast uplift procedure. this is the pictureof the lady before and as you can see, the implants are in a very high, sub muscularposition. they’d been inserted by another surgeon through the armpit and the nippleis in a very low position, giving rather an unnatural appearance to the breast.this is my planning stage at the beginning of the operation, i’ve marked the area wherei’m planning to remove the skin and i’m going to lift the nipple up to that higherposition. this is my incision to access the implant and remove the implant. my first stageis to remove the superficial layers of the skin from my incision and the reason for thisis i like to get a good layer to stitch to close the area. this is where i’m planningon cutting through the deeper tissue, here i am cutting through the dermis. my next ...