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we are pasadena surgeons a group of expertand dedicated medical professionals. we've recently renovated our office andwe're the san gabriel valley's number one choice for the mommy makeoverprocedure and more! our patients receive personal, unrushedattention, one-on-one meeting with the doctor, apersonalized boutique experience and all care is administered by doctorsonly, from laser to injectable, to scalpel. and a thoroughfollow-up by the same surgeon to ensure you heal properly and safely.pasadena surgeon was created in 2009 by dr. shankar lakshman, a skilledsurgeon dual board certified in plastic surgery and hand surgery. he has been voted a top doc inpasadena magazine since it began in 2006 and was voted city's best for the mommymakeover procedure dr. meghana frenchman joined him in 2012 who is a board-certified internist andbrings the safety and knowledge of medicine, along with her artistry, to lasertreatments skin care analysis and injectables likebotox. we&#

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we are pasadena surgeons a group of expertand dedicated medical professionals. we've recently renovated our office andwe're the san gabriel valley's number one choice for the mommy makeoverprocedure and more! our patients receive personal, unrushedattention, one-on-one meeting with the doctor, apersonalized boutique experience and all care is administered by doctorsonly, from laser to injectable, to scalpel. and a thoroughfollow-up by the same surgeon to ensure you heal properly and safely.pasadena surgeon was created in 2009 by dr. shankar lakshman, a skilledsurgeon dual board certified in plastic surgery and hand surgery. he has been voted a top doc inpasadena magazine since it began in 2006 and was voted city's best for the mommymakeover procedure dr. meghana frenchman joined him in 2012 who is a board-certified internist andbrings the safety and knowledge of medicine, along with her artistry, to lasertreatments skin care analysis and injectables likebotox. we&#

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lacey: there's a million blonde girls with big boobs in this world. but there's not amillion blonde girls with humongous boobs, in this world. lacey: it just so happens that i am one of those. and one of the only one of those. comm: lacey wildd's boobs went from c cup to d cup overnight with her first implantat the age of twenty four. now she's a triple l and has made a career out of her boobs butshe wants to go even larger. lacey: i've had over twenty two surgeries. i look more like a blow up barbie i guessyou could say. lacey: well i went and seen a doctor today, to find out exactly what's going on with mysituation, where i'm at right now with my breasts. lacey: i was thinking about expanding. i just wanna know the risks and what your take ison my whole breast expanding procedures. lacey: due to the size of lacey's implants, an enlargement is not without risks. doctor: after very thorough history and physical examination, i was able to ascertain

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this is ellen, and she wants to get plasticsurgery in san diego california. but not just any kind of plastic surgery,the best breast augmentation surgeon in san diego california.so she found us, because we’re the best! from the latest technologies and state-of-the-artequipment to highly trained specialists, our plastic surgery team offers the highest qualitybreast augmentation in san diego california. we will go over the pros and cons of saline and siliconebreast implants making sure you pick the one that best fits your needs. we can also dofat transfer breast augmentation, breast lift surgery for women who want a better shapefor their natural breasts, or even total breast reconstruction. we also do breast reduction surgery for womenwho need to achieve a breast size in proportion with their body and to alleviate the discomfortassociated with overly large breasts, revision breast surgery to repair previous implants,symmastia repair, scar treatment, and so much more. all done by

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bjbjlulu hello, my name is adrian richards.i'm a plastic surgeon and i'm the surgical director of aurora clinics. in this operation,i'm going to be taking you through each stage of an operation of a lady who had pip implantsplaced in 2008, and she suspects that certainly her right implant may be upside down. ourpatient today has got pip implants. they've been inserted via an incision here at thebottom of the nipple, but they're lying at different heights. one of the problems i oftenfind when people have had implants placed this way, it is very difficult to get themto sit exactly right. so this implant is sitting here. i'm just going to measure that. so thatis 8.5 centimetres from the fold there. on this side, sitting much higher, and that distanceis 8 centimetres. so i've got to lower the fold by half a centimetre this side. insteadof going in this way, i'm going to do an incision here, which gives me much better control ofthe fold. the first stage

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hi everyone! here we are in o.r. 1, this isthe number one operating room here at the plastic surgery clinic, and what a lot ofpeople have asked me to talk about is implant projection. so, people want to know, whatis the difference between low projection, medium projection, moderate plus projection,and high projection? what does that mean? lots of people think that projection meanshow high the implant stands. it doesn't. projection means how far out the implant projects orsticks forward in the frontways direction. let me show you 2 different implants. so theseimplants, these 2 implants are both 400cc implants. but this implant is a high projectingimplant, and this implant is a moderate projecting implant. so you see this implant sticks outmore in the front to back direction than this implant does. but they're both 400cc's. now,if they're both 400cc's the higher projecting implant is also narrower. so if you look atthese 2 implants you see how this one is narrowe

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bjbja my name's adrian richards. i'm a plasticsurgeon and the surgical director of aurora clinics. in this operation, i'm going to beexchanging some pip implants. our lady's had them in for a number of years. she's worriedabout the pip issues, and she's not sure about the integrity of the implants. so we're goingto be changing them and exchanging them for slightly larger implants. i'll take you througheach stage of the operation. that is the old scar there. i'm going to remove the old scar.the first stage of the operation is to put local anaesthetic under the scar. this reducesthe pain of the operation afterwards because there's a local anaesthetic, long lasting,eight hour anaesthetic under the scar. then the next phase of the operation is just toremove the scar. i'm just doing that now. you get a better scar if you completely removethe old scar so you're back to fresh, virgin tissue on both sides. i'm just removing thescar there